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Last active October 9, 2018 15:15
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Find all Widgets in All Sidebars Across A Multisite Network
* Commands to handle WordPress Widgets more in depth.
* Based on code from Chris Wiegman. Thanks, buddy.
* @author Matt Pritchett
* Class Widgets_Command
class Widgets_Command extends \WP_CLI_Command {
* Generates a report of active widgets for each site.
* @throws \WP_CLI\ExitException Exception on invalid exit code.
* @param array $args Array of arguments.
* @param array $assoc_args Array of associative arguments.
public function list( $args, $assoc_args ) {
$exit = ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && true === WP_DEBUG ) ? false : true;
if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
\WP_CLI::error( esc_html__( 'Command requires a multisite installation to continue.', 'ufhealth-multisite-wp-cli' ), $exit );
$filename = $args[0];
if ( file_exists( $filename ) ) {
WP_CLI::warning( sprintf( 'File alredy exists. The following file will be overwritten %s', $filename ) );
$active_widgets = array();
$response = \WP_CLI::launch_self( 'site clist', array(), array(), false, true );
$sites = explode( PHP_EOL, $response->stdout );
foreach ( $sites as $site ) {
if ( empty( $site ) ) {
$site = get_site_url( get_current_blog_id() );
$sidebar_response = \WP_CLI::launch_self(
'sidebar list',
'url' => $site,
'format' => 'json',
$sidebars = json_decode( $sidebar_response->stdout, true );
foreach ( $sidebars as $sidebar ) {
$widget_response = \WP_CLI::launch_self(
'widget list ' . $sidebar['id'],
'url' => $site,
'format' => 'json',
$widgets = json_decode( $widget_response->stdout, true );
foreach ( $widgets as $widget ) {
$active_widgets[] = array(
'site' => $site,
'sidebar' => $sidebar['name'],
'widget' => $widget['name'],
$fp = fopen( $filename, 'w+' );
foreach ( $active_widgets as $fields ) {
fputcsv( $fp, $fields );
fclose( $fp );
WP_CLI::success( sprintf( 'File created: %s', $filename ) );
\WP_CLI::add_command( 'widgets', '\Widgets_Command' );
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