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Last active August 20, 2019 12:47
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Latex Resume
\usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} % Colours by their 'svgnames'
\usepackage{lmodern} % Allow arbitrary font sizes
%% Define a new 'modern' style for the url package that will use a smaller font.
\urlstyle{modern} %% And use the newly defined style.
\frenchspacing % Better looking spacings after periods
\pagestyle{empty} % No pagenumbers/headers/footers
%%% Custom sectioning (sectsty package)
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
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%%% Macros
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\settowidth{\spacebox}{8888888888} % Box to align text
\newcommand{\sepspace}{\vspace*{1em}} % Vertical space macro
\newcommand{\MyName}[1]{ % Name
\centerline{\Huge \usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n} #1}
\par \normalsize \normalfont}
\newcommand{\MySlogan}[1]{ % Slogan (optional)
\noindent \large \usefont{OT1}{phv}{m}{n} \textit{#1}
\par \normalsize \normalfont}
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % Indentation
\parbox{\spacebox}{ % Box to align text
\textit{#1}} % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{1.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
\newcommand{\SkillsEntry}[2]{ % Same as \PersonalEntry
\noindent % Indentation
\parbox{12em}{ % Box to align text
\textbf{#1}} % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{1.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
\newcommand{\AwardsEntry}[2]{ % Same as \PersonalEntry
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % Indentation
\parbox{\spacebox}{ % Box to align text
\textit{#1}} % Entry name (birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{1.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Study
\hfill\color{Black}#2}} \par % Duration
\noindent \textit{#3} \vspace{2pt} \par % School
\noindent \textbf{#4} \par % Title
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #5
\normalsize \par}
\newcommand{\WorkEntry}[4]{ % Same as \EducationEntry
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Jobname
\hfill\color{Black}#2}} \par % Duration
\noindent \textit{#3} \par % Company
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\newcommand{\ProjectEntry}[4]{ % Similar to \EducationEntry
\noindent \textbf{#1} \noindent \textit{#3} \hfill {#2} \par
\noindent \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\newcommand{\AwardEntry}[4]{ % Similar to \EducationEntry
\noindent \textbf{#1} \noindent \textit{#3} \hfill {#2} \par
\noindent \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\MyName{Mohamad Mounir Safadieh}
\centerline{\small | 845-763-8489 | Poughkeepsie, NY |}
%%% Education
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
{B.A. Computer Science}
{Aug 2017 - May 2021}
{Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY}
{Relevant Coursework:}
{\begin{itemize} \itemsep -1pt
\item Analysis of Algorithms
\item Computer Organization
\item Data Structures \& Algorithms
\item Software Design \& Implementation
%%% Work experience
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
{Research Assistant}
{Sep 2019 - Present}
{Computer Science Department @ Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY}
{\begin{itemize} \itemsep -1pt
\item Integrating Ancile, a privacy framework, into Databox using Docker
{Research Fellow}
{May 2019 - Aug 2019}
{Undergraduate Research Summer Institute, Poughkeepsie, NY}
{\begin{itemize} \itemsep -1pt
\item Built an online dashboard using Django, PostgreSQL, and Bootstrap for Ancile
\item Built a visualizer for the policy language using MermaidJS
\item Containerized Ancile using Docker with NGINX and Redis
\item Developed Python and TypeScript/JavaScript libraries for Ancile apps
{Independent Study - Building Privacy-Aware Apps}
{Jan 2019 - May 2019}
{Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY}
{\begin{itemize} \itemsep -1pt
\item Developed Slack chatbots using Flask to demonstrate the functionality of Ancile
\item Deployed apps on Ubuntu VM using NGINX and Gunicorn
{Research Assistant}
{Sep 2018 - May 2019}
{Arabic Studies @ Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY}
{\begin{itemize} \itemsep -1pt
\item Increased task efficiency by developing Python tools that automate research tasks
\item Analyzed and categorized movies and documentaries on different topics
{Lab Assistant}
{May 2018 - Aug 2018}
{Psychology Department @ Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY}
{\begin{itemize} \itemsep -1pt
\item Researched psychological literature to understand variations of given task
\item Developed a customizable cognitive motor task in JavaScript to be used for psychological research
\item Developed a wrapper in Python injecting the JavaScript code in Qualtrics raw JSON surveys
%%% Skills
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\SkillsEntry{Programming Languages}{Python, JavaScript (ES6+), TypeScript, Bash, Java}
\SkillsEntry{Back-end Development}{Django, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLite}
\SkillsEntry{Front-end Development}{HTML/CSS, Bootstrap,, Vue.JS}
\SkillsEntry{Misc. Skills}{CLIs, Docker, Git, Regular Expressions}
\SkillsEntry{Languages}{English, Arabic, French}
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