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Created January 10, 2021 11:02
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Haskell implementation of the 'Happy Eyeballs' (also called 'Fast Fallback') algorithm -
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack script
--resolver lts-16.28
--package "async random time monad-loops"
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
( Async,
AsyncCancelled (..),
import Control.Exception (finally, fromException, try)
import Control.Monad.Loops (iterateUntilM)
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
-- Haskell implementation of the 'Happy Eyeballs' (also called 'Fast Fallback')
-- More info:
-- The IO `action` is just a simple delay here.
-- Can be replaced with any other long-running IO action
-- (waiting on sockets, etc.)
-- The algorithm itself is just two functions:
-- `happyEyeballs` and `runWithTimeout`
timeoutMs :: Int
timeoutMs = 1000
numActions :: Int
numActions = 10
actionTimeMinMs :: Int
actionTimeMinMs = 800
actionTimeMaxMs :: Int
actionTimeMaxMs = 4000
logMsg :: String -> IO ()
logMsg msg = do
now <- getCurrentTime
let ds = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%3q" now
putStrLn $ "[" ++ ds ++ "] " ++ msg
action :: Int -> IO Bool
action i =
let wait :: IO Bool
wait = do
delay <- randomRIO (actionTimeMinMs, actionTimeMaxMs)
logMsg $ "Starting action " ++ show i ++ " (" ++ show delay ++ "ms)"
threadDelay (delay * 1000)
r <- randomRIO (1, 4) :: IO Int
return (r == 1)
in do
r <- try wait
case r of
Right b -> do
if b
then logMsg ("Action " ++ show i ++ " succeeded")
else logMsg ("Action " ++ show i ++ " failed")
return b
Left e -> do
case fromException e of
Just AsyncCancelled -> logMsg $ "Action " ++ show i ++ " cancelled"
Nothing -> logMsg $ "Unknown exception in action " ++ show i
return False
timeout :: IO Bool
timeout = do
threadDelay (timeoutMs * 1000)
logMsg "It's taking too long !"
return True
runWithTimeout :: [Async Bool] -> Async Bool -> IO (Maybe [Async Bool])
runWithTimeout as a = do
at <- async timeout
(ab, b) <- waitAny (at : a : as) `finally` cancel at
return $
if ab == at
then Just (a : as)
if b
then Nothing
else Just $ filter (/= ab) (a : as)
happyEyeballs :: [IO Bool] -> IO ()
happyEyeballs actions = do
_ <- iterateUntilM nomore io ([], actions)
return ()
nomore ([], []) = True
nomore _ = False
io (as, ios)
| not $ null ios = do
na <- async $ head ios
r <- runWithTimeout as na
case r of
Just bs -> return (bs, tail ios)
Nothing -> do
mapM_ cancel (na : as)
return ([], [])
| otherwise = do
(fa, a) <- waitAny as
if a
then do
mapM_ cancel as
return ([], [])
else return (filter (/= fa) as, [])
main :: IO ()
main =
let actions = action <$> [1 .. numActions]
in happyEyeballs actions
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Some output of this program:

  • total failure
    # stack happy-eyeballs.hs
    [2021/01/10 11:03:24.915] Starting action 1 (3885ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:03:25.916] It's taking too long !
    [2021/01/10 11:03:25.916] Starting action 2 (2448ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:03:26.917] It's taking too long !
    [2021/01/10 11:03:26.917] Starting action 3 (2218ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:03:27.919] It's taking too long !
    [2021/01/10 11:03:27.919] Starting action 4 (905ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:03:28.365] Action 2 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:03:28.365] Starting action 5 (3876ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:03:28.800] Action 1 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:03:28.801] Starting action 6 (3504ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:03:28.824] Action 4 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:03:28.824] Starting action 7 (2996ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:03:29.136] Action 3 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:03:29.136] Starting action 8 (2398ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:03:30.137] It's taking too long !
    [2021/01/10 11:03:30.138] Starting action 9 (1415ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:03:31.139] It's taking too long !
    [2021/01/10 11:03:31.139] Starting action 10 (3651ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:03:31.535] Action 8 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:03:31.553] Action 9 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:03:31.821] Action 7 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:03:32.242] Action 5 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:03:32.305] Action 6 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:03:34.791] Action 10 failed
  • success of action 5
    # stack happy-eyeballs.hs
    [2021/01/10 11:07:17.784] Starting action 1 (1364ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:07:18.785] It's taking too long !
    [2021/01/10 11:07:18.786] Starting action 2 (3724ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:07:19.149] Action 1 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:07:19.149] Starting action 3 (2629ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:07:20.150] It's taking too long !
    [2021/01/10 11:07:20.150] Starting action 4 (1357ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:07:21.152] It's taking too long !
    [2021/01/10 11:07:21.152] Starting action 5 (839ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:07:21.508] Action 4 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:07:21.508] Starting action 6 (2882ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:07:21.778] Action 3 failed
    [2021/01/10 11:07:21.778] Starting action 7 (3307ms)
    [2021/01/10 11:07:21.992] Action 5 succeeded
    [2021/01/10 11:07:21.992] Action 7 cancelled
    [2021/01/10 11:07:21.992] Action 6 cancelled
    [2021/01/10 11:07:21.992] Action 2 cancelled

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