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Created September 28, 2016 12:57
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public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
Drawer drawer = new Drawer();
//MyTree.Items.Add(new Link(new CollectionInformation(new List<IElement>())));
new CollectionInformation(new List<IElement>
new Link(new CollectionInformation(new List<IElement> {new Link(new Circle(drawer))})),
new Link(null)}
public class Circle: ICircleElement
private readonly Drawer _drawer;
public Circle(Drawer drawer)
_drawer = drawer;
public string ElementName
get { return "Circle"; }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public string ElementDescription
get { return "Circle desc"; }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void DoUpdate(object arg)
// ...
public double Radius { get; set; }
public void Draw()
_drawer.Draw(this as dynamic);
public interface ICircleElement: IElement, ICircleInformation
// common interface. All node uses this.
public interface IElement: IDrawable
string ElementName { get; set; }
string ElementDescription { get; set; }
void DoUpdate(object arg);
public interface IDrawable
void Draw();
public interface ICircleInformation
double Radius { get; set; }
public class Drawer
public void Draw(Circle thingToDraw)
Console.WriteLine("I have just drawed a circle with radius: " + thingToDraw.Radius);
public void Draw(IElement anythingElse)
Console.WriteLine("Can't infere type");
public class Link : ILink
// IObs is constructor injected. Still I from SOLID
//private readonly IObs _obs;
public Link(IElement referencedElement/* , IObs obs */)
ReferencedElement = referencedElement;
//_obs = obs;
Click = new RelayCommand(UpdateLink, _ => true);
public string ElementName { get; set; } = "Link";
public string ElementDescription { get; set; } = "It is a link";
public IElement ReferencedElement { get; }
// needed for WPF ItemsSource. We should not add this.
public List<IElement> Children
get { return new List<IElement> {ReferencedElement}; }
public ICommand Click { get; private set; }
public void UpdateLink(object arg)
// now comes the real question. What we expect of an IElement. Should it have DoUpdate, which propagates further
// or check the next step ourselfs
// ILink referencedElement = ReferencedElement as ILink;
// if (referencedElement != null)
// {
// referencedElement.UpdateLink(arg);
// }
// propagation through external observer
if (ReferencedElement == null)
//_obs.Notify(this, arg);
public void DoUpdate(object arg)
Console.WriteLine("I did stuff");
public void Draw()
if (ReferencedElement != null)
// I from SOLID. Link shows only the reachable property and method. User doesn't have to know about click, and other stuff.
public interface ILink : IElement
IElement ReferencedElement { get; }
void UpdateLink(object arg);
public class CollectionInformation : ICollectionInformation
public CollectionInformation(List<IElement> children)
ListOfChildren = children;
public List<IElement> ListOfChildren { get; }
public string ElementName { get; set; } = "Collection info";
public string ElementDescription { get; set; } = "desc";
public void DoUpdate(object arg)
Console.WriteLine("I did stuff");
public void Draw()
foreach (IElement element in ListOfChildren)
// extended functionality type 2
public interface ICollectionInformation: IElement
List<IElement> ListOfChildren { get; }
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