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Last active July 26, 2023 15:33
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Connect Telraam with wired network instead of wifi

Connect your Telraam device with wired ethernet instead of Wifi, using a USB2Ethernet Dongle like

  1. Download Telraam dev image

  2. Flash the image on the SD card

  3. Before putting the SD card into the Raspberry Pi, add the empty file "ssh" in the root of the SD card ("touch ssh")

  4. Put SD card into RPi, login with user pi and make new user with sudo rights

  5. Setup the Telraam following the instructions

  6. Now tweak the scripts in Telraam/Install and Telraam/Scripts by replacing the MAC address of the Wifi by the MAC address of your USB-to-Ethernet adapter. #mac_addr = uuid.getnode()

  7. Block the Wifi: "sudo rfkill block wifi"

  8. Check if your device keeps sending data packages on your Telraam dashboard

  9. Turn off wifi at boot; In /boot/config.txt, add dtoverlay=pi3-disable-wifi

  10. Possibly the operation of tweaking script is lost after OTA-update. The tweak could be added in the crontab, or manually after update.

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