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Created April 7, 2015 22:41
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PHP Class for interacting with INSTEON device hooked up to a Universal Device's ISY994i using REST API
* A handy PHP class which allows communication with
* Universal Device's ISY994i over their exposed REST
* API.
* Primarily this class was created to interface with any
* INSTEON product hooked up to the ISY994i. It does not support
* all functionality of the REST interface, instead it's expanded
* as the need for a feature arises.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Henric Andersson
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
class Insteon {
private $sUser = null;
private $sPass = null;
private $sServer = "";
private $DeviceTree = null;
private $VarTree = null;
private $PrgTree = null;
* Initialize the INSTEON class
* @param sServer The name of the server (IP or DNS name)
* @param sUser Username used to authenticate
* @param sPass Password used to authenticate
* @note If you're using sessions, this call will also attempt
* to restore the various configuration data previously
* obtained to speed up performance. Thus it's highly
* recommended to use this class after session_start()
public function init($sServer, $sUser, $sPass) {
$this->sUser = $sUser;
$this->sPass = $sPass;
$this->sServer = $sServer;
$this->DeviceTree = NULL;
$this->VarTree = NULL;
$this->PrgTree = NULL;
// Try and load old data if we had a session
* Loads the stored device, variable and program tree from the session.
private function loadSession() {
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE && isset($_SESSION["_insteon_class"])) {
$this->DeviceTree = $_SESSION["_insteon_class"]["device"] != NULL ? simplexml_load_string($_SESSION["_insteon_class"]["device"]) : NULL;
$this->VarTree = $_SESSION["_insteon_class"]["var"] != NULL ? array("Integer" => new SimpleXML($_SESSION["_insteon_class"]["var"]["Integer"]),
"State" => simplexml_load_string($_SESSION["_insteon_class"]["var"]["State"])) : NULL;
$this->PrgTree = $_SESSION["_insteon_class"]["program"] != NULL ? simplexml_load_string($_SESSION["_insteon_class"]["program"]) : NULL;
* Saves the in-memory version of device, variable and program tree into the active session (if any)
private function saveSession() {
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
$_SESSION["_insteon_class"] = array("device" => $this->DeviceTree != NULL ? $this->DeviceTree->asXML() : NULL,
"var" => ($this->VarTree != NULL && $this->VarTree["Integer"] != NULL && $this->VarTree["State"] != NULL) ? array("Integer" => $this->VarTree["Integer"]->asXML(),
"State" => $this->VarTree["State"]->asXML()) : NULL,
"program" => $this->PrgTree != NULL ? $this->PrgTree->asXML() : NULL
* Loads the device tree from ISY994i (or returns the cached copy)
* @param bRefresh Forces a refresh of tree even if we have a cache
* @return The device tree
public function getDevices($bRefresh = false) {
if ($bRefresh || $this->DeviceTree == null) {
$this->DeviceTree = $this->rest("/rest/nodes/");
return $this->DeviceTree;
* Loads the program tree from ISY994i (or returns the cached copy)
* @param bRefresh Forces a refresh of tree even if we have a cache
* @return The program tree
public function getPrograms($bRefresh = false) {
if ($bRefresh || $this->PrgTree == null) {
$this->PrgTree = $this->rest("/rest/programs?subfolders=true");
return $this->PrgTree;
* Loads the variable tree from ISY994i (or returns the cached copy)
* @param bRefresh Forces a refresh of tree even if we have a cache
* @return A named array (Integer, State), both with their own tree of variables
public function getVariables($bRefresh = false) {
if ($bRefresh || $this->VarTree == null) {
$this->VarTree = array("Integer" => $this->rest("/rest/vars/definitions/1"),
"State" => $this->rest("/rest/vars/definitions/2"));
return $this->VarTree;
* Resolves a program name into the program id
* @param sName Name of the program
* @return id of program or null
public function resolveProgramName($sName) {
$tree = $this->getPrograms();
foreach ($tree->program as $item) {
if ($item->name == $sName) {
return (String)$item->attributes()["id"];
return null;
* Resolves a program id into the program name
* @param iID Id of the program
* @return Name of program or null
public function resolveProgramId($iID) {
$tree = $this->getPrograms();
foreach ($tree->program as $item) {
if (hexdec($item->attributes()["id"]) == intval($iID)) {
return (String)$item->name;
return null;
* Resolves a device address into a name
* @param sAddr The address of the device
* @return The name or NULL if not found
public function resolveDeviceAddress($sAddr) {
$tree = $this->getDevices();
foreach ($tree->node as $item) {
if (strval($item->address) == strval($sAddr))
return (String)$item->name;
return null;
* Resolves a device name into an address
* @param sName The name of the device
* @return The address or NULL if not found
public function resolveDeviceName($sName) {
$tree = $this->getDevices();
foreach ($tree->node as $item) {
if ($item->name == $sName)
return (String)$item->address;
return null;
* Resolves a scene's name into an address
* @param sName The name of the scene
* @return The address or NULL if not found
public function resolveSceneName($sName) {
$tree = $this->getDevices();
foreach ($tree->group as $item) {
if ($item->name == $sName)
return (String)$item->address;
return null;
* Resolves state variable name into an id
* @param sName The name of the state variable
* @return The id or NULL if not found
public function resolveStateName($sName) {
return $this->resolveVariableName($sName, "State");
* Resolves integer variable name into an id
* @param sName The name of the integer variable
* @param sType Allows to override default behavior and search other types
* @return The id or NULL if not found
public function resolveVariableName($sName, $sType = "Integer") {
$tree = $this->getVariables()[$sType];
foreach ($tree->e as $item) {
if ($item->attributes()->name == $sName)
return (Integer)$item->attributes()->id;
return null;
* Resolves state variable id into an name
* @param iID The id of the state variable
* @return The name or NULL if not found
public function resolveStateId($iID) {
return $this->resolveVariableId($iID, "State");
* Resolves integer variable id into an name
* @param iID The id of the state variable
* @param sType Allows to override default behavior and search other types
* @return The name or NULL if not found
public function resolveVariableId($iID, $sType = "Integer") {
$tree = $this->getVariables()[$sType];
foreach ($tree->e as $item) {
if (intval($item->attributes()->id) == $iID)
return (String)$item->attributes()->name;
return null;
* Obtains the value of a regular varibale
* @param id The ID of the variable
* @return The value of the variable
public function getVariableValue($id) {
$data = $this->rest("/rest/vars/get/1/" . rawurlencode($id));
return (Integer)$data->val;
* Sets the variable to a new value
* @param id The ID of the variable
* @param value The new value
* @return The value held by the variable (usually same as value)
public function setVariableValue($id, $value) {
$value = intval($value);
$data = $this->rest("/rest/vars/set/1/" . rawurlencode($id) . "/" . rawurlencode($value));
return $this->getVariableValue($id);
* Sets the initial value of a variable. This value is assigned to the variable
* if the ISY994i is rebooted.
* @param id The ID of the variable
* @param value The new value
* @return The value provided
public function setVariableInit($id, $value) {
$value = intval($value);
$data = $this->rest("/rest/vars/init/1/" . rawurlencode($id) . "/" . rawurlencode($value));
return $value;
* Obtains the value of a state varibale
* @param id The ID of the state variable
* @return The value of the state variable
public function getStateValue($id) {
$data = $this->rest("/rest/vars/get/2/" . rawurlencode($id));
return (Integer)$data->val;
* Forces the INSTEON device to send out an update on its state/status
* @param sAddr Address of device
* @return true if successfully update, false if not
* @note This is a fairly expensive call and will not return immediately
public function refreshDeviceStatus($sAddr) {
$data = $this->rest("/rest/query/" . rawurlencode($sAddr));
if ( ((String)($data->attributes()->succeeded)) == "true")
return true;
return false;
* Returns the status of a device
* @param sAddr Address of the device
* @param Returns the value held by device
public function getDeviceStatus($sAddr) {
$data = $this->rest("/rest/status/" . rawurlencode($sAddr));
return $data->property->attributes()->value;
* Obtains arbitrary property from a device
* @param sAddr Address of the device
* @param sProp The property to retrieve (case-insensitive)
* @return The value of said property (the formatted version) or null if not found
public function getDeviceProperty($sAddr, $sProp) {
$data = $this->rest("/rest/nodes/" . rawurlencode($sAddr));
foreach ($data->properties->property as $property) {
if (strtolower($property->attributes()->id) == strtolower($sProp))
return $property->attributes()->formatted;
return null;
* Sets an arbitrary property to an arbitrary value
* @param sAddr Address of the device
* @param sProp The property to change
* @param sValue The value to set
* @return The raw XML
* @todo Have more sane return value
public function setDeviceProperty($sAddr, $sProp, $sValue) {
$data = $this->rest("/rest/nodes/" . rawurlencode($sAddr) . "/set/" . rawurlencode($sProp) . "/" . rawurlencode($sValue));
return $data;
* Obtain the last time a specific program was run
* @param id The ID of the program
* @return Last time it ran (in unix time)
public function getProgramLastRun($id) {
$data = $this->rest("/rest/programs/" . rawurlencode($id));
return strtotime($data->program->lastFinishTime);
* Obtain the next time a specific program is scheduled to run
* @param id The ID of the program
* @return Next time it will run (in unix time)
public function getProgramNextRun($id) {
$data = $this->rest("/rest/programs/" . rawurlencode($id));
return strtotime($data->program->nextScheduledRunTime);
* Execute a program's desired section
* @param id The ID of the program
* @param cmd The section to execute
private function runProgram($id, $cmd) {
$this->rest("/rest/programs/" . rawurlencode($id) . "/" . rawurlencode($cmd));
* Execute the IF section (and resulting then/else) of a program
* @param id The ID of the program
public function runIfProgram($id) {
$this->runProgram($id, "run");
* Execute the THEN section of a program
* @param id The ID of the program
public function runThenProgram($id) {
$this->runProgram($id, "runThen");
* Execute the ELSE section of a program
* @param id The ID of the program
public function runElseProgram($id) {
$this->runProgram($id, "runElse");
* This is a bit special, scenes can normally not be queried,
* but we can make some assumptions. If ALL members are non-zero
* then we assume that the scene is on, otherwise off.
* Subsequently, this function will only return true or false
* @param sAddr Address of SCENE to query
* @return true if active, false if not
public function getSceneStatus($sAddr) {
$isOn = false;
// First, locate the scene
$tree = $this->getDevices();
foreach ($tree->group as $item) {
if ($item->address == $sAddr) {
// Found it! Now, query every device in this scene
foreach ($item->members as $item) {
foreach ($item as $link) {
if ($this->getDeviceStatus($link) == 0)
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Sets the status of the device
* @param sAddr The Address of the device
* @param sValue One of the following:
* 0-255 = Dim to this setting
* Off = Turn off (fast)
* On = Turn on (fast)
* Inc = - ~3%
* Dec = + ~3%
* BDim = Begin manual dim (disabled due to odd behaviors)
* EDim = End manual dim (disabled due to odd behaviors)
* @return SimpleXML object
public function setDeviceStatus($sAddr, $sValue) {
$sCmd = "";
switch (strtolower($sValue)) {
case "on":
$sCmd = "DFON";
case "off":
$sCmd = "DFOF";
case "inc":
$sCmd = "BRT";
case "dec":
$sCmd = "DIM";
case "bdim":
$sCmd = "BMAN";
return FALSE;
case "edim":
$sCmd = "SMAN";
return FALSE;
// Assume it's a numeric value
$i = min(255, max(0, intval($sValue)));
$sCmd = "DON/" . $i;
$data = $this->rest("/rest/nodes/" . rawurlencode($sAddr) . "/cmd/" . $sCmd);
return $data;
* Set the status of a scene
* @param sAddr The address of the scene
* @param sValue The new value of the scene
* @return SimpleXML object
public function setSceneStatus($sAddr, $sValue) {
return $this->setDeviceStatus($sAddr, $sValue);
* Convenience function, this is the one doing the network talking.
* @param url The path to be requested using GET
* @param secure If true, uses https instead of http
* @return SimpleXML object or null on failure
* @note Check error.log for network issues
private function rest($url, $secure = false)
$url = ($secure ? "https://" : "http://") . $this->sServer . "/" . $url;
$result = null;
$reqParam = array(
'http' => array(
'ignore_errors' => true,
'header' => 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"' . "\r\n",
if ($this->sUser !== null && $this->sPass !== null) {
$reqParam["http"]["header"] .= "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($this->sUser . ":" . $this->sPass) . "\r\n";
$ctx = stream_context_create($reqParam);
$fp = fopen($url, "rb", false, $ctx);
if ($fp !== false) {
$result = stream_get_contents($fp);
if ($result === false) {
error_log("GET $url failed");
$result = null;
} else {
$result = simplexml_load_string($result);
if ($result === null) {
error_log("Received data was not XML");
return $result;
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etherguy commented Jun 8, 2015

Anyone else having issues with https with this class?

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