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Last active January 31, 2023 20:36
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position: absolute;
transform-origin: center;
width: 100vw;
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fill: var(--hours-hand-color);
stroke: none;
#hand-minutes {
fill: var(--minutes-hand-color);
stroke: none;
#hand-seconds {
fill: var(--seconds-hand-color);
stroke: none;
#face-full {
fill: var(--face-color);
stroke: none;
#label {
fill: var(--label-color);
stroke: none;
#base {
fill: var(--fill-color);
stroke: var(--border-color);
stroke-width: var(--border-width);
#center {
fill: var(--center-color);
stroke: none;
* @typedef ClockOptions
* @type {{
* style: {
* borderColor: string,
* borderWidth: number,
* centerColor: string,
* faceColor: string,
* fillColor: string,
* hoursHandColor: string,
* labelColor: string,
* minutesHandColor: string,
* secondsHandColor: string
* },
* config: {
* msDSTStepDuration: number,
* msSyncPause: number,
* msTransitionDuration: number,
* trackHoursHand: 'hours' | 'minutes' | 'seconds' | 'frames',
* trackMinutesHand: 'minutes' | 'seconds' | 'frames',
* trackSecondsHand: 'seconds' | 'frames'
* }
* }}
const DEG_CIRCLE = 360;
const MS_12_HOURS = 43200000;
const MS_1_HOUR = 3600000;
const MS_1_MINUTE = 60000;
const MS_1_SECOND = 1000;
const MS_DST_BACKWARD = 39600000;
const MS_DST_FORWARD = 3600000;
* @type {ClockOptions}
const options = {
style: {
borderColor: 'lightgrey',
borderWidth: 64,
centerColor: 'gold',
faceColor: 'black',
fillColor: 'white',
hoursHandColor: 'black',
labelColor: 'black',
minutesHandColor: 'black',
secondsHandColor: '#BD2420'
config: {
msDSTStepDuration: 500,
msSyncPause: 1500,
msTransitionDuration: 250,
trackHoursHand: 'minutes',
trackMinutesHand: 'minutes',
trackSecondsHand: 'frames'
* @param {number} input
function wrap(input) {
const wrapped = input % 1;
return wrapped < 0 ? wrapped + 1 : wrapped;
* @param {Date} time
function dstType(time) {
const reference = new Date();
reference.setUTCHours(time.getUTCHours() - 1);
const offset = time.getTimezoneOffset();
const offsetReference = reference.getTimezoneOffset();
if (offset === offsetReference) return null;
return (offsetReference - offset) * MS_1_MINUTE;
// adapted from
* @param {number} p1x
* @param {number} p1y
* @param {number} p2x
* @param {number} p2y
function cubicBezier(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) {
const ZERO_LIMIT = 1e-6;
// Calculate the polynomial coefficients,
// implicit first and last control points are (0,0) and (1,1).
const ax = (3 * p1x) - (3 * p2x) + 1;
const bx = (3 * p2x) - (6 * p1x);
const cx = 3 * p1x;
const ay = (3 * p1y) - (3 * p2y) + 1;
const by = (3 * p2y) - (6 * p1y);
const cy = 3 * p1y;
* @param {number} t
const sampleCurveDerivativeX = (t) => {
// `ax t^3 + bx t^2 + cx t' expanded using Horner 's rule.
return (((3 * ax * t) + (2 * bx)) * t) + cx;
* @param {number} t
const sampleCurveX = (t) => {
return ((((ax * t) + bx) * t) + cx) * t;
* @param {number} t
const sampleCurveY = (t) => {
return ((((ay * t) + by) * t) + cy) * t;
* Given an x value, find a parametric value it came from.
* @param {number} x
const solveCurveX = (x) => {
let t2 = x;
let derivative;
let x2;
// First try a few iterations of Newton's method -- normally very fast.
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {
// f(t)-x=0
x2 = sampleCurveX(t2) - x;
if (Math.abs(x2) < ZERO_LIMIT) {
return t2;
derivative = sampleCurveDerivativeX(t2);
// == 0, failure
if (Math.abs(derivative) < ZERO_LIMIT) {
t2 -= x2 / derivative;
// Fall back to the bisection method for reliability.
// bisection
let t1 = 1;
let t0 = 0;
t2 = x;
while (t1 > t0) {
x2 = sampleCurveX(t2) - x;
if (Math.abs(x2) < ZERO_LIMIT) {
return t2;
if (x2 > 0) {
t1 = t2;
} else {
t0 = t2;
t2 = (t1 + t0) / 2;
// Failure
return t2;
* @param {number} x
const solve = (x) => {
return sampleCurveY(solveCurveX(x));
return solve;
const transitionSlowHands = cubicBezier(0.4, 2.08, 0.55, 0.44);
const transitionSecondsHandStop = cubicBezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1);
const transitionSecondsHandStart = cubicBezier(0.42, 0, 1, 1);
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const {
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const elementSecondsHand = document.getElementById('handle-seconds');
const elementMinutesHand = document.getElementById('handle-minutes');
const elementHoursHand = document.getElementById('handle-hours');
const checkTime = () => {
const {
} = options.config;
const time = new Date();
const dst = dstType(time);
const ms = time.getMilliseconds();
const s = time.getSeconds();
const msSeconds = s * MS_1_SECOND;
const msSecondsFrames = msSeconds + ms;
const mRaw = time.getMinutes();
const msDSTTransitionBase = ((mRaw * MS_1_MINUTE) + msSecondsFrames);
const msDSTTransitionTime = (() => {
if (!msDSTStepDuration || !dst) return null;
const handTransition = (
) * msDSTStepDuration;
const handDrift = (
handTransition / MS_1_MINUTE
) * msDSTStepDuration;
const result = handTransition + handDrift;
return msDSTTransitionBase > result ? null : result;
const m = (() => {
if (
|| msDSTTransitionBase > msDSTTransitionTime
) return mRaw;
const result = Math.floor(
msDSTTransitionBase / msDSTTransitionTime
) * (
msDSTTransitionTime / MS_1_MINUTE
) * (
MS_1_MINUTE / msDSTStepDuration
return result;
const msMinutes = m * MS_1_MINUTE;
const hRaw = time.getHours();
const h = (() => {
if (
|| msDSTTransitionBase > msDSTTransitionTime
) return hRaw;
return dst > 0 ? hRaw - 1 : hRaw + 1;
const msHours = h * MS_1_HOUR;
* @param {number} from
* @param {number} to
* @param {number} timeBase
const animate = (
) => {
if (!msTransitionDuration || timeBase > msTransitionDuration) return to;
const pAnimation = transitionSlowHands(
timeBase / msTransitionDuration
return from + (Math.abs(from - to) * pAnimation);
* @param {number} timeBase
const animationTimeDST = (timeBase) => (
? (timeBase % msDSTStepDuration)
: timeBase
const p = {
get seconds() {
const msSecondsHandTraversal = MS_1_MINUTE - msSyncPause;
if (msSyncPause) {
const pTransitionPath = msTransitionDuration / msSecondsHandTraversal;
if (msSecondsFrames < msTransitionDuration) {
const pAnimation = transitionSecondsHandStart(
msSecondsFrames / msTransitionDuration
return pTransitionPath * pAnimation;
if (msSecondsFrames > msSecondsHandTraversal) {
return 0;
if (msSecondsFrames > (msSecondsHandTraversal - msTransitionDuration)) {
const pAnimation = transitionSecondsHandStop(
msSecondsFrames - (msSecondsHandTraversal - msTransitionDuration)
) / msTransitionDuration
return (
msSecondsHandTraversal - msTransitionDuration
) / msSecondsHandTraversal
) + (pTransitionPath * pAnimation);
switch (trackSecondsHand) {
case 'seconds':
return animate(
((s - 1) * MS_1_SECOND) / msSecondsHandTraversal,
msSeconds / msSecondsHandTraversal,
case 'frames':
return msSecondsFrames / msSecondsHandTraversal;
get minutes() {
switch (trackMinutesHand) {
case 'minutes':
return animate(
((m - 1) * MS_1_MINUTE) / MS_1_HOUR,
msMinutes / MS_1_HOUR,
case 'seconds':
return animate(
(msMinutes + ((s - 1) * MS_1_SECOND)) / MS_1_HOUR,
(msMinutes + msSeconds) / MS_1_HOUR,
case 'frames':
return (msMinutes + msSecondsFrames) / MS_1_HOUR;
get hours() {
* @param {number} pHours
const hoursHand = (pHours) => (pHours < 1 ? pHours : pHours - 1);
return hoursHand((() => {
switch (trackHoursHand) {
case 'hours':
return animate(
((h - 1) * MS_1_HOUR) / MS_12_HOURS,
msHours / MS_12_HOURS,
animationTimeDST(msMinutes + msSecondsFrames)
case 'minutes':
return animate(
(msHours + ((m - 1) * MS_1_MINUTE)) / MS_12_HOURS,
(msHours + msMinutes) / MS_12_HOURS,
case 'seconds':
return animate(
(msHours + msMinutes + ((s - 1) * MS_1_SECOND)) / MS_12_HOURS,
(msHours + msMinutes + msSeconds) / MS_12_HOURS,
case 'frames':
return (msHours + msMinutes + msSecondsFrames) / MS_12_HOURS;
const degSeconds = wrap(p.seconds) * DEG_CIRCLE;
const degMinutes = wrap(p.minutes) * DEG_CIRCLE;
const degHours = wrap(p.hours) * DEG_CIRCLE; = `rotate3d(0,0,1,${degSeconds}deg)`; = `rotate3d(0,0,1,${degMinutes}deg)`; = `rotate3d(0,0,1,${degHours}deg)`;
<!-- -->
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<use href="#mark-small" transform="rotate(12)" />
<use href="#mark-small" transform="rotate(18)" />
<use href="#mark-small" transform="rotate(24)" />
<g id="face-15min">
<use href="#face-5min" />
<use href="#face-5min" transform="rotate(30)" />
<use href="#face-5min" transform="rotate(60)" />
<g id="face-full">
<use href="#face-15min" />
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d="m 93.9,489 0,3.8 5,0 -5,-3.8 z m -6.7,-4.9 0,8.7 3.3,0 0,-6.2 -3.3,-2.5 z m -6.7,-4.9 0,13.7 3.3,0 0,-11.2 -3.3,-2.5 z m -6.6,-5 0,18.6 3.3,0 0,-16.1 -3.3,-2.5 z m -73.3,-3 0,21.6 c 1.2,0 2,0 3.3,-0.1 l 0,-21.7 c -1.1,0.1 -2.2,0.2 -3.3,0.2 m 6.6,-0.7 0,22 c 1.3,-0.1 1.9,-0.2 3.3,-0.4 l 0,-22.2 c -1,0.2 -2.1,0.5 -3.3,0.6 m 59.9,-1.4 0,23.6 3.4,0 0,-21.1 -3.4,-2.5 z m -53.2,-0.3 0,22.6 c 1,-0.2 2.2,-0.5 3.3,-0.8 l 0,-23.1 c -1.3,0.6 -2.1,0.9 -3.3,1.2 m 6.6,-2.8 0,23.6 c 1.1,-0.4 2.1,-0.7 3.3,-1.2 l 0,-24.4 c -1.3,0.8 -2.1,1.3 -3.3,1.9 m 39.9,-1.9 0,26.4 3.3,2.2 0,-26.1 -3.3,-2.5 z m -33.3,-2.3 0,25.2 c 1.1,-0.5 2.2,-1.1 3.3,-1.8 l 0,-26.1 c -1.3,1.2 -2.2,1.8 -3.3,2.7 m 26.6,-2.6 0,26.9 3.3,2.2 0,-26.6 -3.3,-2.5 z m -6.6,-4.9 0,27.4 3.3,2.2 0,-27.1 -3.3,-2.5 z m -10,-2 c -1.4,1.7 -1.9,2.1 -3.3,3.7 l 0,27.1 c 1.2,-1 2.2,-1.8 3.3,-2.8 l 0,-28 z m 3.3,-2.9 0,27.9 3.3,2.2 0,-27.7 -3.3,-2.5 z m -136.5,39.7 0,3.8 -5,0 5,-3.8 z m 6.7,-4.9 -0,8.7 -3.3,0 0,-6.2 3.4,-2.5 z m 6.6,-4.9 0,13.7 -3.3,0 0,-11.2 3.3,-2.5 z m 6.7,-5 -0,18.6 -3.3,0 0,-16.1 3.3,-2.5 z m 73.3,-3 0,21.6 c -1.2,0 -2,0 -3.3,-0.1 l 0,-21.7 c 1.1,0.1 2.2,0.2 3.3,0.2 m -6.6,-0.7 0,22 c -1.3,-0.1 -2,-0.2 -3.3,-0.4 l 0,-22.2 c 1,0.2 2.1,0.5 3.3,0.6 m -59.9,-1.4 -0,23.6 -3.4,0 -0,-21.1 3.4,-2.5 z m 53.2,-0.3 0,22.6 c -1,-0.2 -2.2,-0.5 -3.3,-0.8 l 0,-23.1 c 1.3,0.6 2.1,0.9 3.3,1.2 m -6.6,-2.8 0,23.6 c -1.1,-0.4 -2.1,-0.7 -3.3,-1.2 l 0,-24.4 c 1.4,0.8 2.1,1.3 3.3,1.9 m -39.9,-1.9 0,26.4 -3.3,2.2 0,-26.1 3.3,-2.5 z m 33.3,-2.3 0,25.2 c -1.1,-0.5 -2.2,-1.1 -3.3,-1.8 l 0,-26.1 c 1.3,1.2 2.1,1.8 3.3,2.7 m -26.6,-2.6 0,26.9 -3.3,2.2 0,-26.6 3.3,-2.5 z m 6.7,-4.9 -0,27.4 -3.3,2.2 0,-27.1 3.3,-2.5 z m 9.9,-2 c 1.4,1.7 1.9,2.1 3.3,3.7 l 0,27.1 c -1.2,-1 -2.2,-1.8 -3.3,-2.8 l 0,-28 z m -3.3,-2.9 0,27.9 -3.3,2.2 0,-27.7 3.3,-2.5 z m 38.6,-94.5 c 52,0 84.5,46.2 66.9,95.6 L 44.2,438 c 7.5,-28.5 -10.7,-61.1 -46.7,-60.8 -31.6,2 -50.9,28.6 -44.1,60.4 l -18.6,12 c -18.5,-46.6 13.5,-91.8 61.2,-94.8"
d="m -0.5,502.6 -5.7,0 -9,23.4 5.6,0 1.8,-3.6 9.1,0 1.8,3.5 5.4,0 -8.9,-23.4 z m -2.8,6.5 2.7,9.1 -5.3,0 2.6,-9.1 z m -36.4,-6.5 -8.4,0 0,23.4 10.2,0 c 2.6,0 5.9,-2.5 6.5,-5.7 0.1,-3.4 -1.4,-6.4 -3.9,-6.8 1.4,-0.6 2.4,-2.9 2.2,-5.9 -0.4,-3 -3.7,-5.2 -6.6,-5 m 1.6,5.7 c 0.6,1 0.2,2 -0.1,2.8 -1.1,1.2 -3,1.1 -4.5,1.1 l 0,-5.1 c 1.4,0 3.7,-0.2 4.6,1.2 m 1,8.8 c 0.6,0.9 0.5,2.7 0.2,3.3 -1.4,1.5 -3.5,1.5 -5.7,1.2 l 0,-5.5 c 2.6,-0.2 4,-0.1 5.5,1 m -71,-14.5 3.9,23.3 -4.9,0.1 -2.3,-13.6 -6.1,13.6 -1.5,-0.1 -6,-13 -2.5,13.1 -5.2,-0.1 3.8,-23.4 5.1,0 5.1,13.4 5.5,-13.3 4.9,0 z m 31.2,17.9 c -3.7,0 -6.8,-3.1 -6.8,-6.8 0,-3.7 3.1,-6.8 6.8,-6.8 3.7,0 6.8,3.1 6.8,6.8 0,3.7 -3.1,6.8 -6.8,6.8 m 0,5.5 c 6.9,0 12.6,-5.5 12.6,-12.3 0,-6.8 -5.7,-12.3 -12.6,-12.3 -6.9,0 -12.6,5.5 -12.6,12.3 0,6.8 5.7,12.3 12.6,12.3 m 104.3,-22.4 13.9,0 -0.5,2.6 -5.7,0 -3.1,19.7 -2.8,0 3.1,-19.7 -5.5,0 0.5,-2.6 z m 30.2,0 2.8,0 -3.6,22.3 -2.8,0 3.5,-22.3 z m 39.7,-1.6 1.2,23.9 -3.2,0 -0.2,-15.2 -9.6,15.7 -4.4,-15.7 -5.1,15.2 -3.2,0 8.8,-23.9 4.9,18.1 10.8,-18.1 z m 29.6,1.6 -0.7,2.6 -9.2,0 -1,6.3 9,0 -0.5,2.5 -8.9,0 -1.4,8.4 9.4,0 -0.5,2.6 -12.2,0 3.5,-22.3 12.5,0 z"
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jrappen commented Jan 18, 2023

auto-switch dark/light


--- /mobatime.html	Wed Jan 18 12:04:13 2023
+++ /mobatime.html	Wed Jan 18 12:04:15 2023
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+      --base01: #393939; /* --- */
+      --base02: #515151; /* -- */
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@@ -33,55 +50,47 @@
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-      fill: var(--minutes-hand-color);
+      fill: var(--base01);
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-  <script>
+  <script type="text/javascript">
      * @typedef ClockOptions
      * @type {{
      *  style: {
-     *    borderColor: string,
-     *    borderWidth: number,
-     *    centerColor: string,
-     *    faceColor: string,
-     *    fillColor: string,
-     *    hoursHandColor: string,
-     *    labelColor: string,
-     *    minutesHandColor: string,
-     *    secondsHandColor: string
+     *    borderWidth: number
      *  },
      *  config: {
      *    msDSTStepDuration: number,
@@ -107,15 +116,7 @@
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-        borderWidth: 64,
-        centerColor: 'gold',
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-        minutesHandColor: 'black',
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+        base0A,
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+'--hours-hand-color', 'var(--base01)' || 'none');
+'--minutes-hand-color', 'var(--base01)' || 'none');
+'--seconds-hand-color', 'var(--base08)' || 'none');
       const elementSecondsHand = document.getElementById('handle-seconds');
       const elementMinutesHand = document.getElementById('handle-minutes');
@@ -499,8 +498,13 @@
   <!-- -->
-  <svg class="clock" viewBox="-1136 -1136 2272 2272" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
+  <svg
+    class="clock"
+    viewBox="-1136 -1136 2272 2272"
+    xmlns=""
+    xmlns:xlink=""
+  >
       <path id="mark-large" d="M -40,-1000 l 80,0 0,245 -80,0 z" />
       <path id="mark-small" d="M -15,-1000 l 30,0 0,80 -30,0 z" />

/cc @mrpelz

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