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Created March 24, 2020 12:11
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UnityProgramWithXboxLiveFunctionality Low + `--used-attrs-only`
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (WIN)
Expected: 5120
Actual: 0 (Removed File)
Diff: -5120 (-100%)
UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 13312
Actual: 8192
Diff: -5120 (-38.4615%)
UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 14336
Actual: 11264
Diff: -3072 (-21.4286%)
Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract.winmd (WIN)
Expected: 11264
Actual: 9728
Diff: -1536 (-13.6364%)
Windows.Gaming.XboxLive.StorageApiContract.winmd (WIN)
Expected: 8704
Actual: 7680
Diff: -1024 (-11.7647%)
System.Configuration.dll (WIN)
Expected: 4608
Actual: 4096
Diff: -512 (-11.1111%)
System.IO.dll (WIN)
Expected: 4608
Actual: 4096
Diff: -512 (-11.1111%)
System.Collections.dll (WIN)
Expected: 5120
Actual: 4608
Diff: -512 (-10%)
System.Xml.XDocument.dll (WIN)
Expected: 5120
Actual: 4608
Diff: -512 (-10%)
UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 10752
Actual: 9728
Diff: -1024 (-9.5238%)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll (WIN)
Expected: 5632
Actual: 5120
Diff: -512 (-9.0909%)
Windows.winmd (WIN)
Expected: 5632
Actual: 5120
Diff: -512 (-9.0909%)
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract.winmd (WIN)
Expected: 41984
Actual: 38400
Diff: -3584 (-8.5366%)
UnityEngine.XRModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 13824
Actual: 12800
Diff: -1024 (-7.4074%)
UnityEngine.UnityConnectModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 7680
Actual: 7168
Diff: -512 (-6.6667%)
UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 15872
Actual: 14848
Diff: -1024 (-6.4516%)
UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 180736
Actual: 169984
Diff: -10752 (-5.949%)
UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 8704
Actual: 8192
Diff: -512 (-5.8824%)
System.dll (WIN)
Expected: 529920
Actual: 499200
Diff: -30720 (-5.7971%)
netstandard.dll (WIN)
Expected: 35840
Actual: 33792
Diff: -2048 (-5.7143%)
UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 9216
Actual: 8704
Diff: -512 (-5.5556%)
System.Runtime.dll (WIN)
Expected: 10240
Actual: 9728
Diff: -512 (-5%)
UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 10240
Actual: 9728
Diff: -512 (-5%)
UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 10240
Actual: 9728
Diff: -512 (-5%)
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 23040
Actual: 22016
Diff: -1024 (-4.4444%)
UnityEngine.UIModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 13824
Actual: 13312
Diff: -512 (-3.7037%)
UnityEngine.dll (WIN)
Expected: 28160
Actual: 27136
Diff: -1024 (-3.6364%)
mscorlib.dll (WIN)
Expected: 1985024
Actual: 1922048
Diff: -62976 (-3.1726%)
UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 39936
Actual: 38912
Diff: -1024 (-2.5641%)
UnityEngine.WebModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 19968
Actual: 19456
Diff: -512 (-2.5641%)
System.Xml.Linq.dll (WIN)
Expected: 40960
Actual: 39936
Diff: -1024 (-2.5%)
System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.dll (WIN)
Expected: 25600
Actual: 25088
Diff: -512 (-2%)
UnityEngine.VRModule.dll (WIN)
Expected: 28160
Actual: 27648
Diff: -512 (-1.8182%)
winrt.dll (WIN)
Expected: 30208
Actual: 29696
Diff: -512 (-1.6949%)
System.Xml.dll (WIN)
Expected: 839168
Actual: 830976
Diff: -8192 (-0.9762%)
Microsoft.Xbox.Services.UWP.CSharp.dll (WIN)
Expected: 57344
Actual: 56832
Diff: -512 (-0.8929%)
Total (WIN)
Expected: 6018048
Actual: 5867520
Diff: -150528 (-2.5013%)
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