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Created April 23, 2022 21:45
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An immutable array class that uses multi-levels of arrays to speed up copying
// Benchmarks
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using LanguageExt;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
namespace MyImmutableArray;
public class Benchmarks
private const int Iterations = 100_000;
public void ImmutableArray_Add()
var x = ImmutableArray.Create<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
x = x.Add(i);
if (x.Length != Iterations)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void List_Add()
var x = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
if (x.Count != Iterations)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void ImmutableBlockArray_Add()
var x = ImmutableBlockArray<int>.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
x = x.Add(i);
if (x.Length != Iterations)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void LanguageExtLst_Add()
var x = new Lst<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
x = x.Add(i);
if (x.Count != Iterations)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
using System.Collections;
namespace MyImmutableArray;
public abstract class ImmutableBlockArray<T> : IEnumerable<T>
public static readonly ImmutableBlockArray<T> Empty = new ImmutableBlockArrayBranch<T>(0);
public abstract ImmutableBlockArray<T> Add(T value);
public abstract IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator();
public abstract int Length { get; }
internal abstract bool IsFull { get; }
protected const int NumberOfSlots = 10;
public string BuildDebugString()
var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
BuildDebugString(0, builder);
return builder.ToString();
internal abstract void BuildDebugString(int indentLevel, System.Text.StringBuilder builder);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace MyImmutableArray;
internal sealed class ImmutableBlockArrayBranch<T> : ImmutableBlockArray<T>
public override int Length => _length;
internal override bool IsFull => _isFull;
private bool _isFull;
private readonly int _length;
private readonly int SlotIndex = 0;
private readonly int Depth = 0;
private readonly ImmutableBlockArray<T>[] Slots = new ImmutableBlockArray<T>[NumberOfSlots];
private bool CheckIsFull() => Slots[NumberOfSlots - 1]?.IsFull == true;
internal ImmutableBlockArrayBranch(int depth)
Depth = depth;
private ImmutableBlockArrayBranch(ImmutableBlockArrayBranch<T> source)
Slots[0] = source;
SlotIndex = 1;
Depth = source.Depth + 1;
_length = source.Length;
internal ImmutableBlockArrayBranch(ImmutableBlockArrayLeaf<T> source, T value)
Slots[0] = source;
SlotIndex = 1;
Slots[1] = Empty.Add(value);
_length = source.Length + 1;
_isFull = CheckIsFull();
private ImmutableBlockArrayBranch(ImmutableBlockArrayBranch<T> source, T value)
SlotIndex = source.SlotIndex;
Depth = source.Depth;
Array.Copy(source.Slots, Slots, SlotIndex + 1);
if (Slots[SlotIndex] is null)
Slots[SlotIndex] = CreateChild(Depth);
if (Slots[SlotIndex].IsFull)
Slots[SlotIndex] = CreateChild(Depth);
Slots[SlotIndex] = Slots[SlotIndex].Add(value);
_length = source.Length + 1;
_isFull = CheckIsFull();
public override ImmutableBlockArray<T> Add(T value)
if (!IsFull)
return new ImmutableBlockArrayBranch<T>(this, value);
return new ImmutableBlockArrayBranch<T>(this).Add(value);
public override IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
for (int o = 0; o <= Math.Min(SlotIndex, NumberOfSlots - 1); o++)
ImmutableBlockArray<T>? slot = Slots[o];
if (slot is not null)
foreach (T value in slot)
yield return value;
private static ImmutableBlockArray<T> CreateChild(int depth) =>
depth == 0
? ImmutableBlockArrayLeaf<T>.LeafEmpty
: new ImmutableBlockArrayBranch<T>(depth - 1);
internal override void BuildDebugString(int indentLevel, System.Text.StringBuilder builder)
builder.AppendLine($"{new string('=', indentLevel)}(Length {Length})");
foreach (var slot in Slots)
if (slot is not null)
slot.BuildDebugString(indentLevel + 1, builder);
namespace MyImmutableArray;
internal sealed class ImmutableBlockArrayLeaf<T> : ImmutableBlockArray<T>
public static readonly ImmutableBlockArrayLeaf<T> LeafEmpty = new();
public override int Length => _length;
internal override bool IsFull => _isFull;
private bool _isFull;
private int SlotIndex = 0;
private readonly int _length = 0;
private readonly T[] Slots = new T[NumberOfSlots];
internal ImmutableBlockArrayLeaf()
private ImmutableBlockArrayLeaf(ImmutableBlockArrayLeaf<T> source, T value)
Array.Copy(source.Slots, Slots, source.SlotIndex);
Slots[source.SlotIndex] = value;
SlotIndex = source.SlotIndex + 1;
_length = source.Length + 1;
_isFull = SlotIndex == NumberOfSlots;
public override ImmutableBlockArray<T> Add(T value)
if (IsFull)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return new ImmutableBlockArrayLeaf<T>(this, value);
public override IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
for(int o = 0; o <= Math.Min(SlotIndex - 1, NumberOfSlots - 1); o++)
yield return Slots[o];
internal override void BuildDebugString(int indentLevel, System.Text.StringBuilder builder)
string indent = new('.', indentLevel);
for(int o = 0; o <= Math.Min(SlotIndex - 1, NumberOfSlots - 1); o++)
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using MyImmutableArray;
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