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Last active February 28, 2020 17:03
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Project Feedback Name: Maria Ronauli

As a whole:

What is one thing that went unusually well during this project? I think our group gelled pretty well together in terms of personality which translated well into our workflow. In addition, we had concrete steps and plans of action in terms of what we wanted to accomplish each day. In hindsight, is there anything you would have done differently? In general our workflow was smooth, however we spent a good chunk of Saturday waiting for one piece of functionality from another. We had anticipated that working on pieces seperately would not disrupt the flow, however this wasn't exactly the case. This resulted in a bit of time wasted.

Partner: Paul Debevec

Project Reflection

If you were working with this partner again, what is something that you would want to focus on improving as a team? If I were to work with Paul again, I would focus on what functionality depends on another piece of functionality if we were to take a divide and conquer approach. Feedback for your partner

What strengths did your partner bring to the project? Paul brought a lot of insight to the table. When we were in a productive struggle, he didn't just outright give us the answer. He let us process through our logic. If we didn't come up with a solution to a problem after a good amount of productive struggle, he would chime in. What is something they could do better? One of the things Paul mentioned in his DTR in terms of what he wanted to work on was his confidence. However, towards the beginning of our project he said something like "I'm talking too much" even though I communicated he was making good points. In the future, I think he could start off stronger by not saying something like this unless someone has mentioned it.

Partner: David Holtkamp

What strengths did your partner bring to the project? David brought good energy to the table. There were times when we were all a bit tense and he recognized this. He broke the ice by making jokes and/or suggesting a POM. He also made good points especially towards the last day of our project when instead of passing in a merchant we could just call self in the method. What is something they could do better? I think David could be better pushing himself out of his comfort zone. We didn't take the divide and conquer approach very much in our project. However, I think it would have been nice he recommended this approach when we did have the opportunity to do it. If you were working with this partner again, what is something that you would want to focus on improving as a team? If I were to work with David again, I would want to focus on being able to do things seperately to push ourselves and coming together if our productive struggle has reached its peak.

Partner: Nathan Keller

What strengths did your partner bring to the project? Nathan was proactive when going back to refactor and spotting edge cases. For instance he had went back to change the flash messages so they were are consistent with each other. In addition, he was proactive about edge cases like the e-mail and not being allowed to put in an e-mail that was invalid. What is something they could do better? Nathan completed a lot of functionality, no doubt. I think he could be better about answering questions when they were presented. In my opinion, when I stopped to ask questions, I think he would breeze through them thinking I would understand his process immediately. If you were working with this partner again, what is something that you would want to focus on improving as a team? If I were to work with Nathan again, I would focus on thinking through his logic and asking questions when I have tried to understand his viewpoint but still need a bit more explanation.

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