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Created April 26, 2015 18:28
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Dijkstra's shortest path
class Tile:
def __init__(self, passable=False):
self.passable = passable
self.steps = float("inf")
def __bool__(self):
return self.passable
def create(f):
start = None
end = None
tiles = [ [Tile()]*25 for i in range(25) ]
for y, row in enumerate(f):
for x, tile in enumerate(row.strip()):
if tile in (' ', 'S', 'E'):
tiles[y][x] = Tile(True)
if tile == 'S':
start = (y,x)
if tile == 'E':
end = (y,x)
return tiles, start, end
def show(tiles, start, end, solution):
for y, row in enumerate(tiles):
for x, tile in enumerate(row):
if (y,x) == start:
print("S", end='')
elif (y,x) == end:
print("E", end='')
elif (y, x) in solution:
print("+", end='')
elif tile:
print(" ", end='')
print("#", end='')
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
def solve(tiles, start, end, show_find, show_walk):
# diagonal movement is forbidden
DIRECTIONS = [ (-1,0), (0,1), (1,0), (0, -1) ]
def find_exit(tiles, start, steps=0):
show_find(tiles, start, end)
# unpack coordinates
y, x = start
# first and foremost, save number of steps in which tile at (y,x) can
# be reached
tiles[y][x].steps = steps
# if we're at the end, just stop
if start == end:
def check_direction(dy, dx):
# consider a direction if:
# - tile at (y+dy, x+dx) is passable
# - number of steps in which that tile can be reached is *greater*
# than current steps + 1
if tiles[y+dy][x+dx] and tiles[y+dy][x+dx].steps > tiles[y][x].steps + 1:
find_exit(tiles, (y+dy, x+dx), steps+1)
# make sure to check all directions
for dy, dx in DIRECTIONS:
check_direction(dy, dx)
# fill in table of steps
find_exit(tiles, start)
def walk(tiles, end):
solution = []
# walk the table backwards from end to to the start
while end != start:
y, x = end
# save each coordinate we visit
show_walk(tiles, start, end, solution)
# for each direction, find number of steps in that direction
# steps
candidates = {}
for dy, dx in DIRECTIONS:
# make sure not to leave the map ;)
if 0 <= y+dy <= 24 and 0 <= x+dx <= 24:
candidates[(y+dy,x+dx)] = tiles[y+dy][x+dx].steps
# select direction that gives us the smallest number of steps
end = min(candidates, key=candidates.get)
show_walk(tiles, start, end, solution)
return solution
return walk(tiles, end)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import labirynth
tiles, start, end = labirynth.create(open(sys.argv[1]))
solve(tiles, start, end, labirynth.show_steps, labirynth.show_walk)
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