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Created June 16, 2019 20:31
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const { Api, JsonRpc, RpcError } = require('eosjs');
const { JsSignatureProvider } = require('eosjs/dist/eosjs-jssig');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const { TextDecoder, TextEncoder } = require('text-encoding');
const signatureProvider = new JsSignatureProvider(["5JUVf4PgAppQciKbxngmmfWHsmaxGcfKu53X6zpKTK2zg25MsEn"]);
const rpc = new JsonRpc('', { fetch });
const api = new Api({
textDecoder: new TextDecoder(),
textEncoder: new TextEncoder()
// creates a serialized EOS.IO transaction.
// this transaction can be then be signed separately and pushed
const createTransaction = async (account, name, actor, permission, data) => {
try {
return await api.transact({
actions: [{
account: account,
name: name,
authorization: [{
actor: actor,
permission: permission,
data: data,
}, {
blocksBehind: 3,
expireSeconds: 30,
broadcast: false,
sign: false
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof RpcError)
console.log(JSON.stringify(e.json, null, 2));
// Sign a serialized transaction, `unsigned`
// The value returned can be PUSHED to the HTTP server
const signTransaction = async (unsigned, provider) => {
const keys = await provider.getAvailableKeys()
unsigned.requiredKeys = keys
// Dealin Node Chain ID -- can change.
unsigned.chainId = "e70aaab8997e1dfce58fbfac80cbbb8fecec7b99cf982a9444273cbc64c41473"
let sigs = unsigned.signatures || null
const signed = await provider.sign(unsigned)
if (sigs) {
signed.signatures = signed.signatures.concat(sigs)
return signed
// configures EOS.IO account.
// adds the eosio.code pseudo-authority
const updateAuth = async (account, activePubKey, ownerPrivateKey) => {
const txData = {
// account to be configured
account: account,
auth: {
accounts: [{
permission: {
// should always be the platform account
actor: "dealination2",
// the new pseudo-auth required for an account to use inline actions
permission: "eosio.code"
}, weight: 1
keys: [
// active public key
key: activePubKey,
weight: 1
threshold: 1,
waits: []
parent: "owner",
permission: "active"
const serializedTx = await createTransaction(
// platform account -- 'eosio' is the platform account for the eosio.system SC.
// action name
// account signing this transaction
// account permission
// request body - action parameters
const signedTx = await signTransaction(
// create a sig-provider with one private key
new JsSignatureProvider([ownerPrivateKey]));
const res = await rpc.push_transaction(signedTx);
return res;
(async () => {
const res = await updateAuth(
// account to configure
// active pub key
// owner private key - updateauth transactions are signed using the owner private key
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