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Created December 6, 2016 17:52
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module RBTree
(* Some fixes to make it work in the browser editor @
* Red black trees, and verification of Okasaki's insertion algorithm
* (
(* CH: how does this compare to Andrew Appel's verified RB-trees
(* color: Red or Black *)
type color =
| R
| B
* tree data type
* either empty (E), or a node with a color, left child, key, and a right child
type rbtree' =
| E
| T: col:color -> left:rbtree' -> key:nat -> right:rbtree' -> rbtree'
val color_of: t:rbtree' -> Tot color
let color_of t = match t with
| E -> B
| T c _ _ _ -> c
* this calculates the black height of the tree
* ensures that black height of all the leaves is same
* if not, returns None, else returns the black height
val black_height: t:rbtree' -> Tot (option nat)
let rec black_height t = match t with
| E -> Some 0
| T c a _ b ->
* TODO: ideally we should be able to write match (black_height a, black_height b)
let hha = black_height a in
let hhb = black_height b in
match (hha, hhb) with
| Some ha, Some hb ->
if ha = hb then
if c = R then Some ha else Some (ha + 1)
| _, _ -> None
* in a red black tree, root of the tree must be black
val r_inv: t:rbtree' -> Tot bool
let r_inv t = color_of t = B
* in a red black tree, every red node must have black children
val c_inv: t:rbtree' -> Tot bool
let rec c_inv t = match t with
| E -> true
| T R a _ b -> color_of a = B && color_of b = B && c_inv a && c_inv b
| T B a _ b -> c_inv a && c_inv b
* in a red black tree, black height of every leaf must be same
val h_inv: t:rbtree' -> Tot bool
let h_inv t = match black_height t with
| None -> false
| _ -> true
val is_empty: t:rbtree' -> Tot bool
let is_empty t = match t with
| E -> true
| _ -> false
val is_tree: t:rbtree' -> Tot bool
let is_tree t = match t with
| E -> false
| _ -> true
(* returns the minimum element in a T tree (E tree has no element) *)
val min_elt: t:rbtree' -> Pure nat (requires (b2t (is_tree t))) (ensures (fun r -> True))
let rec min_elt (T _ a x _) = match a with
| E -> x
| _ -> min_elt a
(* returns the maximum element in a T tree *)
val max_elt: t:rbtree' -> Pure nat (requires (b2t (is_tree t))) (ensures (fun r -> True))
let rec max_elt (T _ _ x b) = match b with
| E -> x
| _ -> max_elt b
* finally, this is the binary search tree invariant
* i.e. all elements in the left subtree are smaller than the root key
* and all elements in the right subtree are greater than the root key
val k_inv: t:rbtree' -> Tot bool
let rec k_inv t = match t with
| E -> true
| T _ E x E -> true
| T _ E x b ->
let b_min = min_elt b in
k_inv b && b_min > x
| T _ a x E ->
let a_max = max_elt a in
k_inv a && x > a_max
| T _ a x b ->
let a_max = max_elt a in
let b_min = min_elt b in
k_inv a && k_inv b && x > a_max && b_min > x
val in_tree: t:rbtree' -> k:nat -> Tot bool
let rec in_tree t k = match t with
| E -> false
| T _ a x b -> in_tree a k || k = x || in_tree b k
(* TODO: should try to make it (verify insert) using following code for in_tree *)
(*if k < x then
in_tree a k
else if k = x then
in_tree b k*)
* Okasaki's insertion algorithm inserts the element at its bst place
* in a red node, and then uses a balance function to re-establish
* the red black tree invariants.
* not_c_inv represents violation of c_inv property, i.e. when a red node
* may have a red child either on left branch or right branch.
type not_c_inv (t:rbtree') =
is_tree t /\ (T.col t = R) /\ (((is_tree (T.left t)) /\ (T.col (T.left t) = R)) \/
((is_tree (T.right t)) /\ (T.col (T.right t) = R)))
* in Okasaki's algorithm the re-establishment of invariants takes place
* bottom up, meaning although the invariants may be violated at top,
* the subtrees still satisfy c_inv.
type lr_c_inv (t:rbtree') = is_tree t /\ c_inv (T.left t) /\ c_inv (T.right t)
* this is the predicate satisfied by a tree before call to balance
type pre_balance (c:color) (lt:rbtree') (ky:nat) (rt:rbtree') =
* lt satisfies k_inv, rt satisfies k_inv, and key is a candidate root key for
* a tree with lt as left branch and rt as right.
k_inv lt /\ k_inv rt /\
(is_empty lt \/ (is_tree lt /\ ky > (max_elt lt))) /\
(is_empty rt \/ (is_tree rt /\ (min_elt rt) > ky))
* lt and rt satisfy h_inv, moreover, their black heights is same.
* the second condition ensures that if resulting tree has (lt k rt), it
* satisfies h_inv
(h_inv lt /\ h_inv rt /\ Some.v (black_height lt) = Some.v (black_height rt))
* either lt and rt satisfy c_inv (in which case c can be R or is_tree )
* or if they don't satisfy c_inv, c has to be B. this is a property
* ensures by Okasaki's algorithm. Following is basically a formula for
* cases in Fig. 1 of Okasaki's paper.
(c = B /\ not_c_inv lt /\ lr_c_inv lt /\ c_inv rt) \/
(c = B /\ not_c_inv rt /\ lr_c_inv rt /\ c_inv lt) \/
(c_inv lt /\ c_inv rt)
type post_balance (c:color) (lt:rbtree') (ky:nat) (rt:rbtree') (r:rbtree') =
(* TODO: this should come from requires *)
is_Some (black_height lt) /\
(* returned tree is a is_empty tree *)
(is_tree r) /\
* returned tree satisfies k_inv
* in addition, either lt is E and ky is min elt in r OR
* min elt in returned tree is same as min elt in lt
* (resp. for max elt and rt)
(k_inv r /\
((is_empty lt /\ min_elt r = ky) \/ (is_tree lt /\ min_elt r = min_elt lt)) /\
((is_empty rt /\ max_elt r = ky) \/ (is_tree rt /\ max_elt r = max_elt rt))) /\
* returned tree satisfies h_inv
* in addition, black height of returned tree is either same as or
* one more than lt (and hence rt) depending on c = R or c = B
((h_inv r) /\
((c = B /\ Some.v(black_height r) = Some.v(black_height lt) + 1) \/
(c = R /\ Some.v(black_height r) = Some.v(black_height lt)))) /\
* returned tree either satisfies c_inv OR
* if it doesn't, it must be the case that c (and hence T.col r) = R
(c_inv r \/
(T.col r = R /\ c = R /\ not_c_inv r /\ lr_c_inv r)) /\
* resulting tree contains all elements from lt, ly, and rt, and
* nothing else
(forall k. in_tree r k <==> (in_tree lt k \/ k = ky \/ in_tree rt k))
* balance function
* similar to pre_balance, post condition specifies invariants for
* k_inv, h_inv, and c_inv
(*#reset-options "--z3rlimit 10"*)
(* it's pretty cool that the spec is proved easily without any hints ! *)
val balance: c:color -> lt:rbtree' -> ky:nat -> rt:rbtree' ->
Pure rbtree'
(requires (pre_balance c lt ky rt))
(ensures (fun r -> post_balance c lt ky rt r))
let balance c lt ky rt =
match (c, lt, ky, rt) with
| (B, (T R (T R a x b) y c), z, d)
| (B, (T R a x (T R b y c)), z, d)
| (B, a, x, (T R (T R b y c) z d))
| (B, a, x, (T R b y (T R c z d))) -> T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d)
| _ -> T c lt ky rt
(*#reset-options "--z3rlimit 5"*)
* a helper function that inserts a red node with new key, and calls
* balance to re-establish red black tree invariants
val ins: t:rbtree' -> k:nat ->
Pure rbtree'
(requires (c_inv t /\ h_inv t /\ k_inv t))
(ensures (fun r ->
(* returned tree is a T *)
(is_tree r) /\
* returned tree satisfies k_inv
* moreover, min elt in returned tree is either k (the new key)
* or same as the min elt in input t (resp. for max element)
* if t is E, then min (and max) elt in returned tree must be k
(k_inv r /\
(min_elt r = k \/ (is_tree t /\ min_elt r = min_elt t)) /\
(max_elt r = k \/ (is_tree t /\ max_elt r = max_elt t))) /\
* returned tree satisfies h_inv
* and has same black height as the input tree
* (the new node is introduced at color R, and no node is re-colored)
(h_inv r /\ black_height r = black_height t) /\
* these are copied from post condition of balance
(c_inv r \/
(is_tree t /\ T.col r = R /\ T.col t = R /\ not_c_inv r /\ lr_c_inv r)) /\
* returned tree has all the elements of t and k and nothing else
(forall k'. (in_tree t k' ==> in_tree r k') /\
(in_tree r k' ==> (in_tree t k' \/ k' = k)))
(* once again, very cool that spec is verified without any hints in the code *)
let rec ins t x =
match t with
| E -> T R E x E
| T c a y b ->
if x < y then
(* TODO: ideally we would have inlined this call in the balance call *)
(* NS: You can write it this way. We're generating a semantically correct VC, but the shape of it causes Z3 to blowup *)
(* balance c (ins a x) y b *)
let lt = ins a x in
balance c lt y b
else if x = y then
let rt = ins b x in
balance c a y rt
* a red black tree is balanced if it satisfies r_inv, h_inv, c_inv, and k_inv
type balanced_rbtree' (t:rbtree') = r_inv t /\ h_inv t /\ c_inv t /\ k_inv t
* make black blackens the root of a tree
val make_black: t:rbtree' -> Pure rbtree'
(requires (is_tree t /\ c_inv t /\ h_inv t /\ k_inv t))
(ensures (fun r -> balanced_rbtree' r
/\ (forall k. in_tree t k <==> in_tree r k)))
let make_black (T _ a x b) = T B a x b
* and finally, the beautiful spec of insert function :)
val insert: t:rbtree' -> x:nat -> Pure rbtree'
(requires (balanced_rbtree' t))
(ensures (fun r -> balanced_rbtree' r /\
(forall k'.
(in_tree t k' ==> in_tree r k') /\
(in_tree r k' ==> (in_tree t k' \/ k' = x))
let insert t x =
let r = ins t x in
let r' = make_black r in
(* TODO: make rbtree polymorphic *)
noeq type rbtree =
| Mk: tr:rbtree'{balanced_rbtree' tr} -> rbtree
val proj: rbtree -> Pure rbtree' (requires True) (ensures (fun r -> balanced_rbtree' r))
let proj tr = tr
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