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Created September 17, 2016 16:24
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pycipher-cli for executing pycipher library from command-line
# cli for pycipher (
from __future__ import print_function
import pycipher
from pycipher import ADFGX
from pycipher import Affine
from pycipher import Atbash
from pycipher import Autokey
from pycipher import Beaufort
from pycipher import Bifid
from pycipher import ColTrans
from pycipher.caesar import Caesar
from pycipher.enigma import Enigma
from pycipher import Foursquare
from pycipher import Gronsfeld
from pycipher.m209 import M209
from pycipher.playfair import Playfair
from pycipher import PolybiusSquare
from pycipher.porta import Porta
from pycipher.railfence import Railfence
from pycipher import Rot13
from pycipher.simplesubstitution import SimpleSubstitution
from pycipher import Vigenere
import sys, getopt
def eprint(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def main(argv):
verbose = False
encrypt = False
cipher = ''
key = ''
keysquare = ''
msg = ''
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hdec:k:m:q:v",["decrypt","encrypt","cipher=","key=","msg=","keysquare=", "verbose"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print ('pycipher-cli for executing ciphers implemented in pycipher library from command-line')
print (' To decrypt msg with cipher using key when required by cipher, run')
print (' python -d -c <cipher> [-k <key>] -m <ciphertext>')
print (' To encrypt msg with cipher using key when cipher requires one, run:')
print (' python -e -c <cipher> [-k <key>] -m <plaintext>')
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print ('pycipher-cli for running pycipher from command-line')
print (' To decrypt msg with cipher using key when required by cipher, run')
print (' python -d -c <cipher> [-k <key>] [--keysquare=<ADFGVX keysquare>] -m <ciphertext> ')
print (' To encrypt msg with cipher using key when cipher requires one, run:')
print (' python -e -c <cipher> [-k <key>] [--keysquare=<ADFGVX keysquare>] -m <plaintext> ')
elif opt in ("-d", "--decrypt"):
encrypt = False
elif opt in ("-e", "--encrypt"):
encrypt = True
elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
verbose = True
elif opt in ("-c", "--cipher"):
cipher = arg.lower()
elif opt in ("-k", "--key"):
key = arg
elif opt in ("-q", "--keysquare"):
keysquare = arg
elif opt in ("-m", "--msg"):
msg = arg
if verbose:
print ('Using cipher: '+cipher+', encrypt='+str(encrypt)+ ', key: ' + key + ', msg: ' + msg)
# new if
if cipher == 'rot13':
if encrypt: res = Rot13().encipher(msg)
else: res = Rot13().decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'adfgvx':
if keysquare=='':
eprint ('ERROR: keysquare not set for adfgvx')
elif encrypt:
keys=((keysquare, key))
res = pycipher.ADFGVX(*keys).encipher(msg)
keys=((keysquare, key))
res = pycipher.ADFGVX(*keys).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'adfgx':
if keysquare=='':
eprint ('ERROR: keysquare not set for adfgx')
elif encrypt:
keys=((keysquare, key))
res = ADFGX(*keys).encipher(msg)
keys=((keysquare, key))
res = ADFGX(*keys).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'affine':
res = 'affine: TODO'
elif cipher == 'atbash':
if encrypt: res = Atbash().encipher(msg)
else: res = Atbash().decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'autokey':
if encrypt: res = Autokey(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = Autokey(key).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'beaufort':
if encrypt: res = Beaufort(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = Beaufort(key).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'bifid':
if encrypt: res = Bifid(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = Bifid(key).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'caesar':
if encrypt: res = Caesar(int(key)).encipher(msg)
else: res = Caesar(int(key)).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'coltrans':
if encrypt: res = ColTrans(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = ColTrans(key).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'enigma':
res = "ENIGMA : TODO"
elif cipher == 'foursquare':
if encrypt: res = Foursquare(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = Foursquare(key).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'gronsfeld':
# syntax: -k 2,7,8,1,3,9,3
keyarr = []
keyarr = map(int, key.split(","))
except ValueError:
eprint ('ERROR: Syntax error in key "' + key + '", use e.g. -k 2,3,7,1,13 for Gronsfeld')
if encrypt: res = Gronsfeld(keyarr).encipher(msg)
else: res = Gronsfeld(keyarr).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'm209':
if encrypt: res = M209(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = M209(key).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'playfair':
if encrypt: res = Playfair(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = Playfair(key).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'polybius':
if encrypt: res = PolybiusSquare(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = PolybiusSquare(key).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'porta':
if encrypt: res = Porta(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = Porta(key).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'railfence':
if encrypt: res = Railfence(int(key)).encipher(msg)
else: res = Railfence(int(key)).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'simple':
if encrypt: res = SimpleSubstitution(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = SimpleSubstitution(key).decipher(msg)
elif cipher == 'vigenere':
if encrypt: res = Vigenere(key).encipher(msg)
else: res = Vigenere(key).decipher(msg)
eprint ('ERROR: unsupported cipher: ' + cipher)
print (res)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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