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Created September 6, 2012 07:50
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WordPress attachment toolbox function
function attachment_toolbox() {
global $post;
if($attachments = get_children(array(
'post_parent' => get_the_ID(),
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'numberposts' => -1, // -1 = show all
'post_status' => null,
'post_mime_type' => 'application',
// 'post_mime_type' => 'application/msword,application/pdf',
'orderby' => 'menu_order',
'order' => 'ASC',
))) {
?><div class="fichiers-joints">
<h4 class="unstyled"><span class="rel-title">Fichiers joints:</span></h4>
<ul class="attach-list clean zero">
foreach($attachments as $attachment) {
$attimg = wp_get_attachment_image($attachment->ID,$size);
$atturl = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID);
$attlink = get_attachment_link($attachment->ID);
$postlink = get_permalink($attachment->post_parent);
$atttitle = apply_filters('the_title',$attachment->post_title);
$description = $attachment->post_content;
$filesize = filesize( get_attached_file( $attachment->ID ) );
$filesize = size_format($filesize);
$filetype = get_post_mime_type($attachment->ID);
echo '<li class="attch-li"><a href="'.$atturl.'" class="attach-link" title="Télécharger le document">'.$atttitle.'</a> (';
if ( $filetype == 'application/pdf' ) {
echo '<span class="small">PDF</span>, ';
} elseif ( $filetype == 'application/msword' ) {
echo '<span class="small">DOC</span>, ';
echo '<span class="small">' . $filesize . '</span>)</li>';
} // end foreach
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