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Last active January 3, 2023 10:18
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//~~~START:Mon, 02-Jan-2023, 16:26:44 IST
//~~~Author:Rajesh Pandian M |
//~ nvc++ -acc -gpu=managed -Minfo=all shuffle-2D-csr2.cpp -o shuffle-2D-csr2.out && ./shuffle-2D-csr2.out
//~ nvc++ -acc=multicore -Minfo=all -fopenmp shuffle-2D-csr2.cpp -o shuffle-2D-csr2.out && ./shuffle-2D-csr2.out
#include <iostream>
#include <random> //default rand in shuffle
#include <algorithm> // shuffle
#include <cstring> // memset
using namespace std;
void convert_VecOfVec_to_CSR(const vector<vector<int>> &a, int* &offset, int* &value){
int aSize = a.size();
offset = new int[aSize +1];
int totalSize = 0;
offset[0] = 0;
for(int i=0, endI = a.size() ; i < endI ; ++i ){ // finds total size and set offsets
totalSize += (int)a[i].size();
offset[i+1] = totalSize ; //offset[i]+a[i].size();
//~ value = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*totalSize); // Allocates
value = new int[totalSize];
for(int i=0, k=0, endI = a.size() ; i < endI ; ++i ){ // k=0
//~ std::cout<< i << ':';
for(int j=0, endJ = a[i].size() ; j < endJ ; ++j, ++k) { // k++
value[k] = a[i][j];
//~ std::cout<< a[i][j] << ' ';
//~ std::cout<< '\n';
void randInit_Print(vector<vector<int>> &a){
for (unsigned i = 0, endI =a.size(); i < endI; ++i) {
a[i].resize(rand() % 10 + 1); // +1 ensure at least one element
std::cout<< i << ':';
for(int j=0, endJ = a[i].size(); j < endJ; ++j){
a[i][j]= j +1;
std::cout<< a[i][j] << ' ';
std::cout<< '\n';
void printCSR(int *offset, int* value, int n){
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
std::cout<< i << ':';
for(int j=offset[i], end = offset[i+1]; j < end; ++j)
std::cout<< value[j] << ' ';
std::cout<< '\n';
void shuffleIt(int *&offset, int* &value, int n){
//#pragma data copy(offset,value)
#pragma acc parallel loop
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
std::shuffle(value+offset[i], value+offset[i+1] ,std::default_random_engine(rand()));
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int n = 10;
std::cout << "N:" << n << '\n';
vector<vector<int>> a(n);
randInit_Print(a); // Randomly populate values!
int* offset;
int* value;
convert_VecOfVec_to_CSR(a, offset, value);
//std::cout<< "OFFSET:" << '\n';
//for(int i=0; i < n; ++i)
// std::cout<< offset[i+1] << ' ';
//std::cout<< '\n';
shuffleIt(offset, value, n);
std::cout<< '\n';
printCSR(offset, value, n);
return 0;
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