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Last active April 22, 2024 07:16
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Functional JavaScript Monad Classes - (Maybe Just Nothing) - (Either Left Right) (IOMonad) and my type checking utils
import is from './is-util';
* Either Monad class (from Functional Programming in JavaScript)
class Either {
constructor(value) {
this._value = value;
get value () {
return this._value;
static fromNullable (a) {
// Book doesn't check if a is undefined. Am I wrong to check for undefined?
return !is.defined(a) || is.none(a) ? Either.left(a) : Either.right(a);
static left (a) {
return new Left(a);
static right (a) {
return new Right(a);
static of(a) {
return Either.right(a);
* Left class is meant to handle errors or possible unexpected results.
* (Left is a bit similar to Nothing)
class Left extends Either {
constructor(unexpectedResult) {
map (fn) {
return this;
get value () {
throw new TypeError(`Can't extract value from a Left() monad`);
getOrElse (other) {
return other;
orElse (fn) {
return fn(this._value);
getOrElseThrow (a) {
throw new Error(a);
filter (fn) {
return this;
get isNothing () {
return true;
toString () {
return `[object Either.Left] (value: ${this._value})`;
* Right monad used for handling valid/expected types of results
class Right extends Either {
constructor (value) {
get value () {
return this._value;
getOrElse () {
return this.value;
orElse () {
return this;
getOrElseThrow (a) {
return this.value;
chain (fn) {
return fn(this.value);
filter (fn) {
return Either.fromNullable(fn(this.value) ? this.value : null);
toString() {
return `[object Either.Right] (value: ${this._value})`;
import is from './is-util';
* The IOMonad class (from Functional Programming in JavaScript)
export class IOMonad {
constructor (effect) {
if ( !is.callable(effect) ) {
throw new Error(`IOMonad expects a callable effect! Saw ${typeof effect}`);
this.effect = effect;
static of (a) {
return new IOMonad( () => a );
static from (fn) {
return new IOMonad( fn );
map (fn) {
return new IOMonad( () => fn(this.effect()) );
chain (fn) {
return fn( this.effect );
run () {
return this.effect();
import is from './is-util';
* This is the Maybe monad class (from Functional Programming in JavaScript).
* (Errata found in code has been fixed)
* Factory `Maybe.fromNullable` lifts a value into either a `Just`
* or a `Nothing` monad class.
class Maybe {
constructor() {}
static fromNullable (a) {
return !is.defined(a) || is.none(a) ? Maybe.nothing() : Maybe.just(a);
static nothing() {
return new Nothing();
static just(a) {
return new Just(a);
static of(a) {
return Maybe.just(a);
get isNothing() {
return false;
get isJust() {
return false;
* Nothing class wraps undefined or null values and prevents errors
* that otherwise occur when mapping unexpected undefined or null
* values
class Nothing extends Maybe {
get value () {
throw new TypeError(`Can't extract value from Nothing`);
getOrElse (other) {
return other;
map (fn) {
return this;
filter () {
return this.value;
get isNothing () {
return true;
toString () {
return `[object Maybe.Nothing] (value: ${this._value})`;
* Monad Just used for valid values
class Just extends Maybe {
constructor (value) {
this._value = value;
get value () {
return this._value;
getOrElse () {
return this.value;
map (fn) {
return Maybe.of(fn(this.value));
filter (fn) {
return Maybe.fromNullable(fn(this.value) ? this.value : null);
get isJust () {
return true;
toString() {
return `[object Maybe.Just] (value: ${this._value})`;
* Base Wrapper Monad class (from Functional Programming in JavaScript)
* (Errata found in code has been fixed)
class Wrapper {
constructor (value) {
this._value = value;
static of (a) {
return new Wrapper(a);
map (f) {
return Wrapper.of( f(this._value) );
join () {
return this._value instanceof Wrapper ? this.value.join() : this;
toString () {
return `[object Wrapper] (value: ${this._value})`
* Utilities for testing values for type
* ```
* if ( is.none(val) ) { "Value is null" }
* if ( is.object(val) ) { "Value is a real object" }
* if ( is.objectType(val) ) { "Value is of type object" }
* if ( is.array(val) ) { "Value is an Array" }
* if ( is.callable(val) ) { "Value is a Function" }
* if ( is.defined(val) ) { "Value is not undefined" }
* if ( is.string(val) ) { "Value is a String" }
* if ( is.number(val) ) { "Value is a number" }
* if ( is.a(val, B) ) { "Value is of type B" }
* if ( is.thenable(val) ) { "Value is has then function" }
* ```
export default class is {
static none(testValue) {
return !testValue && typeof testValue === "object";
static objectType(testValue) {
return !!testValue && typeof testValue === "object";
static object(testValue) {
return is.objectType(testValue) && testValue.constructor !== Array;
static array(testValue) {
return is.objectType(testValue) && testValue.constructor === Array;
static callable(testValue) {
return typeof testValue === "function";
static defined(testValue) {
return typeof testValue !== "undefined";
static string(testValue) {
return typeof testValue === "string";
static number(testValue) {
return typeof testValue === "number" && !Number.isNaN(testValue);
// Class
static a(testValue, typeConstructor) {
return (is.objectType(testValue) || is.callable(testValue)) && testValue.constructor === typeConstructor;
// Promise
static thenable(testValue) {
return is.objectType(testValue) && is.callable(testValue.then);
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@mrosata possible to beg for a classless version? :)
I can impl it myself, but I'm wondering if there are any gotchas my naive mind has overlooked, that would reveal a need to use classes over just functions. Btw, this is an on going debate in my head...for years now

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