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Forked from stevedonovan/csvdta.go
Last active July 13, 2018 11:19
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package csvdata
// csvdata complements the csv package by allowing you to map a custom structure to
// the columns of data in a CSV file. The struct needs to be annotated so that each
// field can match a column in the data
// type Person struct {
// FirstName string `field:"First Name"`
// Second_Name string
// Age int
// }
// The name of the column can be inferred from the field name; any underscores in the
// name are converted to spaces when comparing. Otherwise, you must provide a tag
// 'field' with the name of the column.
// r := csv.NewReader(os.Stdin)
// p := new (Person)
// rs,_ := NewReaderIter(r,p)
// for rs.Get() {
// fmt.Println(p.FirstName,p.Second_Name,p.Age)
// }
// if rs.Error != nil {
// fmt.Println("error",rs.Error)
// }
import (
// The data source is any object that has a Read method which can
// return a row as a slice of strings. This matches csv.Reader in particular.
type Reader interface {
Read() ([]string, os.Error)
// ReadIter encapsulates an iterator over a Reader source that fills a
// pointer to a user struct with data.
type ReadIter struct {
Reader Reader
Headers []string
Error os.Error
Line, Column int
fields []reflect.Value
kinds []int
tags []int
const (
none_k = iota
// Creates a new iterator from a Reader source and a user-defined struct.
func NewReadIter(rdr Reader, ps interface{}) (this *ReadIter, err os.Error) {
this = new(ReadIter)
this.Line = 1
this.Headers, err = rdr.Read()
this.Reader = rdr
if err != nil {
this = nil
st := reflect.TypeOf(ps).Elem()
sv := reflect.ValueOf(ps).Elem()
nf := st.NumField()
this.kinds = make([]int, nf)
this.tags = make([]int, nf)
this.fields = make([]reflect.Value, nf)
for i := 0; i < nf; i++ {
f := st.Field(i)
val := sv.Field(i)
// get the corresponding field name and look it up in the headers
tag := f.Tag.Get("csv")
if len(tag) == 0 {
tag = f.Name
if strings.Contains(tag, "_") {
tag = strings.Replace(tag,"_"," ",-1)
itag := -1
for k, h := range this.Headers {
if h == tag {
itag = k
if itag == -1 {
err = os.NewError("cannot find this field " + tag)
this = nil
kind := none_k
Kind := f.Type.Kind()
// this is necessary because Kind can't tell distinguish between a primitive type
// and a type derived from it. We're looking for a Value interface defined on
// the pointer to this value
_, ok := val.Addr().Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler)
if ok {
val = val.Addr()
kind = value_k
} else {
switch Kind {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
kind = int_k
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
kind = uint_k
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
kind = float_k
case reflect.String:
kind = string_k
kind = value_k
_, ok := val.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler)
if !ok {
err = os.NewError("cannot convert this type ")
this = nil
this.kinds[i] = kind
this.tags[i] = itag
this.fields[i] = val
// The Get method reads the next row. If there was an error or EOF, it
// will return false. Client code must then check that ReadIter.Error is
// not nil to distinguish between normal EOF and specific errors.
func (this *ReadIter) Get() bool {
row, err := this.Reader.Read()
this.Line = this.Line + 1
if err != nil {
if err != os.EOF {
this.Error = err
return false
var ival int64
var fval float64
var uval uint64
var v Value
var ok bool
for fi, ci := range this.tags {
vals := row[ci] // string at column ci of current row
f := this.fields[fi]
switch this.kinds[fi] {
case string_k:
case int_k:
ival, err = strconv.Atoi64(vals)
case uint_k:
uval, err = strconv.Atoui64(vals)
case float_k:
fval, err = strconv.Atof64(vals)
case value_k:
v, ok = f.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler)
if !ok {
err = os.NewError("Not a TextUnmarshaler object")
if err != nil {
this.Column = ci + 1
this.Error = err
return false
return true
package main
// invoke like so : ./testdate -d 2009-01-01
import (
type Person struct {
Joined *Date
FirstName string `field:"First Name"`
Second_Name string
Age int
const isodate = "2006-01-02"
type Date struct {
func (this *Date) String() string {
return this.Format(isodate)
func (this *Date) Set(sval string) bool {
t, e := time.Parse(isodate, sval)
this.Time = t
return e == nil
var testdata = `
Joined,"First Name",Second Name,Age
func main() {
// our Date satisfies the Value interface, so we can use it as a flag value
date := Date{time.LocalTime()}
flag.Var(&date, "d", "date to filter records")
// read from our string
rdr := strings.NewReader(testdata)
r := csv.NewReader(rdr)
// make a pointer to our structure
p := new(Person)
p.Joined = new(Date)
rs, _ := csvdata.NewReadIter(r, p)
for rs.Get() {
if date.Year == p.Joined.Year {
if rs.Error != nil {
fmt.Println("error", rs.Error)
package main
// invoke like so : ./testdate -d 2009-01-01
import (
type Account struct {
Name string
Received Float
Spent Float
type Float float64
func (this *Float) String() string {
return strconv.Ftoa64(float64(*this), 'f', 10)
func (this *Float) Set(sval string) bool {
sval = strings.Replace(sval,",","",-1)
v, e := strconv.Atof64(sval)
*this = Float(v)
return e == nil
var testdata = `
func main() {
// read from our string
rdr := strings.NewReader(testdata)
r := csv.NewReader(rdr)
// make a pointer to our structure
p := new(Account)
rs, e := csvdata.NewReadIter(r, p)
if e != nil {
fmt.Println("iter", e)
for rs.Get() {
if rs.Error != nil {
fmt.Println("error", rs.Error, "at line", rs.Line, "and column", rs.Column)
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