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Last active June 12, 2022 22:39
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x86_64 adcx/adox
#include <cstdint>
#include <array>
#include <utility>
#include <x86intrin.h>
using Big = std::array<uint64_t, 4>;
unsigned char sum(Big & __restrict__ a, const Big & __restrict__ b) {
unsigned char c = 0;
for (std::size_t i = a.size(); i > 0; --i) {
c = _addcarry_u64(c, a[i - 1], b[i - 1], (unsigned long long*)&a[i - 1]);
return c;
unsigned char sum(Big & __restrict__ a, const Big & __restrict__ b) {
unsigned char c;
uint64_t t;
uint64_t *pa = &a[0];
const uint64_t *pb = &b[0];
uint64_t count = a.size();
asm(" xor %1, %1 \n"
" 1: \n"
" mov -8(%4, %%rcx, 8), %0 \n"
" adc -8(%5, %%rcx, 8), %0 \n"
" mov %0, -8(%4, %%rcx, 8) \n"
" loop 1b \n"
" setc %1"
: "=&r" (t), "=&r" (c), "+c" (count), "+m" (*(uint64_t(*)[a.size()])pa)
: "r" (pa), "r" (pb), "m" (*(uint64_t(*)[b.size()])pb)
: "cc"
return c;
std::pair<unsigned char, unsigned char> sum2(Big & __restrict__ a, const Big & __restrict__ b, Big & __restrict__ c, const Big & __restrict__ d) {
unsigned char c0, c1;
uint64_t t;
uint64_t *pa = &a[0];
const uint64_t *pb = &b[0];
uint64_t *pc = &c[0];
const uint64_t *pd = &d[0];
uint64_t count = a.size();
asm(" xor %1, %1 \n"
" xor %2, %2 \n"
" 1: \n"
" mov -8(%6, %%rcx, 8), %0 \n"
" adcx -8(%7, %%rcx, 8), %0 \n"
" mov %0, -8(%6, %%rcx, 8) \n"
" mov -8(%8, %%rcx, 8), %0 \n"
" adox -8(%9, %%rcx, 8), %0 \n"
" mov %0, -8(%8, %%rcx, 8) \n"
" loop 1b \n"
" setc %1 \n"
" seto %2"
: "=&r" (t), "=&r" (c0), "=&r" (c1), "+c" (count), "+m" (*(uint64_t(*)[a.size()])pa), "+m" (*(uint64_t(*)[c.size()])pc)
: "r" (pa), "r" (pb), "r" (pc), "r" (pd), "m" (*(uint64_t(*)[b.size()])pb), "m" (*(uint64_t(*)[d.size()])pd)
: "cc"
return std::make_pair(c0, c1);
#include <cstdio>
int main() {
Big a{~0LLU,~0LLU,~0LLU,~0LLU};
Big b{2,3,4,6};
Big c{~0LLU,~0LLU,~0LLU,~0LLU};
Big d{4,6,8,12};
// unsigned char c0 = sum(a, b);
// unsigned char c1 = sum(c, d);
auto [c0, c1] = sum2(a, b, c, d);
//auto [c2, c3] = sum2(a, b, c, d);
printf("%x ", c0);
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {
printf("%016lx ", a[i]);
printf("%x ", c1);
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) {
printf("%016lx ", c[i]);
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