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Last active September 16, 2015 05:37
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools
import re
import urlparse
import boto
import warc
from boto.s3.key import Key
from gzipstream import GzipStreamFile
from mrjob.job import MRJob
from mrjob.protocol import RawProtocol
PHONE_SEP = r"[\-. ()+]"
"prefix": r"[\D\b](1?",
"first_digit": "[2-9]",
"digits": [2, 3, 4],
"suffix": r")[\D\b]"
def standardize_phone_number(number):
number_sep = sep_re.split(number)
number = "".join(number_sep)
if len(number) > 7:
if number[-1] not in '0123456789':
number = number[:-1]
if number[0] not in '0123456789':
number = number[1:]
if len(number) <= 10:
return "+1" + number
return "+" + number
def make_phone_format(phone_format=US_PHONE):
format_list = [phone_format["prefix"]]
format_list += [phone_format["first_digit"]]
for digit in phone_format["digits"][:-1]:
format_list += [r"\d{", str(digit), "}", PHONE_SEP, r"+"]
format_list += [r"\d{", str(phone_format["digits"][-1]), "}"]
format_list += [phone_format["suffix"]]
return r"".join(format_list)
us_phone_regex = re.compile(make_phone_format())
sep_re = re.compile(PHONE_SEP)
class MRExtractPhoneNumbers(MRJob):
HADOOP_INPUT_FORMAT = 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.NLineInputFormat'
def map_commoncrawl(self, s3_object):
f = warc.WARCFile(fileobj=GzipStreamFile(s3_object))
for record in f:
for key, value in self.process_record(record):
yield key, value
def process_record(self, record):
if record['content-type'] != 'text/plain':
payload =
for phone_number in us_phone_regex.findall(payload):
yield standardize_phone_number(phone_number), {'url': record.header['warc-target-uri']}
def fetch_yelp_business_data(self, s3_object):
# Fake example data, for illustration
yield '+14159083801', {'biz_id': 1000}
yield '+14155550100', {'biz_id': 1001}
yield '+14155550101', {'biz_id': 1002}
def map_to_phone_number(self, _, s3_url):
s3_url_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(s3_url)
bucket_name = s3_url_parsed.netloc
key_path = s3_url_parsed.path[1:]
conn = boto.connect_s3()
bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name, validate=False)
key = Key(bucket, key_path)
if key_path.startswith('common-crawl'):
# Assume it's a commoncrawl object
for phone_number, data in self.map_commoncrawl(key):
yield phone_number, data
for phone_number, data in self.fetch_yelp_business_data(key):
yield phone_number, data
def reduce_by_phone_number(self, phone_number, values):
biz_ids = []
urls = []
for each_value in values:
if 'biz_id' in each_value:
if 'url' in each_value:
if len(biz_ids) > 1000 or len(urls) > 1000:
if not urls or not biz_ids:
# multiple businesses share same phone number, treat them as one id
biz_id = ','.join(sorted(biz_ids))
for each_url in urls:
yield biz_id, each_url
def map_to_domain(self, biz_id, url):
domain = urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc.split(':')[0]
if domain:
yield domain, (url, biz_id)
def filter_large_domains(self, domain, url_biz_id_pairs):
# Filter out any domain with > 10 businesses
first_pairs = list(itertools.islice(url_biz_id_pairs, 11))
if len(first_pairs) > 10:
yield 'filtered', domain
for url, biz_ids in first_pairs:
yield biz_ids, url
def steps(self):
return [, reducer=self.reduce_by_phone_number),, reducer=self.filter_large_domains)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
class MRCrawlPhoneNumbers(MRJob):
HADOOP_INPUT_FORMAT = 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.NLineInputFormat'
# ...
class MRCrawlPhoneNumbers(MRJob):
HADOOP_INPUT_FORMAT = 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.NLineInputFormat'
def mapper(self, _, s3_path):
# _ is the byte offset, ignore this and just use the s3_path value
import warc
class MRCrawlPhoneNumbers(MRJob):
# ...
def map_to_phone_number(self, _, s3_path):
s3_url_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(s3_url)
bucket_name = s3_url_parsed.netloc
key_path = s3_url_parsed.path[1:]
conn = boto.connect_s3()
if s3_path.startswith('common-crawl'):
# Assume it's a commoncrawl object
for phone_number, value in self.map_commoncrawl(s3_path):
yield phone_number, value
# Parse the Yelp business data
for phone_number, value in self.map_biz_phone_csv(s3_path):
yield phone_number, value
def map_commoncrawl(self, s3_path):
conn = boto.connect_s3()
bucket = conn.get_bucket('aws-publicdatasets', validate=False)
key = Key(bucket, s3_path)
warc_file = warc.WARCFile(fileobj=GzipStreamFile(key))
for record in warc_file:
for key, value in self.process_warc_record(record):
yield key, value
def process_warc_record(self, record):
if record['content-type'] != 'text/plain':
webpage_text =
for phone_number in us_phone_regex.findall(webpage_text):
yield standardize_phone_number(phone_number), {'url': record.header['warc-target-uri']}
PHONE_SEP = r"[\-. ()+]"
"prefix": r"[\D\b](1?",
"first_digit": "[2-9]",
"digits": [2,3,4],
"suffix": r")[\D\b]"
def make_phone_format(phone_format = US_PHONE):
format_list = [phone_format["prefix"]]
format_list += [phone_format["first_digit"]]
for digit in phone_format["digits"][:-1]:
format_list += [r"\d{", str(digit), "}", PHONE_SEP, r"+"]
format_list += [r"\d{", str(phone_format["digits"][-1]), "}"]
format_list += [phone_format["suffix"]]
return r"".join(format_list)
us_phone_regex = re.compile(make_phone_format())
$ python -r emr s3://aws-publicdatasets/common-crawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-52/wet.paths.gz s3://yelp/business_data.txt
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