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Last active March 3, 2017 19:09
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import Nimble
import Quick
import SwiftCheck
final class StringTransformSpec: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
describe("chopPrefix<Int>") {
it("should remove prefix of given length") {
property("result is of expected length") <- forAll { (string: String) in
let stringLength = string.characters.count
return !(0..<stringLength).contains { idx in
let chopped = string.chopPrefix(idx)
return chopped.characters.count != stringLength - idx
property("result has prefix removed") <- forAll { (string: String) in
return !(0..<string.characters.count).contains { idx in
let chopped = string.chopPrefix(idx)
let expected = string.substringWithRange(
return chopped != expected
describe("chopSuffix<Int>") {
it("should remove suffix of given length") {
property("result is of expected length") <- forAll { (string: String) in
let stringLength = string.characters.count
return !(0..<stringLength).contains { idx in
let chopped = string.chopSuffix(idx)
return chopped.characters.count != stringLength - idx
property("result has suffix removed") <- forAll { (string: String) in
return !(0..<string.characters.count).contains { idx in
let chopped = string.chopSuffix(idx)
let expected = string.substringWithRange(
return chopped != expected
describe("chopPrefix<String>") {
it("should remove the given prefix") {
property("result is of expected length") <- forAll { (string: String) in
let stringLength = string.characters.count
return !(0..<stringLength).contains { idx in
let prefix = string.substringToIndex(string.startIndex.advancedBy(idx))
let chopped = string.chopPrefix(prefix)
return chopped.characters.count != stringLength - prefix.characters.count
property("result has prefix removed") <- forAll { (string: String) in
return !(0..<string.characters.count).contains { idx in
let prefix = string.substringToIndex(string.startIndex.advancedBy(idx))
let expected = string.substringWithRange(
let chopped = string.chopPrefix(prefix)
return chopped != expected
property("is no-op if prefix isn't present") <- forAll { (string: String) in
let mutantString = string.obfuscate()
return !(0..<mutantString.characters.count).contains { idx in
let prefix = mutantString.substringToIndex(
let chopped = string.chopPrefix(prefix)
return chopped != string
describe("chopSuffix<String>") {
it("should remove the given suffix") {
property("result is of expected length") <- forAll { (string: String) in
let stringLength = string.characters.count
return !(0..<stringLength).contains { idx in
let suffix = string.substringFromIndex(string.endIndex.advancedBy(-idx))
let chopped = string.chopSuffix(suffix)
return chopped.characters.count != stringLength - suffix.characters.count
property("result has suffix removed") <- forAll { (string: String) in
return !(0..<string.characters.count).contains { idx in
let suffix = string.substringFromIndex(string.endIndex.advancedBy(-idx))
let expected = string.substringWithRange(
let chopped = string.chopSuffix(suffix)
return chopped != expected
property("is no-op if suffix isn't present") <- forAll { (string: String) in
let mutantString = string.obfuscate()
return !(0..<mutantString.characters.count).contains { idx in
let suffix = mutantString.substringFromIndex(
let chopped = string.chopSuffix(suffix)
return chopped != string
private extension String {
// From
func obfuscate() -> String {
return String( { c in
let scalars = String(c).unicodeScalars
let val = scalars[scalars.startIndex].value
return Character(UnicodeScalar(val + 1))
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