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Last active January 14, 2019 13:29
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# -*- mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: t; perl-indent-level: 8 -*-
# Author: Andrew Theurer
package GenData;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Exporter qw(import);
use List::Util qw(max);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(gen_data);
sub gen_data {
my $script = basename($0);
my $params = shift;
my %stats = %$params;
$params = shift;
my %graph_types = %$params;
$params = shift;
my %thresholds = %$params;
my $dir = shift;
my $skipcsvtypecheck = shift;
if (not defined($skipcsvtypecheck)) {
$skipcsvtypecheck = 0;
my $skip_html shift;
my $skip_csv shift;
# define the graph types
# if you want something other than lineChart, put it here
# my %graph_type;
# threshold for displying a series in a graph
my $htmlpage;
my $chart;
my %maxval;
my %counts;
my $filename;
my $timestamp_ms;
# Generate the CSV file, and don't filter out anything based on a
# threshold, and generate the averages for each series.
my $csv;
$csv = $dir . "/csv";
unless(-d $csv or mkdir $csv) { die "$script: could not create $csv directory\n"; }
if ($skip_html) {
for $htmlpage (sort keys %stats) {
#printf "htmlpage = $htmlpage\n";
my %totals;
# compute the average value for each stat while emitting
# .csv data
if $skip_csv {
print "skip csv generation"
} else {
for $chart (sort keys %{$stats{$htmlpage}}) {
#printf "\tchart = $chart\n";
$filename = $csv . "/" . $htmlpage. "_" .$chart . ".csv";
open(TOOL_CSV, ">>$filename") || die "$script: could not open $filename\n";
# first check whether the timestamps in the different series agree: if so,
# we'll generate a normal (type-1) csv file: each row will have the form
# ts, m0, m1, m2, ..., mN
# if not, we'll generate a type-2 csv file: each row will consist of pairs
# of (ts, mX) values for each metric. We have to make sure that the rows
# are padded appropriately to the length of the longest time series. If the
# time series is shorter, we'll add empty cells.
my $series_key;
my @series_keys;
@series_keys = sort keys %{$stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}};
my $csvtype=1;
# the following check is expensive, so we only do it conditionally
# Currently, the only user is uperf-postprocess.
if ($skipcsvtypecheck == 1) {
my $sk;
for $sk (@series_keys) {
#printf "\t\tsk = $sk\n";
for $series_key (@series_keys) {
if ($sk ne $series_key) {
#printf "\t\t\tseries_key = $series_key\n";
# TODO: we need only loop over the series keys *after* sk in the list.
for $timestamp_ms (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %{$stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$sk}})) {
#printf "\t\t\t\ttimestamp_ms = $timestamp_ms\n";
if ( not defined $stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key}{$timestamp_ms} ) {
#printf "\t\t\t\t\t $timestamp_ms missing\n";
#printf "csvtype is $csvtype for $filename\n";
# in the second pass, we produce lines of the form
# ts1,m1,ts2,m2,...,tsN,mN
# if we run out of entries in a particular series, pad the entry with empty values:
# ts1,m1,,,ts3,m3...,tsN,mN
if ($csvtype == 2) {
# Emit header row for .csv file
printf TOOL_CSV "timestamp_%s_ms,%s", $series_keys[0], $series_keys[0];
for $series_key (@series_keys[1 .. $#series_keys]) {
printf TOOL_CSV ",timestamp_%s_ms,%s", $series_key, $series_key;
printf TOOL_CSV "\n";
for $series_key (@series_keys) {
$maxval{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key} = -999999999;
my %ts;
my $sk;
for $sk (@series_keys) {
@{$ts{$sk}} = sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %{$stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$sk}});
$counts{$chart}{$sk} = 0;
my $maxlength = max(map scalar(keys( %{ $stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$_} } )), @series_keys);
# print "maxlength=$maxlength\n";
for (my $i=0; $i < $maxlength; $i++) {
# for each series, get the timestamp and the metric - if undefined, make them blank.
my $value;
for $series_key (@series_keys) {
if (defined $ts{$series_key}[$i]) {
$timestamp_ms = $ts{$series_key}[$i];
$counts{$chart}{$series_key} += 1;
if ( not defined $stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key}{$timestamp_ms} ) {
die "$script: timestamp $timestamp_ms missing for ($htmlpage, $chart, $series_key)";
$value = $stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key}{$timestamp_ms};
$totals{$chart}{$series_key} += $value;
if ($value > $maxval{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key}) {
$maxval{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key} = $value;
} else {
# assumption: series keys are unique
if ($series_key ne $series_keys[0]) {
print TOOL_CSV ",";
printf TOOL_CSV "$timestamp_ms,$value";
printf TOOL_CSV "\n";
} else {
# Emit header row for .csv file
printf TOOL_CSV "timestamp_ms";
for $series_key (@series_keys) {
printf TOOL_CSV ",$series_key";
printf TOOL_CSV "\n";
my %ts;
for $series_key (@series_keys) {
$maxval{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key} = -999999999;
for $timestamp_ms (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %{$stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key}})) {
$ts{$timestamp_ms} = 1;
my $i = 0;
for $timestamp_ms (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %ts)) {
my $value;
print TOOL_CSV "$timestamp_ms";
for $series_key (@series_keys) {
# this should not happen any more, but paranoid checking doesn't hurt.
if ( defined $stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key}{$timestamp_ms} ) {
$value = $stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key}{$timestamp_ms};
$totals{$chart}{$series_key} += $value;
if ($value > $maxval{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key}) {
$maxval{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series_key} = $value;
} else {
$value = "";
printf TOOL_CSV ",$value";
printf TOOL_CSV "\n";
$i += 1;
for $series_key (@series_keys) {
$counts{$chart}{$series_key} = $i;
$filename = $dir . "/" . $htmlpage . "-average.txt";
open(TOOL_AVG, ">$filename") || die "$script: could not open $filename\n";
for $chart (sort keys %totals) {
my $series_key;
for $series_key (sort keys %{$totals{$chart}}) {
my $count;
my $total;
$count = $counts{$chart}{$series_key};
$total = $totals{$chart}{$series_key};
printf TOOL_AVG "$chart-$series_key=%f\n", $total / $count;
if ($skip_html) {
print "skip the html generation"
} else {
# generate the html files
for $htmlpage (sort keys %stats) {
$filename = $dir . "/" . $htmlpage . ".html";
open(TOOL_HTML, ">$filename") || die "$script: could not open $filename\n";
# Write the html header
printf TOOL_HTML "<html>\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <head>\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <link href=\"/static/css/v0.3/jschart.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\">\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " </head>\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <body>\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <script src=\"/static/js/v0.3/d3.min.js\"></script>\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <script src=\"/static/js/v0.3/d3-queue.min.js\"></script>\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <script src=\"/static/js/v0.3/saveSvgAsPng.js\"></script>\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <script src=\"/static/js/v0.3/jschart.js\"></script>\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <center><h2>%s - %s</h2></center>\n", basename($dir), "$htmlpage";
my $chartnum=1;
for $chart (sort keys %{$stats{$htmlpage}}) {
my $series;
my $series_num = 0;
for $series (sort keys %{$stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}}) {
# if there is a threshold declared and this series does not meet that, then do not graph it
if (( defined $thresholds{$htmlpage}{$chart} ) && ( $maxval{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series} <= $thresholds{$htmlpage}{$chart} )) {
if ( $series_num > 0 ) { # if there is at least one series then create the graph
my $this_graph_type = "lineChart";
if (defined $graph_types{$htmlpage}{$chart} ) {
$this_graph_type = $graph_types{$htmlpage}{$chart};
printf TOOL_HTML " <div id=\"chart_" . $chartnum . "\">\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <script>\n";
my $threshold = "";
if ( defined $thresholds{$htmlpage}{$chart} ) {
$threshold = ", threshold: " . $thresholds{$htmlpage}{$chart};
printf TOOL_HTML " create_jschart(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", null, null, { csvfiles: [ \"csv/%s.csv\" ]%s });\n", $this_graph_type, "timeseries", "chart_" . $chartnum, $chart, $htmlpage . '_' . $chart, $threshold;
printf TOOL_HTML " </script>\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " </div>\n";
if ( $chartnum == 1 ) {
for $chart (sort keys %{$stats{$htmlpage}}) {
my $series;
my $series_num = 0;
my $series_tot = 0;
for $series (sort keys %{$stats{$htmlpage}{$chart}}) {
# if there is a threshold declared and this series does not meet that, then do not graph it
if (( defined $thresholds{$htmlpage}{$chart} ) && ( $maxval{$htmlpage}{$chart}{$series} <= $thresholds{$htmlpage}{$chart} )) {
if ( $series_num == 0 ) {
printf TOOL_HTML " <h3 class=\"chart-header\">%s</h3>\n", "$chart";
if ( $series_tot == 0 ) {
printf TOOL_HTML " <p class=\"chart-reason\">No data to graph.</p>\n";
} else {
if ( $series_tot > $series_num ) {
printf TOOL_HTML " <p class=\"chart-reason\">No data from any series met set thresholds for graphing.</p>\n";
} else {
die "Logic bomb!\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " <br>\n";
printf TOOL_HTML " </body>\n</html>\n";
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