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React Navigation Shared Element v5 Guide

How to use React Navigation Shared Element v5



npm i react-navigation-shared-element@next react-native-shared-element
npm i @react-navigation/native@^5.0.9 @react-navigation/stack@^5.1.1


Navigation Container

The top-most view in your App must have a NavigationContainer. In my case, that's App.js:

const Stack = createStackNavigator();

export default class App extends React.PureComponent {
  // ...
  render() {
  if (this.state.showSplash) {
  return <Initializing />;
  } else {
    return (
     screenOptions={{gestureEnabled: false}}
          {this.state.isSignedIn && (
            <Stack.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />
          {!this.state.isSignedIn && (
            <Stack.Screen name="Login" component={Login} />


Create the Shared Element Stack Navigator, in my case that's in Home.js:

import { createSharedElementStackNavigator } from "react-navigation-shared-element";
// ...
// This Spec makes it so that the animation goes from 1000ms (very slow) to 500ms (acceptable) speed! You can also remove it if you want.
export const iosTransitionSpec = {
  animation: "spring",
  config: {
    stiffness: 1000,
    damping: 500,
    mass: 3,
    overshootClamping: true,
    restDisplacementThreshold: 10,
    restSpeedThreshold: 10,
// ...
const SharedElementStack = createSharedElementStackNavigator();
function HomeSharedElementStackNavigator() {
  return (
        useNativeDriver: true,
        // Enable gestures if you want. I disabled them because of my card style interpolator opacity animation
        gestureEnabled: false,
        // gestureResponseDistance: {
        // 	vertical: 100,
        // },
        // gestureDirection: 'vertical',
        transitionSpec: {
          open: iosTransitionSpec,
          close: iosTransitionSpec,
        // Opacity animation, you can also adjust this by playing with transform properties.
        cardStyleInterpolator: ({ current: { progress } }) => ({
          cardStyle: {
            opacity: progress,
      <SharedElementStack.Screen name="HomeGridScreen" component={HomeGridScreen} />
        sharedElementsConfig={(route, otherRoute, showing) => {
          const { item } = route.params;
          if ( === "ItemDetailsScreen" && showing) {
            // Open animation fades in image, title and description
            return [
                id: `item.${}.image`,
                id: `item.${}.title`,
                animation: "fade",
                resize: "clip",
                align: "left-top",
                id: `item.${}.description`,
                animation: "fade",
                resize: "clip",
                align: "left-top",
          } else {
            // Close animation only fades out image
            return [
                id: `item.${}.image`,

See those weird IDs we used? We need to define those in the <SharedElement>s now.

Shared Elements

In my case, I have a <FlatList> layout of individual Items, one Item view may look like this:

<View style={styles.item}>
  {this.state.hasThumbnail && (
    <SharedElement id={`item.${}.image`}>
      {/* I used a <FastImage>, but I think every component works.
      Just make sure the SharedElement Tag exactly wraps the component
      you're rying to scale up or fade in, so no <View>s or other
      containers are in the <SharedElement> tag */}
          uri: item.thumbnail,
          cache: FastImage.cacheControl.immutable,
  {!this.state.hasThumbnail && (
    <SharedElement id={`item.${}.image`}>
      {/* Here I use an item for example */}
      <Icon name="image-off" size={24} />
  {/* ... */}
  {/* There's some Text */}
  <SharedElement id={`item.${}.title`}>
  <SharedElement id={`item.${}.description`}>

When the user presses this Item, I just call


which looks like this:

<View style={styles.itemDetails}>
  {/* Note that you have to use the same ID so the navigator knows to animate this item */}
  <SharedElement id={`item.${}.image`}>
        uri: this.state.thumbnail,
        cache: FastImage.cacheControl.immutable,
  {/* ... */}
  {/* Again, the text. */}
  <SharedElement id={`item.${}.title`}>
  <SharedElement id={`item.${}.description`}>

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ey3bk commented Mar 31, 2021

Good stuff, thank you!

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moamlrh commented Aug 5, 2021

Thanks for sharing

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