This cheatsheet shows how to install and enable Avast antivirus (Avast Business Antivirus for Linux) on your PMG server.
Please note that Avast Business Antivirus for Linux is not provided for free and you need to buy license. You can test it for free after requesting trial license.
Download and install avast.gpg
wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
Add Avast Linux repository to apt sources list, do sources update and then install the Avast package:
echo "deb debian-buster release" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt update
apt install avast
If you already have your license file, you need to copy it to /etc/avast/
cp license.avastlic /etc/avast/
You cannot run Avast service without license file. Buy lincese online or you can request trial key from Avast.
Avast engine looks for whitelist file at /etc/avast/whitelist
on startup. If you want to avoid error messages in logs you can create empty whitelist file.
touch /etc/avast/whitelist
To start Avast service:
service avast start
To check Avast service status:
service avast status
You should see service status as Active: active (running)
The last step is enabling Avast in configuration, use this command to enable it:
pmgsh set /config/admin --avast 1
Restart Proxmox SMTP Filter Daemon:
service pmg-smtp-filter restart
During the installation, virus database (VPS) is updated to the latest version and also crontab
entry is created that will trigger VPS update task every hour.
You can also manually trigger update by this command: