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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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  • Save mrwilson/d189acdcd15d5080605c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# regions
do_regions_sfo1: 3
do_regions_nyc2: 4
do_regions_ams2: 5
do_regions_sgp1: 6
do_regions_lon1: 7
# sizes
do_sizes_32gb: 60
do_sizes_16gb: 61
do_sizes_2gb: 62
do_sizes_1gb: 63
do_sizes_4gb: 64
do_sizes_8gb: 65
do_sizes_512mb: 66
do_sizes_64gb: 69
do_sizes_48gb: 70
# images
do_images_centos-5-8-x64: 1601
do_images_centos-5-8-x32: 1602
do_images_debian-6-0-x64: 12573
do_images_debian-6-0-x32: 12575
do_images_ubuntu-10-04-x64: 14097
do_images_ubuntu-10-04-x32: 14098
do_images_centos-6-4-x32: 376568
do_images_centos-6-4-x64: 562354
do_images_ubuntu-12-04-x32: 3100616
do_images_ubuntu-12-04-x64: 3101045
do_images_fedora-19-x32: 3102721
do_images_fedora-19-x64: 3102879
do_images_ghost: 3121555
do_images_fedora-20-x32: 3243143
do_images_fedora-20-x64: 3243145
do_images_debian-7-0-x64: 3445812
do_images_debian-7-0-x32: 3445920
do_images_centos-6-5-x64: 3448641
do_images_centos-6-5-x32: 3448674
do_images_django: 3935257
do_images_lamp: 3961756
do_images_mean: 4204318
do_images_ruby-on-rails: 4261622
do_images_node: 4295378
do_images_lemp: 4547332
do_images_gitlab: 4582138
do_images_centos-7-0-x64: 4856048
do_images_docker: 4970653
do_images_dokku: 5099646
do_images_ubuntu-14-04-x64: 5141286
do_images_ubuntu-14-04-x32: 5142677
# Usage:
# ./ <client_id> <api_key>
# Requires:
# jq
for q in regions sizes images; do
echo -n "Calculating ${q} ... "
echo "# ${q}" >> ${OUTPUT}
curl -X GET --silent "${URL}/${q}?client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&api_key=${API_KEY}" | \
jq ".${q}[] | \"do_${q}_\(.slug): \(.id)\"" | \
sed -e 's/\"//g' | \
sed -e '/null/d' >> ${OUTPUT}
echo >> ${OUTPUT}
echo "done"
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pmackay commented Dec 1, 2014

This creates the error when parsing a YAML file:

Unable to look up a name or access an attribute in template string. Make sure your variable name does not contain invalid characters like '-'.

Perhaps the images codes should turn - into _?

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