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Created July 23, 2023 16:10
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import type { Server, ServerWebSocket } from "bun";
import { AwsClient } from "aws4fetch";
type Lambda = {
fetch: (request: Request, server: Server) => Promise<Response | undefined>;
error?: (error: unknown) => Promise<Response>;
websocket?: {
open?: (ws: ServerWebSocket) => Promise<void>;
message?: (ws: ServerWebSocket, message: string) => Promise<void>;
close?: (ws: ServerWebSocket, code: number, reason: string) => Promise<void>;
let requestId: string | undefined;
let traceId: string | undefined;
let functionArn: string | undefined;
let aws: AwsClient | undefined;
let logger = console.log;
function log(level: string, ...args: any[]): void {
if (!args.length) {
const message = Bun.inspect(...args).replace(/\n/g, "\r");
if (requestId === undefined) {
logger(level, message);
} else {
logger(level, `RequestId: ${requestId}`, message);
console.log = (...args: any[]) => log("INFO", ...args); = (...args: any[]) => log("INFO", ...args);
console.warn = (...args: any[]) => log("WARN", ...args);
console.error = (...args: any[]) => log("ERROR", ...args);
console.debug = (...args: any[]) => log("DEBUG", ...args);
console.trace = (...args: any[]) => log("TRACE", ...args);
let warnings: Set<string> | undefined;
function warnOnce(message: string, ...args: any[]): void {
if (warnings === undefined) {
warnings = new Set();
if (warnings.has(message)) {
console.warn(message, ...args);
function reset(): void {
requestId = undefined;
traceId = undefined;
warnings = undefined;
function exit(...cause: any[]): never {
function env(name: string, fallback?: string): string {
const value = process.env[name] ?? fallback ?? null;
if (value === null) {
exit(`Runtime failed to find the '${name}' environment variable`);
return value;
const runtimeUrl = new URL(`http://${env("AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API")}/2018-06-01/`);
async function fetch(url: string, options?: RequestInit): Promise<Response> {
const { href } = new URL(url, runtimeUrl);
const response = await globalThis.fetch(href, {
timeout: false,
if (!response.ok) {
exit(`Runtime failed to send request to Lambda [status: ${response.status}]`);
return response;
async function fetchAws(url: string, options?: RequestInit): Promise<Response> {
if (aws === undefined) {
aws = new AwsClient({
accessKeyId: env("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"),
secretAccessKey: env("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"),
sessionToken: env("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN"),
region: env("AWS_REGION"),
return aws.fetch(url, options);
type LambdaError = {
readonly errorType: string;
readonly errorMessage: string;
readonly stackTrace?: string[];
function formatError(error: unknown): LambdaError {
if (error instanceof Error) {
return {
errorMessage: error.message,
stackTrace: error.stack?.split("\n").filter(line => !line.includes(" /opt/runtime.ts")),
return {
errorType: "Error",
errorMessage: Bun.inspect(error),
async function sendError(type: string, cause: unknown): Promise<void> {
await fetch(requestId === undefined ? "runtime/init/error" : `runtime/invocation/${requestId}/error`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/",
"Lambda-Runtime-Function-Error-Type": `Bun.${type}`,
body: JSON.stringify(formatError(cause)),
async function throwError(type: string, cause: unknown): Promise<never> {
await sendError(type, cause);
async function init(): Promise<Lambda> {
const handlerName = env("_HANDLER");
const index = handlerName.lastIndexOf(".");
const fileName = handlerName.substring(0, index);
const filePath = `${env("LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT")}/${fileName}`;
let file;
try {
file = await import(filePath);
} catch (cause) {
if (cause instanceof Error && cause.message.startsWith("Cannot find module")) {
return throwError("FileDoesNotExist", `Did not find a file named '${fileName}'`);
return throwError("InitError", cause);
const moduleName = handlerName.substring(index + 1) || "fetch";
let module = file["default"] ?? file[moduleName] ?? {};
if (typeof module === "function") {
module = {
fetch: module,
} else if (typeof module === "object" && moduleName !== "fetch") {
module = {
fetch: module[moduleName],
const { fetch, websocket } = module;
if (typeof fetch !== "function") {
return throwError(
fetch === undefined ? "MethodDoesNotExist" : "MethodIsNotAFunction",
`${fileName} does not have a default export with a function named '${moduleName}'`,
if (websocket === undefined) {
return module;
for (const name of ["open", "message", "close"]) {
const method = websocket[name];
if (method === undefined) {
if (typeof method !== "function") {
return throwError(
`${fileName} does not have a function named '${name}' on the default 'websocket' property`,
return module;
type LambdaRequest<E = any> = {
readonly requestId: string;
readonly traceId: string;
readonly functionArn: string;
readonly deadlineMs: number | null;
readonly event: E;
async function receiveRequest(): Promise<LambdaRequest> {
const response = await fetch("runtime/invocation/next");
requestId = response.headers.get("Lambda-Runtime-Aws-Request-Id") ?? undefined;
if (requestId === undefined) {
exit("Runtime received a request without a request ID");
traceId = response.headers.get("Lambda-Runtime-Trace-Id") ?? undefined;
if (traceId === undefined) {
exit("Runtime received a request without a trace ID");
process.env["_X_AMZN_TRACE_ID"] = traceId;
functionArn = response.headers.get("Lambda-Runtime-Invoked-Function-Arn") ?? undefined;
if (functionArn === undefined) {
exit("Runtime received a request without a function ARN");
const deadlineMs = parseInt(response.headers.get("Lambda-Runtime-Deadline-Ms") ?? "0") || null;
let event;
try {
event = await response.json();
} catch (cause) {
exit("Runtime received a request with invalid JSON", cause);
return {
type LambdaResponse = {
readonly statusCode: number;
readonly headers?: Record<string, string>;
readonly isBase64Encoded?: boolean;
readonly body?: string;
readonly multiValueHeaders?: Record<string, string[]>;
readonly cookies?: string[];
async function formatResponse(response: Response): Promise<LambdaResponse> {
const statusCode = response.status;
const headers = response.headers.toJSON();
if (statusCode === 101) {
const protocol = headers["sec-websocket-protocol"];
if (protocol === undefined) {
return {
statusCode: 200,
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol": protocol,
const mime = headers["content-type"];
const isBase64Encoded = !mime || (!mime.startsWith("text/") && !mime.startsWith("application/json"));
const body = isBase64Encoded ? Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer()).toString("base64") : await response.text();
delete headers["set-cookie"];
const cookies = response.headers.getAll("Set-Cookie");
if (cookies.length === 0) {
return {
return {
multiValueHeaders: {
"Set-Cookie": cookies,
async function sendResponse(response: unknown): Promise<void> {
if (requestId === undefined) {
exit("Runtime attempted to send a response without a request ID");
await fetch(`runtime/invocation/${requestId}/response`, {
method: "POST",
body: response === null ? null : JSON.stringify(response),
function formatBody(body?: string, isBase64Encoded?: boolean): string | null {
if (body === undefined) {
return null;
if (!isBase64Encoded) {
return body;
return Buffer.from(body).toString("base64");
type HttpEventV1 = {
readonly version: "1.0";
readonly requestContext: {
readonly requestId: string;
readonly domainName: string;
readonly httpMethod: string;
readonly path: string;
readonly headers: Record<string, string>;
readonly multiValueHeaders?: Record<string, string[]>;
readonly queryStringParameters?: Record<string, string>;
readonly multiValueQueryStringParameters?: Record<string, string[]>;
readonly isBase64Encoded: boolean;
readonly body?: string;
function isHttpEventV1(event: any): event is HttpEventV1 {
return event.version === "1.0" && typeof event.requestContext === "object";
function formatHttpEventV1(event: HttpEventV1): Request {
const request = event.requestContext;
const headers = new Headers();
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(event.headers)) {
headers.append(name, value);
for (const [name, values] of Object.entries(event.multiValueHeaders ?? {})) {
for (const value of values) {
headers.append(name, value);
const hostname = headers.get("Host") ?? request.domainName;
const proto = headers.get("X-Forwarded-Proto") ?? "http";
const url = new URL(request.path, `${proto}://${hostname}/`);
for (const [name, value] of new URLSearchParams(event.queryStringParameters)) {
url.searchParams.append(name, value);
for (const [name, values] of Object.entries(event.multiValueQueryStringParameters ?? {})) {
for (const value of values ?? []) {
url.searchParams.append(name, value);
return new Request(url.toString(), {
method: request.httpMethod,
body: formatBody(event.body, event.isBase64Encoded),
type HttpEventV2 = {
readonly version: "2.0";
readonly requestContext: {
readonly requestId: string;
readonly domainName: string;
readonly http: {
readonly method: string;
readonly path: string;
readonly headers: Record<string, string>;
readonly queryStringParameters?: Record<string, string>;
readonly cookies?: string[];
readonly isBase64Encoded: boolean;
readonly body?: string;
function isHttpEventV2(event: any): event is HttpEventV2 {
return event.version === "2.0" && typeof event.requestContext === "object";
function formatHttpEventV2(event: HttpEventV2): Request {
const request = event.requestContext;
const headers = new Headers();
for (const [name, values] of Object.entries(event.headers)) {
for (const value of values.split(",")) {
headers.append(name, value);
for (const [name, values] of Object.entries(event.queryStringParameters ?? {})) {
for (const value of values.split(",")) {
headers.append(name, value);
for (const cookie of event.cookies ?? []) {
headers.append("Set-Cookie", cookie);
const hostname = headers.get("Host") ?? request.domainName;
const proto = headers.get("X-Forwarded-Proto") ?? "http";
const url = new URL(request.http.path, `${proto}://${hostname}/`);
return new Request(url.toString(), {
method: request.http.method,
body: formatBody(event.body, event.isBase64Encoded),
type WebSocketEvent = {
readonly headers: Record<string, string>;
readonly multiValueHeaders: Record<string, string[]>;
readonly isBase64Encoded: boolean;
readonly body?: string;
readonly requestContext: {
readonly apiId: string;
readonly requestId: string;
readonly connectionId: string;
readonly domainName: string;
readonly stage: string;
readonly identity: {
readonly sourceIp: string;
} & (
| {
readonly eventType: "CONNECT";
| {
readonly eventType: "MESSAGE";
| {
readonly eventType: "DISCONNECT";
readonly disconnectStatusCode: number;
readonly disconnectReason: string;
function isWebSocketEvent(event: any): event is WebSocketEvent {
return typeof event.requestContext === "object" && typeof event.requestContext.connectionId === "string";
function isWebSocketUpgrade(event: any): event is WebSocketEvent {
return isWebSocketEvent(event) && event.requestContext.eventType === "CONNECT";
function formatWebSocketUpgrade(event: WebSocketEvent): Request {
const request = event.requestContext;
const headers = new Headers();
headers.set("Upgrade", "websocket");
headers.set("x-amzn-connection-id", request.connectionId);
for (const [name, values] of Object.entries(event.multiValueHeaders as any)) {
for (const value of (values as any) ?? []) {
headers.append(name, value);
const hostname = headers.get("Host") ?? request.domainName;
const proto = headers.get("X-Forwarded-Proto") ?? "http";
const url = new URL(`${proto}://${hostname}/${request.stage}`);
return new Request(url.toString(), {
body: formatBody(event.body, event.isBase64Encoded),
function formatUnknownEvent(event: unknown): Request {
return new Request("https://lambda/", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(event),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",
function formatRequest(input: LambdaRequest): Request | undefined {
const { event, requestId, traceId, functionArn, deadlineMs } = input;
let request: Request;
if (isHttpEventV2(event)) {
request = formatHttpEventV2(event);
} else if (isHttpEventV1(event)) {
request = formatHttpEventV1(event);
} else if (isWebSocketEvent(event)) {
if (!isWebSocketUpgrade(event)) {
return undefined;
request = formatWebSocketUpgrade(event);
} else {
request = formatUnknownEvent(input);
request.headers.set("x-amzn-requestid", requestId);
request.headers.set("x-amzn-trace-id", traceId);
request.headers.set("x-amzn-function-arn", functionArn);
if (deadlineMs !== null) {
request.headers.set("x-amzn-deadline-ms", `${deadlineMs}`);
// @ts-ignore: Attach the original event to the Request = event;
return request;
class LambdaServer implements Server {
#lambda: Lambda;
#webSockets: Map<string, LambdaWebSocket>;
#upgrade: Response | null;
pendingRequests: number;
pendingWebSockets: number;
port: number;
hostname: string;
development: boolean;
constructor(lambda: Lambda) {
this.#lambda = lambda;
this.#webSockets = new Map();
this.#upgrade = null;
this.pendingRequests = 0;
this.pendingWebSockets = 0;
this.port = 80;
this.hostname = "lambda";
this.development = false;
async accept(request: LambdaRequest): Promise<unknown> {
const deadlineMs = request.deadlineMs === null ? + 60_000 : request.deadlineMs;
const durationMs = Math.max(1, deadlineMs -;
let response: unknown;
try {
response = await Promise.race([
new Promise<undefined>(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, durationMs)),
} catch (cause) {
await sendError("RequestError", cause);
if (response === undefined) {
await sendError("TimeoutError", "Function timed out");
return response;
async #acceptRequest(event: LambdaRequest): Promise<unknown> {
const request = formatRequest(event);
let response: Response | undefined;
if (request === undefined) {
await this.#acceptWebSocket(event.event);
} else {
response = await this.fetch(request);
if (response.status === 101) {
await this.#acceptWebSocket(event.event);
if (response === undefined) {
return {
statusCode: 200,
if (!request?.headers.has("Host")) {
return response.text();
return formatResponse(response);
async #acceptWebSocket(event: WebSocketEvent): Promise<void> {
const request = event.requestContext;
const { connectionId, eventType } = request;
const webSocket = this.#webSockets.get(connectionId);
if (webSocket === undefined || this.#lambda.websocket === undefined) {
const { open, message, close } = this.#lambda.websocket;
switch (eventType) {
case "CONNECT": {
if (open) {
await open(webSocket);
case "MESSAGE": {
if (message) {
const body = formatBody(event.body, event.isBase64Encoded);
if (body !== null) {
await message(webSocket, body);
case "DISCONNECT": {
try {
if (close) {
const { disconnectStatusCode: code, disconnectReason: reason } = request;
await close(webSocket, code, reason);
} finally {
stop(): void {
exit("Runtime exited because Server.stop() was called");
reload(options: any): void {
this.#lambda = {
fetch: options.fetch ?? this.#lambda.fetch,
error: options.error ?? this.#lambda.error,
websocket: options.websocket ?? this.#lambda.websocket,
this.port =
typeof options.port === "number"
? options.port
: typeof options.port === "string"
? parseInt(options.port)
: this.port;
this.hostname = options.hostname ?? this.hostname;
this.development = options.development ?? this.development;
async fetch(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
try {
let response = await this.#lambda.fetch(request, this);
if (response instanceof Response) {
return response;
if (response === undefined && this.#upgrade !== null) {
return this.#upgrade;
throw new Error("fetch() did not return a Response");
} catch (cause) {
if (this.#lambda.error !== undefined) {
try {
return await this.#lambda.error(cause);
} catch (cause) {
return new Response(null, { status: 500 });
} finally {
this.#upgrade = null;
const lambda = await init();
const server = new LambdaServer(lambda);
while (true) {
try {
const request = await receiveRequest();
const response = await server.accept(request);
if (response !== undefined) {
await sendResponse(response);
} finally {
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