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Created October 10, 2018 11:46
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irma_api_server attribute verification
// A sample configuration file that have all options set to their default.
// If this file should be reloaded on each new request.
"hot_reload_configuration": true,
// Names of the private/public key files for JWT signing (public key is only necessary for running unit tests)
"jwt_privatekey": "sk.der",
"jwt_publickey": "pk.der",
// Name of the JWT issuer that signs the JWT's
"jwt_issuer": "irma_api_server-demo",
// Completely enable or disable verification.
"enable_verification": true,
// Completely enable or disable issuing.
"enable_issuing": true,
// Completely enable or disable attribute-based signatures
"enable_signing": true,
// In order to prevent linkability, the timestamps of all issued credentials must fall exactly on an
// epoch bondary. If this is set to true and the IdP requests a validity for a credential which does
// not fall on such a boundary, we reject the request. If set to true, we accept the request and
// floor it to the nearest epoch boundary ourselves.
"reject_unfloored_validity_timestamps": true,
// DANGEROUS: Allow JWTs containing issuing requests to be unsigned (using signing algorithm "none").
// Use with care: if you set this to true, anyone that can reach your server can create issuance requests!
"allow_unsigned_issue_requests": true,
// Same as above for verification requests
"allow_unsigned_verification_requests": true,
// Same as above for signature requests
"allow_unsigned_signature_requests": true,
// Maximum age (in seconds) of incoming JSON web tokens for issuing or verification.
"max_jwt_age": 60,
// Time (in seconds) the token has to post its proof or secret key commitments. After this the session
// expires and is removed.
"token_response_timeout": 600,
// Time (in seconds) the token has to retrieve the session info after the session has been created.
// After this the session expires and is removed.
"token_get_timeout": 120,
// Time (in seconds) the client (i.e. the identity or service provider) has to fetch the result after the
// token is done. After this the session expires and is removed.
"client_get_timeout": 120,
// A list of authorized IdP's and what credentials they may sign.
// Example entry: "testip": [ "irma-demo.MijnOverheid.ageLower" ]
// Supports wildcards as follows:
// "testip": [ "*" ] // testip can issue anything
// "testip": [ "irma-demo.*" ] // testip can issue anything managed by the irma-demo scheme manager
// "testip": [ "irma-demo.MijnOverheid.*" ] // testip can issue all credentials from issuer MijnOverheid
// Assuming "allow_unsigned_issue_requests" is set to false, for each key identifying an identity provider,
// a .der public key file with the same name should be included in the src/main/resources/issuers folder, for
// verifying JWT's containing incoming issuing requests. For example, in the example below,
// src/main/resources/issuers/testip.der should exist.
// Note that the included testip.js will not work until you put it here, for example as above.
"authorized_idps": {
"testip": [ "*" ],
"keyshare_server": [ "*" ],
"pk": [ "*" ]
// A list of authorized SP's and what attributes they may verify.
// Example entry: "testsp": [ "irma-demo.MijnOverheid.ageLower.over12" ]
// Wildcards are supported as above, plus:
// "testsp": [ "irma-demo.MijnOverheid.ageLower.*" ] // testsp can verify all attributes from ageLower
// .der public keys of authorized verifiers are expected at the path src/main/resources/verifiers.
"authorized_sps": {
"testsp": [ "*" ],
"sk": [ "*" ]
// A list of authorized signature clients and what they may verify. Structure is the same as above.
"authorized_sigclients": {
"testsigclient": [ "*" ]
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