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Created August 16, 2012 13:47
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ruby hash from text para
require "pp"
# A utility to get hash out of the text block
# Every line is delimited by ls == line separator
# Records in lines are delimited by rs = record separator
# The hash is returned where key is the first record and
# value is array of rest of the values
# Filter the records that interests you by specifying regular
# expression. By default no filtering will be done.
# All white spaces are compressed to no spaces or single spaces
# based on the record separator.
def columnize(ls,rs,input,re=nil)
wscompressor = (rs == " " ? " " : "")
lines.each {|line|
next unless line.match(re) if re
line.gsub!(/\s+/, wscompressor)
outhash[line.split(rs)[0]] = line.split(rs)[1..-1]
Some text which do not have record separator
Some more text with record separator : that I use in sample
did : 3
total_size_MB : 204800.0
used_size_MB : 8326.8
puts "=====Input String=========="
puts "#{inputstring}"
puts "=====Extract fields matchin 'total' or 'used' =========="
pp columnize("\n", ":", inputstring, /total|used/i)
puts "=====Extract all fields =========="
pp columnize("\n", ":", inputstring)
puts "==============="
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