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Last active December 27, 2015 18:49
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Save mroth23/7372597 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Analyses (SQL) transaction histories for possible conflicts.
import Control.Monad.State
import Prelude hiding (reads)
-- A list of dirty records, along with the transactions that wrote to them
-- Also contains a list of read records
data TransactionState = TransactionState
{ dirtyRecs :: [(Reg, Int)]
, reads :: [(Reg, Int)]
, dirtyCommits :: [Int]
, dirtyReads :: [Int]
, dirtyWrites :: [Int] }
deriving (Show)
initialState :: TransactionState
initialState =
TransactionState { dirtyRecs = []
, reads = []
, dirtyCommits = []
, dirtyReads = []
, dirtyWrites = [] }
type HExec a = State TransactionState a
data Action =
R Int Reg |
W Int Reg |
C Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Reg =
deriving (Eq, Show)
data HistoryType =
NonRecoverable | Recoverable | AvoidsCascadingAborts | Strict
deriving (Eq, Show)
type History = [Action]
ha, hb, hc :: History
ha =
[R 3 SDC
,R 3 SIL
,R 1 SAL
,W 1 SAL
,R 1 SFL
,W 1 SFL
,C 1
,R 3 SFL
,R 3 SKY
,R 3 SNY
,C 3]
hb =
[R 1 SAL
,W 1 SAL
,R 2 SKY
,W 2 SKY
,R 2 SCA
,R 3 SDC
,R 3 SIL
,R 3 SFL
,R 3 SKY
,R 3 SNY
,R 1 SFL
,W 1 SFL
,C 1
,W 2 SCA
,R 2 SAL
,W 2 SAL
,C 2
,C 3]
hc =
[R 1 SAL
,W 1 SAL
,R 2 SKY
,W 2 SKY
,R 2 SCA
,W 2 SCA
,R 2 SAL
,W 2 SAL
,R 3 SDC
,R 3 SIL
,R 1 SFL
,W 1 SFL
,C 1
,R 3 SFL
,R 3 SKY
,R 3 SNY
,C 3
,C 2]
findConflicts :: History -> [(Action, Action)]
findConflicts [] = []
findConflicts (h : hs) =
(findConflict h hs) ++ (findConflicts hs)
findConflict :: Action -> History -> [(Action, Action)]
findConflict _ [] =
findConflict (C _) _ =
findConflict a@(R x o) h =
map ((,) a) .
filter (isW x o) $
findConflict a@(W x o) h =
map ((,) a) .
filter (isW x o) $
isW :: Int -> Reg -> Action -> Bool
isW _ _ (C _) = False
isW _ _ (R _ _) = False
isW x o (W y p) = (o == p) && (x /= y)
findHistoryType :: History -> HistoryType
findHistoryType h =
case (no_dc, no_dr, no_dw) of
(_ , [], []) -> Strict
(_ , [], _ ) -> AvoidsCascadingAborts
([], _ , _ ) -> Recoverable
(_ , _ , _ ) -> NonRecoverable
s = execState (executeHistory h) initialState
no_dc = dirtyCommits s
no_dr = dirtyReads s
no_dw = dirtyWrites s
executeHistory :: History -> HExec ()
executeHistory [] =
return ()
executeHistory ((C i) : hs) = do
state <- get
-- Get all reads by this transaction
let rs = map fst . filter ((== i) . snd) $ reads state
-- Check if any of them are on dirty records
dirty = map fst . filter ((/= i) . snd) $ dirtyRecs state
-- Check if any of the reads are on other transaction's dirty records
dts = [] == filter (`elem` dirty) rs
dirtyCommits' = dirtyCommits state
if dts
then modify $ \s -> s { dirtyCommits = i : dirtyCommits' }
else return ()
-- Remove the newly-commited dirty records from state
let dirtyRecs' = dirtyRecs state
modify $ \s -> s { dirtyRecs = filter ((/= i) . snd) dirtyRecs' }
executeHistory hs
executeHistory ((R x o) : hs) = do
state <- get
-- Check if record we're reading from was written to by another transaction
let dirtyRead = elem o (map fst . filter ((/= x) . snd) $ dirtyRecs state)
dirtyReads' = dirtyReads state
reads' = reads state
if dirtyRead
then modify $ \s -> s { dirtyReads = x : dirtyReads' }
else return ()
modify $ \s -> s { reads = (o, x) : reads' }
executeHistory hs
executeHistory ((W x o) : hs) = do
state <- get
-- Check if record we're writing to was written to by another transaction
let dirtyWrite = elem o (map fst . filter ((/= x) . snd) $ dirtyRecs state)
dirtyWrites' = dirtyWrites state
dirtyRecs' = dirtyRecs state
if dirtyWrite
then modify $ \s -> s { dirtyWrites = x : dirtyWrites' }
else return ()
modify $ \s -> s { dirtyRecs = (o, x) : dirtyRecs' }
executeHistory hs
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