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Created April 30, 2014 03:58
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improvement for meteor-jade/plugin/compiler.js
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// rules: you can use a helper inside jade with brackets, you can pass any arguments (i.e. another helpers) inside brackets
// Samples:
// +if anyHelper(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...)
// div(class=anyHelper(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...))
// h1= anyHelper(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...)
// h1 #{anyHelper(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...)}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Compiler = function(tree, filename) {
var self = this;
self.tree = tree;
self.filename = filename;
self.head = null;
self.body = null;
self.templates = {};
_.extend(Compiler.prototype, {
compile: function () {
var self = this;
self.visitBlock(self.tree, 0);
return {
head: self.head,
body: self.body,
templates: self.templates
visitBlock: function (block, level) {
if (_.isUndefined(block) || _.isNull(block) || ! _.has(block, 'nodes'))
return [];
var self = this;
var buffer = [];
var nodes = block.nodes;
var currentNode, elseNode, stack;
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
currentNode = nodes[i];
// If the node is a Mixin (ie Component), we check if there are some
// `else if` and `else` blocks after it and if so, we groups thoses
// nodes by two with the following transformation:
// if a if a
// else if b else
// else => if b
// else
if (currentNode.type === "Mixin") {
// Create the stack [nodeIf, nodeElseIf..., nodeElse]
stack = [];
while ( === "if" && nodes[i+1] &&
nodes[i+1].type === "Mixin" && nodes[i+1].name === "else if")
if (nodes[i+1] && nodes[i+1].type === "Mixin" &&
nodes[i+1].name === "else")
// Transform the stack
elseNode = stack.shift();
if (elseNode && === "else if") { = "if";
elseNode = {
name: "else",
type: "Mixin",
block: { nodes: [elseNode].concat(stack) },
call: false
buffer.push(self.visitNode(currentNode, elseNode, level + 1));
return buffer;
visitNode: function(node, elseNode, level) {
var self = this;
var attrs = self.visitAttributes(node.attrs);
var content = (node.code) ? self.visitCode(node.code) :
self.visitBlock(node.block, level);
var elseContent = self.visitBlock(elseNode && elseNode.block, level);
if (level === 1)
return self.registerRootNode(node, content);
return self['visit' + node.type](node, attrs, content, elseContent);
visitCode: function(code) {
// XXX Need to improve this for "anonymous helpers"
return [ HTMLTools.Special(this.lookup(code.val, code.escape)) ];
// We interpret "Mixins" as "Components"
// Thanks to our customize Lexer, `if`, `unless`, `with` and `each` are
// retrieved as Mixins by the parser
visitMixin: function(node, attrs, content, elseContent) {
var self = this;
var componentName =;
if (componentName === "else")
self.throwError("Unexpected else block", node);
var spacebarsSymbol = content.length === 0 ? ">" : "#";
var args = (node.args || "").replace(/\(/ig, " ").replace(/\)/ig, " ").replace(/\,/ig, " ");
var mustache = "{{" + spacebarsSymbol + componentName + " " + args + "}}";
var tag = Spacebars.TemplateTag.parse(mustache);
// Optimize arrays
if (content.length === 1)
tag.content = content[0];
else if (content.length > 1)
tag.content = content;
if (elseContent.length === 1)
tag.elseContent = elseContent[0];
else if (elseContent.length > 1)
tag.elseContent = elseContent;
return HTMLTools.Special(tag);
visitTag: function(node, attrs, content) {
var self = this;
var tagName =;
if (! HTML.isTagEnsured(tagName))
self.throwError("Unknow tag: " + tagName, node);
if (! _.isEmpty(attrs))
return HTML[tagName.toUpperCase()].apply(null, content);
visitText: function(node) {
var self = this;
return node.val ? self.parseText(node.val) : null;
parseText: function(text) {
// The parser doesn't parse the #{expression} syntax. Let's do it.
// Since we rely on the Spacebars parser for this, we support the
// {{mustache}} syntax as well.
var self = this;
var jadeExpression = /#\{\s*((\.{1,2}\/)*[\w\.-]+)\s*\}/g;
text = text.replace(jadeExpression, "{{$1}}");
return Spacebars.parse(text);
visitComment: function (comment) {
// If buffer boolean is true we want to display this comment in the DOM
if (comment.buffer)
return HTML.Comment(comment.val);
visitBlockComment: function (comment) {
var self = this;
comment.val = "\n" + _.pluck(comment.block.nodes, "val").join("\n") + "\n";
return self.visitComment(comment);
visitFilter: function (filter, attrs, content) {
var self = this;
if (Filters[])
return self.parseText(Filters[](content.join("\n")));
self.throwError("Unknowed filter " +, filter);
visitAttributes: function (attrs) {
// The jade parser provide an attribute tree of this type:
// [{name: "class", val: "val1", escaped: true}, {name: "id" val: "val2"}]
// Let's transform that into:
// {"class": "val1", id: "val2"}
// Moreover if an "id" or "class" attribute is used more than once we need
// to concatenate the values.
if (_.isUndefined(attrs))
if (_.isString(attrs))
return attrs;
var self = this;
var dict = {};
var concatAttributes = function(a, b) {
if (_.isString(a) && _.isString(b))
return a + b;
if (_.isUndefined(a))
return b;
if (! _.isArray(a)) a = [a];
if (! _.isArray(b)) b = [b];
return a.concat(b);
_.each(attrs, function (attr) {
var val = attr.val;
var key =;
// XXX We need a better handler for JavaScript code
if (/^('|")/.test(val) && val.slice(-1) === val.slice(0, 1))
// First case this is a string
val = self.parseText(val.slice(1, -1));
else if (val === true)
// For cases like <input required> Spacebars compiler expect required
// attriute to have the value `""` but Jade parser returns `true`
val = "";
// Otherwise this is some code we need to evaluate
val = HTMLTools.Special(self.lookup(val, attr.escaped));
if (key === "$dyn")
key = "$specials";
// If a user has defined such kind of tag: div.myClass(class="myClass2")
// we need to concatenate classes (and ids)
if ((key === "class" || key === "id") && dict[key])
val = [" ", val];
dict[key] = concatAttributes(dict[key], val);
return dict;
lookup: function (val, escape) {
val = val.replace(/\(/ig, " ").replace(/\)/ig, " ").replace(/\,/ig, " ");
if (escape)
spacebarsSymbol = "{{" + val + "}}";
spacebarsSymbol = "{{{" + val + "}}}";
return Spacebars.TemplateTag.parse(spacebarsSymbol);
registerRootNode: function(node, result) {
// XXX This is mostly the same code as the `templating` core package
// The `templating` package should be more generic to allow others templates
// engine to use its methods.
var self = this;
// Don't use an array if there is only one node
if (result.length === 1)
result = result[0];
// Ignore top level comments
if (node.type === "Comment" || node.type === "BlockComment" ||
node.type === "TAG" && _.isUndefined( {
// Doctypes
else if (node.type === "Doctype") {
self.throwError("Meteor sets the doctype for you", node);
// There are two specials templates: head and body
else if ( === "body" || === "head") {
var template =;
if (self[template] !== null)
self.throwError(template + " is set twice", node);
if (node.attrs.length !== 0)
self.throwError("Attributes on " + template + " not supported", node);
self[template] = result;
// Templates
else if ( === "template") {
if (node.attrs.length !== 1 || node.attrs[0].name !== 'name')
self.throwError('Templates must only have a "name" attribute', node);
var name = self.visitAttributes(node.attrs).name;
if (name === "content")
self.throwError('Template can\'t be named "content"', node);
if (_.has(self.templates, name))
self.throwError('Template "' + name + '" is set twice', node);
self.templates[name] = result;
// Otherwise this is an error, we do not allow tags, mixins, if, etc.
// outside templates
self.throwError(node.type + ' must be in a template', node);
throwError: function (message, node) {
message = message || "Syntax error";
if (node.line)
message += " on line " + node.line;
throw new Error(message);
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