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Created December 9, 2017 04:13
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import xlrd
import sys
import uuid
from lxml import etree as ET
def _gen_group_indices(book, sheet_index):
Create data structure to store lists of row indices keyed by _parent_index.
Sample dict:
{3.0: [2, 3], 2.0: [1], u'_parent_index': [0], 4.0: [4, 5], 5.0: [6]}
colnames = book.sheet_by_index(sheet_index).row_values(0)
print "########## -", colnames, "########"
g_parent_table_name_column_index = colnames.index("_parent_table_name")
g_parent_index_col_index = colnames.index("_parent_index")
# _parent_table_name_col_index = _get_col_index(1, headers, '_parent_table_name')
group_indices = {}
group_sheet = book.sheet_by_index(sheet_index)
for i, v in enumerate(group_sheet.col_values(g_parent_index_col_index)):
if v in group_indices:
group_indices[v] = [i]
# print group_indices
return group_indices
# def _gen_group_index_list(book):
Create list of dicts store lists of row indices keyed by _parent_index, keyed by sheetname
Sample dict:
{{3.0: [2, 3], 2.0: [1], u'_parent_index': [0], 4.0: [4, 5], 5.0: [6]}}
book = xlrd.open_workbook('xls-to-xml-nrepeats.xlsx')
group_index_list = []
groups_indices = {}
for s_i, sheetname in enumerate(book.sheet_names()):
if s_i == 0:
print group_index_list, "o"
print "-----------------",s_i, 's_i'
groups_indices[sheetname] = _gen_group_indices(book, s_i)
# print groups_indices, "lalalalalallalalalala"
# print " line 184 !!!!!!!!!!o!!!!!!!!!!!", group_indices
# group_indices = _gen_group_indices(book, sheet_i)
# print "*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*" "*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*", [x_i for x_i, count in group_sheet_indices.iteritems()]
# for k, v in group_indices.iteritems():
# print "*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*", "bbb", k,"-----", v
print "lineeeeee 57", group_index_list, '&*&*&*&*&*&*&*'
# print "LLLLLLLLine 58", group_indices
# [{u'group_cooking': {3.0: [2, 3], 2.0: [1], u'_parent_index': [0], 4.0: [4, 5], 5.0: [6]}, u'pets': {3.0: [2], 2.0: [1], u'_parent_index': [0], 4.0: [3, 4, 5]}}, {u'group_cooking': {3.0: [2, 3], 2.0: [1], u'_parent_index': [0], 4.0: [4, 5], 5.0: [6]}, u'pets': {3.0: [2], 2.0: [1], u'_parent_index': [0], 4.0: [3, 4, 5]}}, {u'group_cooking': {3.0: [2, 3], 2.0: [1], u'_parent_index': [0], 4.0: [4, 5], 5.0: [6]}, u'pets': {3.0: [2], 2.0: [1], u'_parent_index': [0], 4.0: [3, 4, 5]}}]
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