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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Extended Ember Validations Controller Mixin extend original ember validations component controller mixin with IsValid & IsInvalid properties for each validated property and model validation errors array.
// This mixin extend original ember validations component controller mixin with
// IsValid & IsInvalid properties for each validated property and model validation errors array
// Module import for Ember
import Ember from 'ember';
// Module import for Ember-Validations component
import EmberValidations from 'ember-validations';
// Module export for extended ember validations controller mixin definition
export default Ember.Mixin.create(EmberValidations.Mixin,{
init() {
// this call is necessary to execute parent activate hook if existed and avoid overriding it
// get mixin reference
let mixin = this,
// get validated properties list
properties =_.uniq(, 'validators'),validator=>;
// Define IsValid & IsInvalid properties for each validated property
_.each(properties, function (property) {
// Define [propertyName]IsValid Ember computed property for validated property
Ember.defineProperty(mixin, property + 'IsValid', Ember.computed(property, function () {
return Ember.get(mixin, 'errors.' + property).length === 0;
// Define [propertyName]IsInvalid Ember computed property for validated property
Ember.defineProperty(mixin, property + 'IsInvalid', Ember.computed(property, function () {
return Ember.get(mixin, 'errors.' + property).length > 0;
// an Ember property that represent model validation errors array
modelErrors: Ember.computed('validators.@each.isValid', function () {
let mixin = this, // get mixin reference
messages = [], // error messages container
validators = _.keys(Ember.get(mixin, 'errors')); // get validation properties list
_.each(validators, function (validator) {
// push error messages for each validation property
messages.pushObjects(Ember.get(mixin, 'errors.' + validator));
// return all error messages
return messages;
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