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package csvdata
// csvdata complements the csv package by allowing you to map a custom structure to
// the columns of data in a CSV file. The struct needs to be annotated so that each
// field can match a column in the data
// type Person struct {
// FirstName string `field:"First Name"`
// Second_Name string
// Age int
// }
baldurk /
Last active February 23, 2024 08:48
Source indexing for github projects

Symbol Servers

I'm assuming you are familiar with symbol servers - you might not have one set up yourself for your own projects, but you probably use Microsoft's public symbol server for downloading symbols for system DLLs.

For your own projects it might be useful to set up a symbol server - I won't go into how you do that here since it's well documented elsewhere, but basically you just set up a folder somewhere - say X:\symbols\ or \servername\symbols or even which has a defined tree structure:
