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Created June 24, 2015 17:05
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* This filter attempts to make HTML safe for viewing. IT IS NOT PERFECT. If
* you enable HTML viewing, you are opening a security hole. With the current
* state of the web, I believe that the best we can do is to make sure that
* people *KNOW* HTML is a security hole, clean up what we can, and leave it
* at that.
* $Horde: framework/Text_Filter/Filter/xss.php,v 1.18 2008/12/10 15:11:58 chuck Exp $
* Copyright 2004-2008 The Horde Project (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
* did not receive this file, see
* @author Jan Schneider <>
* @since Horde 3.1
* @package Horde_Text
class Text_Filter_xss extends Text_Filter {
* Filter parameters.
* @var array
var $_params = array('body_only' => true,
'replace' => 'XSSCleaned',
'strip_styles' => true,
'strip_style_attributes' => true);
* Returns a hash with replace patterns.
* @return array Patterns hash.
function getPatterns()
$patterns = array();
/* Remove all control characters. */
$patterns['/[\x00-\x08\x0e-\x1f]/'] = '';
/* Removes HTML comments (including some scripts & styles). */
if ($this->_params['strip_styles']) {
$patterns['/<!--.*?-->/s'] = '';
/* Change space entities to space characters. */
$patterns['/&#(?:x0*20|0*32);?/i'] = ' ';
/* If we have a semicolon, it is deterministically detectable and
* fixable, without introducing collateral damage. */
$patterns['/&#x?0*(?:[9A-D]|1[0-3]);/i'] = '&nbsp;';
/* Hex numbers (usually having an x prefix) are also deterministic,
* even if we don't have the semi. Note that some browsers will treat
* &#a or &#0a as a hex number even without the x prefix; hence /x?/
* which will cover those cases in this rule. */
$patterns['/&#x?0*[9A-D]([^0-9A-F]|$)/i'] = '&nbsp\\1';
/* Decimal numbers without trailing semicolons. The problem is that
* some browsers will interpret &#10a as "\na", some as "&#x10a" so we
* have to clean the &#10 to be safe for the "\na" case at the expense
* of mangling a valid entity in other cases. (Solution for valid HTML
* authors: always use the semicolon.) */
$patterns['/&#0*(?:9|1[0-3])([^0-9]|$)/i'] = '&nbsp\\1';
/* Remove overly long numeric entities. */
$patterns['/&#x?0*[0-9A-F]{6,};?/i'] = '&nbsp;';
/* Remove everything outside of and including the <html> and <body>
* tags. */
if ($this->_params['body_only']) {
$patterns['/^.*<(?:body|html)[^>]*>/si'] = '';
$patterns['/<\/(?:body|html)>.*$/si'] = '';
/* Get all attribute="javascript:foo()" tags. This is essentially the
* regex /(=|url\()("?)[^>]*script:/ but expanded to catch camouflage
* with spaces and entities. */
$preg = '/((=|&#0*61;?|&#x0*3D;?)|' .
'((u|&#0*85;?|&#x0*55;?|&#0*117;?|&#x0*75;?|\\\\0*75)\s*' .
'(r|&#0*82;?|&#x0*52;?|&#0*114;?|&#x0*72;?|\\\\0*72)\s*' .
'(l|&#0*76;?|&#x0*4c;?|&#0*108;?|&#x0*6c;?|\\\\0*6c)\s*' .
'(\(|\\\\0*28)))\s*' .
'(\'|&#0*34;?|&#x0*22;?|"|&#0*39;?|&#x0*27;?)?' .
'[^>]*\s*' .
'(s|&#0*83;?|&#x0*53;?|&#0*115;?|&#x0*73;?|\\\\0*73)\s*' .
'(c|&#0*67;?|&#x0*43;?|&#0*99;?|&#x0*63;?|\\\\0*63)\s*' .
'(r|&#0*82;?|&#x0*52;?|&#0*114;?|&#x0*72;?|\\\\0*72)\s*' .
'(i|&#0*73;?|&#x0*49;?|&#0*105;?|&#x0*69;?|\\\\0*69)\s*' .
'(p|&#0*80;?|&#x0*50;?|&#0*112;?|&#x0*70;?|\\\\0*70)\s*' .
'(t|&#0*84;?|&#x0*54;?|&#0*116;?|&#x0*74;?|\\\\0*74)\s*' .
$patterns[$preg] = '\1\8' . $this->_params['replace'];
/* Get all on<foo>="bar()". NEVER allow these. */
$patterns['/([\s"\'\/]+' .
'(o|&#0*79;?|&#0*4f;?|&#0*111;?|&#0*6f;?)' .
'(n|&#0*78;?|&#0*4e;?|&#0*110;?|&#0*6e;?)' .
'\w+)[^=a-z0-9"\'>]*=/i'] = '\1' . $this->_params['replace'] . '=';
/* Remove all scripts since they might introduce garbage if they are
* not quoted properly. */
$patterns['|<script[^>]*>.*?</script>|is'] = '<' . $this->_params['replace'] . '_script />';
/* Get all tags that might cause trouble - <object>, <embed>,
* <applet>, <base>, etc. Meta refreshes and iframes, too. */
$malicious = array(
'/<([^>a-z]*)' .
'(s|&#0*83;?|&#x0*53;?|&#0*115;?|&#x0*73;?)\s*' .
'(c|&#0*67;?|&#x0*43;?|&#0*99;?|&#x0*63;?)\s*' .
'(r|&#0*82;?|&#x0*52;?|&#0*114;?|&#x0*72;?)\s*' .
'(i|&#0*73;?|&#x0*49;?|&#0*105;?|&#x0*69;?)\s*' .
'(p|&#0*80;?|&#x0*50;?|&#0*112;?|&#x0*70;?)\s*' .
'/<([^>a-z]*)' .
'(e|&#0*69;?|&#0*45;?|&#0*101;?|&#0*65;?)\s*' .
'(m|&#0*77;?|&#0*4d;?|&#0*109;?|&#0*6d;?)\s*' .
'(b|&#0*66;?|&#0*42;?|&#0*98;?|&#0*62;?)\s*' .
'(e|&#0*69;?|&#0*45;?|&#0*101;?|&#0*65;?)\s*' .
'/<([^>a-z]*)' .
'(x|&#0*88;?|&#0*58;?|&#0*120;?|&#0*78;?)\s*' .
'(m|&#0*77;?|&#0*4d;?|&#0*109;?|&#0*6d;?)\s*' .
'/<([^>a-z]*)\?([^>a-z]*)' .
'(i|&#0*73;?|&#x0*49;?|&#0*105;?|&#x0*69;?)\s*' .
'(m|&#0*77;?|&#0*4d;?|&#0*109;?|&#0*6d;?)\s*' .
'(p|&#0*80;?|&#x0*50;?|&#0*112;?|&#x0*70;?)\s*' .
'(o|&#0*79;?|&#0*4f;?|&#0*111;?|&#0*6f;?)\s*' .
'(r|&#0*82;?|&#x0*52;?|&#0*114;?|&#x0*72;?)\s*' .
'/<([^>a-z]*)' .
'(b|&#0*66;?|&#0*42;?|&#0*98;?|&#0*62;?)\s*' .
'(a|&#0*65;?|&#0*41;?|&#0*97;?|&#0*61;?)\s*' .
'(s|&#0*83;?|&#x0*53;?|&#0*115;?|&#x0*73;?)\s*' .
'(e|&#0*69;?|&#0*45;?|&#0*101;?|&#0*65;?)\s*' .
'/<([^>a-z]*)' .
'(m|&#0*77;?|&#0*4d;?|&#0*109;?|&#0*6d;?)\s*' .
'(e|&#0*69;?|&#0*45;?|&#0*101;?|&#0*65;?)\s*' .
'(t|&#0*84;?|&#x0*54;?|&#0*116;?|&#x0*74;?)\s*' .
'/<([^>a-z]*)' .
'(j|&#0*74;?|&#0*4a;?|&#0*106;?|&#0*6a;?)\s*' .
'(a|&#0*65;?|&#0*41;?|&#0*97;?|&#0*61;?)\s*' .
'(v|&#0*86;?|&#0*56;?|&#0*118;?|&#0*76;?)\s*' .
'/<([^>a-z]*)' .
'(o|&#0*79;?|&#0*4f;?|&#0*111;?|&#0*6f;?)\s*' .
'(b|&#0*66;?|&#0*42;?|&#0*98;?|&#0*62;?)\s*' .
'(j|&#0*74;?|&#0*4a;?|&#0*106;?|&#0*6a;?)\s*' .
'(e|&#0*69;?|&#0*45;?|&#0*101;?|&#0*65;?)\s*' .
'(c|&#0*67;?|&#x0*43;?|&#0*99;?|&#x0*63;?)\s*' .
'/<([^>a-z]*)' .
'(a|&#0*65;?|&#0*41;?|&#0*97;?|&#0*61;?)\s*' .
'(p|&#0*80;?|&#x0*50;?|&#0*112;?|&#x0*70;?)\s*' .
'(p|&#0*80;?|&#x0*50;?|&#0*112;?|&#x0*70;?)\s*' .
'(l|&#0*76;?|&#x0*4c;?|&#0*108;?|&#x0*6c;?)\s*' .
'(e|&#0*69;?|&#0*45;?|&#0*101;?|&#0*65;?)\s*' .
'/<([^>a-z]*)' .
'(l|&#0*76;?|&#x0*4c;?|&#0*108;?|&#x0*6c;?)\s*' .
'(a|&#0*65;?|&#0*41;?|&#0*97;?|&#0*61;?)\s*' .
'(y|&#0*89;?|&#0*59;?|&#0*121;?|&#0*79;?)\s*' .
'(e|&#0*69;?|&#0*45;?|&#0*101;?|&#0*65;?)\s*' .
'/<([^>a-z]*)' .
'(i|&#0*73;?|&#x0*49;?|&#0*105;?|&#x0*69;?)?\s*' .
'(f|&#0*70;?|&#0*46;?|&#0*102;?|&#0*66;?)\s*' .
'(r|&#0*82;?|&#x0*52;?|&#0*114;?|&#x0*72;?)\s*' .
'(a|&#0*65;?|&#0*41;?|&#0*97;?|&#0*61;?)\s*' .
'(m|&#0*77;?|&#0*4d;?|&#0*109;?|&#0*6d;?)\s*' .
foreach ($malicious as $pattern) {
$patterns[$pattern] = '<' . $this->_params['replace'] . '_tag';
/* Comment out style/link tags. */
if ($this->_params['strip_styles']) {
if ($this->_params['strip_style_attributes']) {
$patterns['/(\s+|([\'"]))style\s*=/i'] = '$2 ' . $this->_params['replace'] . '=';
$patterns['|<style[^>]*>(?:\s*<\!--)*|i'] = '<!--';
$patterns['|(?:-->\s*)*</style>|i'] = '-->';
$patterns['|(<link[^>]*>)|i'] = '<!-- $1 -->';
/* A few other matches. */
$patterns['|<([^>]*)&{.*}([^>]*)>|'] = '<\1&{;}\2>';
$patterns['|<([^>]*)mocha:([^>]*)>|i'] = '<\1' . $this->_params['replace'] . ':\2>';
$patterns['/<(([^>]*)|(style[^>]*>[^<]*))binding:((?(3)[^<]*<\/style)[^>]*)>/i'] = '<\1' . $this->_params['replace'] . ':\4>';
return array('regexp' => $patterns);
* Executes any code necessary before applying the filter patterns.
* @param string $text The text before the filtering.
* @return string The modified text.
function preProcess($text)
// As of PHP 5.2, backtrack limits have been set to an unreasonably
// low number. The body check will often times trigger backtrack
// errors so up the backtrack limit if we are doing this match.
if ($this->_params['body_only'] && ini_get('pcre.backtrack_limit')) {
ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 5000000);
return $text;
* Executes any code necessary after applying the filter patterns.
* @param string $text The text after the filtering.
* @return string The modified text.
function postProcess($text)
return $text;
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