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Last active December 30, 2015 15:19
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Save mroth23/7847256 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(Re-upload of a private Gist) An enigma machine written in Haskell. Uses some weird IO code because of file dependencies (for the rotors and machine specification).
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as MV
import Control.Monad
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Environment
data Rotor =
Rotor { forwardAlphabet :: [Int]
, offset :: Int }
data Reflector =
data Plugboard =
Plugboard { pbAlphabet :: [Int] }
data EnigmaMachine =
EnigmaMachine { plugboard :: Plugboard
, rotors :: [Rotor]
, reflector :: Reflector }
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let argc = length args
plugboardFile <- readPlugboardFile $ args !! (argc - 1)
let plb = Plugboard { pbAlphabet = plugboardFile }
rotorCount = argc - 1
rotorAlphabets <- case rotorCount of
0 -> return []
x -> mapM (readRotorFile args) [0..rotorCount - 1]
let rs = flip map rotorAlphabets $
(\f -> Rotor { forwardAlphabet=f, offset=1 })
mc <- newIORef $ EnigmaMachine {plugboard=plb, rotors=rs, reflector=Reflector}
forever $ do
eof <- isEOF
when eof $ exitSuccess
input <- getChar
machine <- readIORef mc
then do let alphabetIx = ord input - ord 'A'
writeIORef mc (rotate machine)
putChar . chr $ enigmaEncode machine alphabetIx + ord 'A'
else return ()
readPlugboardFile :: String -> IO [Int]
readPlugboardFile path = do
fileContents <- readFile path
let processed = map (read :: String -> Int) . words $ fileContents
return $ readContents processed (V.generate (26 :: Int) id)
readContents :: [Int] -> V.Vector Int -> [Int]
readContents (a:a':as) vect =
readContents as $
V.modify (\v -> MV.write v a' a) $
V.modify (\v -> MV.write v a a') vect
readContents [] vect = V.toList vect
readRotorFile :: [String] -> Int -> IO [Int]
readRotorFile args ix = do
fileContents <- readFile $ args !! ix
let fwdAlphabet = map (read :: String -> Int) . words $ fileContents
return fwdAlphabet
class Part a where
encodeCharacter :: a -> Int -> Int
encodeCharacterR :: a -> Int -> Int
instance Part Rotor where
encodeCharacter r c =
(((forwardAlphabet r) !! index) - offset r) `mod` 26
index = (c + offset r) `mod` 26
encodeCharacterR r c =
(filter (\x -> encodeCharacter r x == c) [0..25]) !! 0
instance Part Reflector where
encodeCharacter r c =
(c + 13) `mod` 26
instance Part Plugboard where
encodeCharacter r c =
(pbAlphabet r) !! c
addRotor :: Rotor -> EnigmaMachine -> EnigmaMachine
addRotor r e = e { rotors = r : rotors e }
enigmaEncode :: EnigmaMachine -> Int -> Int
enigmaEncode mc c =
encodeCharacter pb backward
pb = plugboard mc; refl = reflector mc; rs = rotors mc
input = encodeCharacter pb c
forward = foldr ($) input (map encodeCharacter rs)
reflected = encodeCharacter refl forward
backward = foldr ($) reflected (map encodeCharacterR $ reverse rs)
rotate :: EnigmaMachine -> EnigmaMachine
rotate mc = mc { rotors = rotateAll True (rotors mc) }
rotateAll :: Bool -> [Rotor] -> [Rotor]
rotateAll _ [] = []
rotateAll b (r:rs) = let (bool, rotor) = rotateRotor (b, r) in
rotor : rotateAll bool rs
rotateRotor :: (Bool, Rotor) -> (Bool, Rotor)
rotateRotor (False, r) = (False, r)
rotateRotor (True, r) = let newOffset = (offset r + 1) `mod` 26 in
(newOffset == 1, r { offset = newOffset })
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