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Last active March 31, 2024 03:04
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Faust ( patches
pulse(ms, d) = ba.pulsen((ma.SR * d) / 1000.0, (ma.SR * ms) / 1000.0);
metro(ms) = ba.pulse((ma.SR * ms) / 1000);
phs(f) = +(1)~_ :%(44100/f): /(44100/f): -(0.5);
bpm = 60;
fourth_time = ba.tempo(bpm);
fourth_note = ba.pulse(1 * fourth_time);
half_note = ba.pulse(2 * fourth_time);
eight_note = ba.pulse(fourth_time / 2);
sixth_note = ba.pulse(fourth_time / 4);
whole_note = ba.pulse(4 * fourth_time);
chord = 0, 1: select2(whole_note: ba.counter: %(2));
bass = 130.81, 87.31: select2(chord): phs: fi.lowpass(1, 100);
rnd_sel(rng) = (((rng + 1.0) / 2.0) * 8.0): ba.sAndH(half_note): int;
chords_scales(rng) = (60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72): ba.selectn(8, rnd_sel(rng)): ba.midikey2hz;
melody = phs(s) + phs(1.01 * s): fi.lowpass(1, 100): *(0.5): *(e)
with {
s = chords_scales(no.noise);
e = en.asr(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, ba.pulsen(500*ma.SR/1000, fourth_time));
connect(a1, a2, b1, b2) = a1 + b1, a2 + b2;
process = (par(i, 2, melody): re.greyhole(0.1, 0.1, 2.0, 0.8, 0.5, 0.5, 8), (par(i, 2, bass))): connect;
osc(n) = os.sawtooth(ba.midikey2hz(n)) :
fi.resonlp(6000, 1, 1);
ms_to_spl(ms) = ma.SR * ms / 1000;
loop(ll, nl) = ba.pulsen(ms_to_spl(nl), ms_to_spl(ll));
chan(ll, nl, note) = loop(ll, nl) : en.asr(0.5, 1.0, 0.5) * osc(note);
rnd_ll(n) = hgroup("Loop length \[ms\]", par(i, n, hslider("Loop: %i", 5000, 5000, 25000, 1)));
rnd_nl(n) = hgroup("Note length \[ms\]", par(i, n, hslider("Note: %i", 1000, 1000, 6000, 1)));
process = data : par(i, N, chan) : sum(i, N, _) <:
re.greyhole(0.1, 0.1, 2.0, 0.8, 0.5, 0.5, 8) :>
*(0.1) : ef.echo(2, 1, 0.1)
with {
N = 6;
data = (rnd_ll(N),
(60, 63, 68, 55, 36, 70)) : ro.interleave(N, 3);
stretch(ms) = ba.countdown(ma.SR * ms / 1000): >(0);
base_f = hslider("base_f", 600, 200, 1000, 1);
bell(f) = ((factors: sum(i, n, *(f): (1 / (1+i)) * os.osc * en.asr(0.01, 1.0, (i + 1) * 0.3, gate: stretch(((n + 1) * 3) - (i + 1) * 3)))): /(n)): fi.resonlp(2 * f, 2, 2)
with {
factors = (4.07, 3.76, 3.0, 2.74, 2.0, 1.71, 1.19, 0.92, 0.56);
n = ba.count(factors);
gate = ba.pulse(ma.SR * 1000 / 1000);
process = bell(base_f) + bell(base_f * 1.01);
trig = no.sparse_noise(0.5) : abs : >(0);
rnd_to_note_freq(i) = abs : *(88) : +(21) : int : hbargraph("h:Params/v:Notes/note %i", 21, 109) : ba.midikey2hz;
rnd_to_range(a, b) = abs : *(b - a) : +(a);
rnd_data(t) = no.multinoise(7) : par(i, 7, ba.sAndH(t)) :
((rnd_to_range(0.05, 0.5) : hbargraph("h:Params/v:Envelope/attack", 0.0, 0.5)),
(rnd_to_range(0.5, 3.0) : hbargraph("h:Params/v:Envelope/release", 0.0, 3.0)),
(abs : hbargraph("h:Params/v:Spatializer/rotation", 0.0, 1.0)),
(abs : hbargraph("h:Params/v:Spatializer/distance", 0.0, 1.0)));
synth(a, b) = a <: (_, *(os.osc(b))) : (+) : os.osc : *(0.5);
process = rnd_data(trig) : play
with {
play(a, r, n0, n1, n2, sr, sd) =
trig :, r) :
*(synth(n0, n1)) :
fi.resonbp(n2, 3, 1) :
ef.echo(0.5, 0.2, 0.8) : sp.spat(2, sr, sd);
sparse_selector(n, f) = (selector, channels) :
ro.interleave(n, 2) :
par(i, n, ba.sAndH : si.smooth(0.99995))
with {
trig = no.sparse_noise(f) : abs : >(0);
trigs = par(i, n, ba.sAndH(trig) : si.smoo);
rnd = no.multinoise(n + 1) : par(i, n + 1, abs);
channels = rnd : (si.bus(n), si.block(1));
trig_sel = rnd :(si.block(n), _) : ba.sAndH(trig) : *(n) : int;
selector = trig : ba.selectoutn(n, trig_sel);
process = ((((fs : par(i, N, osc)), w_selectors) :
ro.interleave(N, 2) : par(i, N, (*))), feedback, noise) :
sum(i, N + 2, _) : +(bias_selector) : activation : *(0.2) :
fi.resonbp(filter_selector, 3, 1)
with {
N = ba.count(freqs);
freqs = (50, 110, 116, 330, 336, 550, 556);
fs = freqs : par(i, N, hbargraph("h:Params/v:Frequencies/frequency %i", 0, 600));
osc = os.sawtooth;
controls = sparse_selector(N + 4, 0.5);
w_selectors = controls : (si.bus(N), si.block(4)) : par(i, N, hbargraph("h:Params/v:Weights/weight %i", 0, 1));
bias_selector = controls : ba.selectn(N + 4, N) : -(0.5) : hbargraph("h:Params/v:Other/bias", -0.5, 0.5);
feedback = controls : ba.selectn(N + 4, N + 1) : *(2) : -(1.0) : hbargraph("h:Params/v:Other/feedback", -1, 1);
filter_selector = controls : ba.selectn(N + 4, N + 2): *(1000) : +(100) : hbargraph("h:Params/v:Other/filter", 100, 1100);
noise = controls : ba.selectn(N + 4, N + 3) : hbargraph("h:Params/v:Other/noise", 0, 1) : *(no.noise);
wrap(s) = s - int(s);
activation = wrap;
pitch = hslider("pitch mult", 800, 100, 3000, 1);
freq = hslider("freq", 500, 100, 3000, 1);
rnd_sel(n, trig, rng) = (((rng + 1.0) / 2.0) * n): ba.sAndH(trig): int;
scream(fr) = no.noise : +(1.0) : *(fr) : +(jumps) <: os.sawtooth <: tract :> *(0.8 + (no.lfnoise(15) / 5)) : *(0.4)
with {
tract = (fi.resonbp(2200, 0.1, 0.5),
fi.resonbp(1800, 20, 1),
fi.resonbp(1200, 20, 1),
fi.resonbp(1100, 8, 1),
fi.resonbp(700, 10, 1),
fi.resonbp(330, 10, 0.5));
jumps = (trig * pitch * ((os.osc(0.5) / 5) + 0.8)) * (rnd_sel(2, ba.pulse(ma.SR/650), no.noise));
sticky(s) = (s, (s : 0.3 + si.smooth(0.99992) : /(1.3))) : (*) ;
trig = button("scream") : sticky;
process = trig : *(freq) : scream : *(0.8) <: (_, _);
trig = button("on") : en.asre(0.1, 1, 4);
vibrato = os.osc(2) /(10) : +(0.9);
process = (os.osc(2100), os.osc(1400),
(no.noise : ve.moog_vcf_2bn(0.8, 1500) : *(8 * trig * trig)),
(os.phasor(1500, 30) : +(1000) : os.square : *(vibrato) )) :
sum(i, 4, _) : fi.resonlp(1000, 1, 1) : *(trig) : *(0.3);
tone(f, t) = (tn, 0) : select2(f < 0)
with {
tn = (os.osc(f) * (2 * ma.PI) + (0.5 * ma.PI * t) ) : cos;
pulses(ts) = (_, 0) : seq(i, N, block(ts : ba.selectn(N, i))) : select2(1)
with {
N = outputs(ts);
delay(ms, t) = t, (t : ba.countdown(ma.SR * ms / 1000) : >(0) <: (mem, _) : (-) : >(0)) :
select2(ms > 0);
block(ms, t, a) = delay(ms, t) <: (_, +(a));
npulse(n, ms) = ((_, _) :> _) ~ (switch(n) : delay(ms))
with {
switch(n, t) = (t, 0) : select2(t : ba.pulse_countup_loop(n - 1, 1) : >=(n));
delay(ms, t) = t, (t : ba.countdown(ma.SR * ms / 1000) : >(0) <: (mem, _) : (-) : >(0)) :
select2(ms > 0);
tune(freqs, spd, tim, tr) = fc : tn : *(trig : mem : *(fc > 0) : env(spd * 0.38))
with {
fs = 0, freqs;
N = outputs(fs);
ps = 0, par(i, N - 1, spd);
sq = trig : ba.pulse_countup_loop(N - 1, 1);
fc = fs : ba.selectn(N, sq);
trig = tr : pulses(ps);
tn(f) = tone(f, tim);
env(ms) = ba.countdown(ma.SR * ms / 1000): >(0) : en.adsr(0.01, 0.01, 1, 0.03);
tune_ui = tune(freqs, spd, tim, trig) : *(0.5) : fi.resonhp(50, 3, 1) :
ef.echo(0.2, 0.1, echo) <: attach(_, monitor)
with {
s_notes = (6, 6.25, 6, 6.25);
N = outputs(s_notes);
monitor = abs : ba.linear2db : hbargraph("output[unit:dB]", -80, 0);
freqs = par(i, N, vslider("h:Params/h:[0]MIDI notes/note %2i", s_notes : ba.selectn(N, i), -1, 12, 0.25) : proc);
midi_dif(n) = ba.midikey2hz(n + 1) - ba.midikey2hz(n);
proc(n) = (0, ((n - int(n)) * midi_dif(oct + (n))) + ba.midikey2hz(oct + int(n))) : select2(n >= 0);
oct = vslider("h:Params/h:[0]MIDI notes/start", 60, 30, 100, 1);
tim = vslider("h:Params/v:[1]Control/timbre[style:knob]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01);
echo = vslider("h:Params/v:[1]Control/echo[style:knob]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01);
rep = vslider("h:Params/v:[2]Timing/repeat[style:knob]", 2, 1, 5, 1);
spd = 250 - (vslider("h:Params/v:[2]Timing/speed[style:knob]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : *(200));
trig = button("play") : ba.impulsify : npulse(rep, spd + (spd * N));
process = tune_ui <: _, _;
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