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Last active February 13, 2016 22:59
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Microsoft Excel: Central Error Handler
'Global Error Varibles
Public bDisplayError As Boolean
Public sProcName, sDetails As String
Public iErrorCount As Integer
Public Function bCentralErrorHandler(ByVal sModule$, ByVal sSub$, ByVal sDetails$) As Boolean
'Make sure there is no errors in the Error Handling system
On Error Resume Next
Dim sFullSource, sPath, sFile As String
sFile = ThisWorkbook.Name
sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
'Make sure the log path is valid
If Right$(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"
'Get the file the error came from, the module, and a procedure description
sFullSource = "[" & sFile & "]" & " Module=" & sModule & " Procedure=" & sSub & " "
'Log the error to a file
'Please update [PROJECTNAME]
Open sPath & "PROJECTNAME Runtime Error - " & Application.UserName & ".log" For Append As #1
Print #1, Application.UserName & " | " & sFullSource & Format$(Now(), " dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM") & vbCrLf & " " & sDetails
Close #1
'MsgBox sDetails
iErrorCount = iErrorCount + 1
'Clear errors
'Reset the error handler
bCentralErrorHandler = False
End Function
'Using the Central Error Handler
Sub SubExample
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
'Sub content here
'Exit the sub at the end so ErrHandler isn't run unnecessarily
Exit Sub
sDetails = "Error Number = " & CStr(Err.Number) & " Error Description = " & Err.Description
If bCentralErrorHandler("MODULENAME", "SUB/FUNCTIONNAME", sDetails) Then
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
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