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Created February 12, 2019 18:37
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Cache functions that return promises with a TTL
* Memioze a function with a TTL
* @param func {function} The function to memioze (can return promise)
* @param ttl {number?} milliseconds to cache results (default = 30000)
* @param ttlError {number?} milliseconds to cache errors (default = ttl = 30000)
* @param initialValue {*} an optional value to return before initial func() result
* @return {{get: (function(...[*]=): Promise<*>), clear: (function(): void)}}
export function memoizeWithTTL ({ func, ttl = 30000, ttlError = ttl, initialValue }) {
let cache = {}
return {
clear: (key) => {
if (key) {
cache[key] = { expires: 0, state: '', value: initialValue }
} else {
cache = {}
get: async (...args) => {
const cacheKey = crypto.createHash('sha1')
cache[cacheKey] = cache[cacheKey] || { expires: 0, state: '', value: initialValue }
const cachedItem = cache[cacheKey]
// If TTL has expired then get the updated value from func
if (cachedItem.expires < new Date().getTime() && cachedItem.state !== 'pending') {
cachedItem.state = 'pending'
try {
cachedItem.value = await func(...args)
cachedItem.expires = new Date().getTime() + ttl
cachedItem.state = 'resolved'
} catch (error) {
cachedItem.value = error
cachedItem.expires = new Date().getTime() + ttlError
cachedItem.state = 'rejected'
// Return the cached value
if (cachedItem.state === 'rejected') {
throw cachedItem.value
return cachedItem.value
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