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Created March 21, 2024 18:02
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Website demo
<div class="bg">storeplus</div>
<div class="logo">
<img src="" width="512px" height="512px" alt="Logo">
<span>Custom Websites</span>
<div class="navspace"></div>
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<div class="navmenu">
<div class="label">
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<div class="dropdown">
<a href="">Service 1</a>
<a href="">Service 2</a>
<a href="">Service 3</a>
<a href="">Service 4</a>
<a class="navlink">
<section class="fullpage hero">
<div class="herotext">
<h1>Coding beautiful<br/>websites</h1>
<p>A well-designed and well-coded website can do wonders when it comes to attracting clients and keeping them on your site</p>
<button class="mainbutton">
<span>Get your own website</span>
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