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Created October 6, 2015 15:40
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#include "astar.hpp"
#include "vector.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <cassert>
using Index = int;
struct Cell
enum class State
State state;
/// Which Cell is the previous one on the shortest path to this one? Filled in once reached.
Index predecessor;
struct Node
/// number of steps required to reach this position
int numSteps;
Vector2i position;
int FindPath( const int nStartX, const int nStartY,
const int nTargetX, const int nTargetY,
const unsigned char* pMap, const int nMapWidth, const int nMapHeight,
int* pOutBuffer, const int nOutBufferSize )
const Vector2i start{ nStartX, nStartY };
const Vector2i target{ nTargetX, nTargetY };
// Create mutable copy of map with additional info on shortest path to any given point (for fast (O(1)) indexing)
std::vector< Cell > cells;
cells.reserve( nMapWidth * nMapHeight );
pMap, pMap + nMapWidth * nMapHeight,
std::back_inserter( cells ),
[]( const unsigned char traversable )
return Cell{ traversable ? Cell::State::NotReached : Cell::State::Obstructed };
/// Convert a 2D Position to an Index
auto toIndex = [ nMapWidth ]( const Vector2i& position ) -> Index
return position[ 1 ] * nMapWidth + position[ 0 ];
/// Retreive the cell at a given position
auto getCell = [ &cells, &toIndex ]( const Vector2i& position ) -> Cell&
return cells[ toIndex( position ) ];
/// Whether a given coordinate is inside the map
auto isValid = [ nMapWidth, nMapHeight ]( const Vector2i& position ) -> bool
position[ 0 ] >= 0 && position[ 0 ] < nMapWidth &&
position[ 1 ] >= 0 && position[ 1 ] < nMapHeight;
const Index startIndex = toIndex( start );
/// (A*) Heuristic for estimating the total number of steps to the target - uses euclidean distance.
auto estimatedSquaredSteps = [ &target ]( const Node& node ) -> int
Vector2i difference = target - node.position;
int squaredDistance = difference * difference;
return node.numSteps * node.numSteps + squaredDistance;
/// Compare two Nodes based on their estimated steps to the target; larger means shorter estimated path.
auto compareNodes = [ &estimatedSquaredSteps ]( const Node& lhs, const Node& rhs ) -> bool
return estimatedSquaredSteps( lhs ) > estimatedSquaredSteps( rhs );
using Queue = std::priority_queue< Node, std::vector< Node >, decltype( compareNodes ) >;
Queue queue( compareNodes );
/// Add the neighbours of a given cell to the queue, if they have not been reached yet
auto pushNeighbours = [ & ]( const Node& node )
// Offsets of neighbouring cells
static constexpr Vector2i neighbours[]{
{ 1, 0 },
{ -1, 0 },
{ 0, 1 },
{ 0, -1 }
for( const auto& offset : neighbours )
const auto neighbour = node.position + offset;
if( isValid( neighbour ) )
auto& cell = getCell( neighbour );
if( cell.state == Cell::State::NotReached )
cell.state = Cell::State::Reached;
cell.predecessor = toIndex( node.position );
queue.push( Node{ node.numSteps + 1, neighbour } );
queue.push( Node{ 0, start } );
getCell( start ).state = Cell::State::Reached;
while( !queue.empty() )
Node node =;
if( node.position == target )
if( 0 < node.numSteps && node.numSteps <= nOutBufferSize )
Index location = toIndex( node.position );
int* outIt = pOutBuffer + node.numSteps - 1;
while( location != startIndex )
assert( outIt >= pOutBuffer );
assert( outIt < pOutBuffer + nOutBufferSize );
*outIt = location;
location = cells[ location ].predecessor;
return node.numSteps;
pushNeighbours( node );
return -1;
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