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Created March 26, 2019 23:28
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struct _mjModel
// ------------------------------- sizes
// sizes needed at mjModel construction
int nq; // number of generalized coordinates = dim(qpos)
int nv; // number of degrees of freedom = dim(qvel)
int nu; // number of actuators/controls = dim(ctrl)
int na; // number of activation states = dim(act)
int nbody; // number of bodies
int njnt; // number of joints
int ngeom; // number of geoms
int nsite; // number of sites
int ncam; // number of cameras
int nlight; // number of lights
int nmesh; // number of meshes
int nmeshvert; // number of vertices in all meshes
int nmeshtexvert; // number of vertices with texcoords in all meshes
int nmeshface; // number of triangular faces in all meshes
int nmeshgraph; // number of ints in mesh auxiliary data
int nskin; // number of skins
int nskinvert; // number of vertices in all skins
int nskintexvert; // number of vertiex with texcoords in all skins
int nskinface; // number of triangular faces in all skins
int nskinbone; // number of bones in all skins
int nskinbonevert; // number of vertices in all skin bones
int nhfield; // number of heightfields
int nhfielddata; // number of data points in all heightfields
int ntex; // number of textures
int ntexdata; // number of bytes in texture rgb data
int nmat; // number of materials
int npair; // number of predefined geom pairs
int nexclude; // number of excluded geom pairs
int neq; // number of equality constraints
int ntendon; // number of tendons
int nwrap; // number of wrap objects in all tendon paths
int nsensor; // number of sensors
int nnumeric; // number of numeric custom fields
int nnumericdata; // number of mjtNums in all numeric fields
int ntext; // number of text custom fields
int ntextdata; // number of mjtBytes in all text fields
int ntuple; // number of tuple custom fields
int ntupledata; // number of objects in all tuple fields
int nkey; // number of keyframes
int nuser_body; // number of mjtNums in body_user
int nuser_jnt; // number of mjtNums in jnt_user
int nuser_geom; // number of mjtNums in geom_user
int nuser_site; // number of mjtNums in site_user
int nuser_cam; // number of mjtNums in cam_user
int nuser_tendon; // number of mjtNums in tendon_user
int nuser_actuator; // number of mjtNums in actuator_user
int nuser_sensor; // number of mjtNums in sensor_user
int nnames; // number of chars in all names
// sizes set after mjModel construction (only affect mjData)
int nM; // number of non-zeros in sparse inertia matrix
int nemax; // number of potential equality-constraint rows
int njmax; // number of available rows in constraint Jacobian
int nconmax; // number of potential contacts in contact list
int nstack; // number of fields in mjData stack
int nuserdata; // number of extra fields in mjData
int nmocap; // number of mocap bodies
int nsensordata; // number of fields in sensor data vector
int nbuffer; // number of bytes in buffer
// ------------------------------- options and statistics
mjOption opt; // physics options
mjVisual vis; // visualization options
mjStatistic stat; // model statistics
// ------------------------------- buffers
// main buffer
void* buffer; // main buffer; all pointers point in it (nbuffer)
// default generalized coordinates
mjtNum* qpos0; // qpos values at default pose (nq x 1)
mjtNum* qpos_spring; // reference pose for springs (nq x 1)
// bodies
int* body_parentid; // id of body's parent (nbody x 1)
int* body_rootid; // id of root above body (nbody x 1)
int* body_weldid; // id of body that this body is welded to (nbody x 1)
int* body_mocapid; // id of mocap data; -1: none (nbody x 1)
int* body_jntnum; // number of joints for this body (nbody x 1)
int* body_jntadr; // start addr of joints; -1: no joints (nbody x 1)
int* body_dofnum; // number of motion degrees of freedom (nbody x 1)
int* body_dofadr; // start addr of dofs; -1: no dofs (nbody x 1)
int* body_geomnum; // number of geoms (nbody x 1)
int* body_geomadr; // start addr of geoms; -1: no geoms (nbody x 1)
mjtByte* body_simple; // body is simple (has diagonal M) (nbody x 1)
mjtByte* body_sameframe; // inertial frame is same as body frame (nbody x 1)
mjtNum* body_pos; // position offset rel. to parent body (nbody x 3)
mjtNum* body_quat; // orientation offset rel. to parent body (nbody x 4)
mjtNum* body_ipos; // local position of center of mass (nbody x 3)
mjtNum* body_iquat; // local orientation of inertia ellipsoid (nbody x 4)
mjtNum* body_mass; // mass (nbody x 1)
mjtNum* body_subtreemass; // mass of subtree starting at this body (nbody x 1)
mjtNum* body_inertia; // diagonal inertia in ipos/iquat frame (nbody x 3)
mjtNum* body_invweight0; // mean inv inert in qpos0 (trn, rot) (nbody x 2)
mjtNum* body_user; // user data (nbody x nuser_body)
// joints
int* jnt_type; // type of joint (mjtJoint) (njnt x 1)
int* jnt_qposadr; // start addr in 'qpos' for joint's data (njnt x 1)
int* jnt_dofadr; // start addr in 'qvel' for joint's data (njnt x 1)
int* jnt_bodyid; // id of joint's body (njnt x 1)
int* jnt_group; // group for visibility (njnt x 1)
mjtByte* jnt_limited; // does joint have limits (njnt x 1)
mjtNum* jnt_solref; // constraint solver reference: limit (njnt x mjNREF)
mjtNum* jnt_solimp; // constraint solver impedance: limit (njnt x mjNIMP)
mjtNum* jnt_pos; // local anchor position (njnt x 3)
mjtNum* jnt_axis; // local joint axis (njnt x 3)
mjtNum* jnt_stiffness; // stiffness coefficient (njnt x 1)
mjtNum* jnt_range; // joint limits (njnt x 2)
mjtNum* jnt_margin; // min distance for limit detection (njnt x 1)
mjtNum* jnt_user; // user data (njnt x nuser_jnt)
// dofs
int* dof_bodyid; // id of dof's body (nv x 1)
int* dof_jntid; // id of dof's joint (nv x 1)
int* dof_parentid; // id of dof's parent; -1: none (nv x 1)
int* dof_Madr; // dof address in M-diagonal (nv x 1)
int* dof_simplenum; // number of consecutive simple dofs (nv x 1)
mjtNum* dof_solref; // constraint solver reference:frictionloss (nv x mjNREF)
mjtNum* dof_solimp; // constraint solver impedance:frictionloss (nv x mjNIMP)
mjtNum* dof_frictionloss; // dof friction loss (nv x 1)
mjtNum* dof_armature; // dof armature inertia/mass (nv x 1)
mjtNum* dof_damping; // damping coefficient (nv x 1)
mjtNum* dof_invweight0; // diag. inverse inertia in qpos0 (nv x 1)
mjtNum* dof_M0; // diag. inertia in qpos0 (nv x 1)
// geoms
int* geom_type; // geometric type (mjtGeom) (ngeom x 1)
int* geom_contype; // geom contact type (ngeom x 1)
int* geom_conaffinity; // geom contact affinity (ngeom x 1)
int* geom_condim; // contact dimensionality (1, 3, 4, 6) (ngeom x 1)
int* geom_bodyid; // id of geom's body (ngeom x 1)
int* geom_dataid; // id of geom's mesh/hfield (-1: none) (ngeom x 1)
int* geom_matid; // material id for rendering (ngeom x 1)
int* geom_group; // group for visibility (ngeom x 1)
int* geom_priority; // geom contact priority (ngeom x 1)
mjtByte* geom_sameframe; // same as body frame (1) or iframe (2) (ngeom x 1)
mjtNum* geom_solmix; // mixing coef for solref/imp in geom pair (ngeom x 1)
mjtNum* geom_solref; // constraint solver reference: contact (ngeom x mjNREF)
mjtNum* geom_solimp; // constraint solver impedance: contact (ngeom x mjNIMP)
mjtNum* geom_size; // geom-specific size parameters (ngeom x 3)
mjtNum* geom_rbound; // radius of bounding sphere (ngeom x 1)
mjtNum* geom_pos; // local position offset rel. to body (ngeom x 3)
mjtNum* geom_quat; // local orientation offset rel. to body (ngeom x 4)
mjtNum* geom_friction; // friction for (slide, spin, roll) (ngeom x 3)
mjtNum* geom_margin; // detect contact if dist<margin (ngeom x 1)
mjtNum* geom_gap; // include in solver if dist<margin-gap (ngeom x 1)
mjtNum* geom_user; // user data (ngeom x nuser_geom)
float* geom_rgba; // rgba when material is omitted (ngeom x 4)
// sites
int* site_type; // geom type for rendering (mjtGeom) (nsite x 1)
int* site_bodyid; // id of site's body (nsite x 1)
int* site_matid; // material id for rendering (nsite x 1)
int* site_group; // group for visibility (nsite x 1)
mjtByte* site_sameframe; // same as body frame (1) or iframe (2) (nsite x 1)
mjtNum* site_size; // geom size for rendering (nsite x 3)
mjtNum* site_pos; // local position offset rel. to body (nsite x 3)
mjtNum* site_quat; // local orientation offset rel. to body (nsite x 4)
mjtNum* site_user; // user data (nsite x nuser_site)
float* site_rgba; // rgba when material is omitted (nsite x 4)
// cameras
int* cam_mode; // camera tracking mode (mjtCamLight) (ncam x 1)
int* cam_bodyid; // id of camera's body (ncam x 1)
int* cam_targetbodyid; // id of targeted body; -1: none (ncam x 1)
mjtNum* cam_pos; // position rel. to body frame (ncam x 3)
mjtNum* cam_quat; // orientation rel. to body frame (ncam x 4)
mjtNum* cam_poscom0; // global position rel. to sub-com in qpos0 (ncam x 3)
mjtNum* cam_pos0; // global position rel. to body in qpos0 (ncam x 3)
mjtNum* cam_mat0; // global orientation in qpos0 (ncam x 9)
mjtNum* cam_fovy; // y-field of view (deg) (ncam x 1)
mjtNum* cam_ipd; // inter-pupilary distance (ncam x 1)
mjtNum* cam_user; // user data (ncam x nuser_cam)
// lights
int* light_mode; // light tracking mode (mjtCamLight) (nlight x 1)
int* light_bodyid; // id of light's body (nlight x 1)
int* light_targetbodyid; // id of targeted body; -1: none (nlight x 1)
mjtByte* light_directional; // directional light (nlight x 1)
mjtByte* light_castshadow; // does light cast shadows (nlight x 1)
mjtByte* light_active; // is light on (nlight x 1)
mjtNum* light_pos; // position rel. to body frame (nlight x 3)
mjtNum* light_dir; // direction rel. to body frame (nlight x 3)
mjtNum* light_poscom0; // global position rel. to sub-com in qpos0 (nlight x 3)
mjtNum* light_pos0; // global position rel. to body in qpos0 (nlight x 3)
mjtNum* light_dir0; // global direction in qpos0 (nlight x 3)
float* light_attenuation; // OpenGL attenuation (quadratic model) (nlight x 3)
float* light_cutoff; // OpenGL cutoff (nlight x 1)
float* light_exponent; // OpenGL exponent (nlight x 1)
float* light_ambient; // ambient rgb (alpha=1) (nlight x 3)
float* light_diffuse; // diffuse rgb (alpha=1) (nlight x 3)
float* light_specular; // specular rgb (alpha=1) (nlight x 3)
// meshes
int* mesh_vertadr; // first vertex address (nmesh x 1)
int* mesh_vertnum; // number of vertices (nmesh x 1)
int* mesh_texcoordadr; // texcoord data address; -1: no texcoord (nmesh x 1)
int* mesh_faceadr; // first face address (nmesh x 1)
int* mesh_facenum; // number of faces (nmesh x 1)
int* mesh_graphadr; // graph data address; -1: no graph (nmesh x 1)
float* mesh_vert; // vertex positions for all meshe (nmeshvert x 3)
float* mesh_normal; // vertex normals for all meshes (nmeshvert x 3)
float* mesh_texcoord; // vertex texcoords for all meshes (nmeshtexvert x 2)
int* mesh_face; // triangle face data (nmeshface x 3)
int* mesh_graph; // convex graph data (nmeshgraph x 1)
// skins
int* skin_matid; // skin material id; -1: none (nskin x 1)
float* skin_rgba; // skin rgba (nskin x 4)
float* skin_inflate; // inflate skin in normal direction (nskin x 1)
int* skin_vertadr; // first vertex address (nskin x 1)
int* skin_vertnum; // number of vertices (nskin x 1)
int* skin_texcoordadr; // texcoord data address; -1: no texcoord (nskin x 1)
int* skin_faceadr; // first face address (nskin x 1)
int* skin_facenum; // number of faces (nskin x 1)
int* skin_boneadr; // first bone in skin (nskin x 1)
int* skin_bonenum; // number of bones in skin (nskin x 1)
float* skin_vert; // vertex positions for all skin meshes (nskinvert x 3)
float* skin_texcoord; // vertex texcoords for all skin meshes (nskintexvert x 2)
int* skin_face; // triangle faces for all skin meshes (nskinface x 3)
int* skin_bonevertadr; // first vertex in each bone (nskinbone x 1)
int* skin_bonevertnum; // number of vertices in each bone (nskinbone x 1)
float* skin_bonebindpos; // bind pos of each bone (nskinbone x 3)
float* skin_bonebindquat; // bind quat of each bone (nskinbone x 4)
int* skin_bonebodyid; // body id of each bone (nskinbone x 1)
int* skin_bonevertid; // mesh ids of vertices in each bone (nskinbonevert x 1)
float* skin_bonevertweight; // weights of vertices in each bone (nskinbonevert x 1)
// height fields
mjtNum* hfield_size; // (x, y, z_top, z_bottom) (nhfield x 4)
int* hfield_nrow; // number of rows in grid (nhfield x 1)
int* hfield_ncol; // number of columns in grid (nhfield x 1)
int* hfield_adr; // address in hfield_data (nhfield x 1)
float* hfield_data; // elevation data (nhfielddata x 1)
// textures
int* tex_type; // texture type (mjtTexture) (ntex x 1)
int* tex_height; // number of rows in texture image (ntex x 1)
int* tex_width; // number of columns in texture image (ntex x 1)
int* tex_adr; // address in rgb (ntex x 1)
mjtByte* tex_rgb; // rgb (alpha = 1) (ntexdata x 1)
// materials
int* mat_texid; // texture id; -1: none (nmat x 1)
mjtByte* mat_texuniform; // make texture cube uniform (nmat x 1)
float* mat_texrepeat; // texture repetition for 2d mapping (nmat x 2)
float* mat_emission; // emission (x rgb) (nmat x 1)
float* mat_specular; // specular (x white) (nmat x 1)
float* mat_shininess; // shininess coef (nmat x 1)
float* mat_reflectance; // reflectance (0: disable) (nmat x 1)
float* mat_rgba; // rgba (nmat x 4)
// predefined geom pairs for collision detection; has precedence over exclude
int* pair_dim; // contact dimensionality (npair x 1)
int* pair_geom1; // id of geom1 (npair x 1)
int* pair_geom2; // id of geom2 (npair x 1)
int* pair_signature; // (body1+1)<<16 + body2+1 (npair x 1)
mjtNum* pair_solref; // constraint solver reference: contact (npair x mjNREF)
mjtNum* pair_solimp; // constraint solver impedance: contact (npair x mjNIMP)
mjtNum* pair_margin; // detect contact if dist<margin (npair x 1)
mjtNum* pair_gap; // include in solver if dist<margin-gap (npair x 1)
mjtNum* pair_friction; // tangent1, 2, spin, roll1, 2 (npair x 5)
// excluded body pairs for collision detection
int* exclude_signature; // (body1+1)<<16 + body2+1 (nexclude x 1)
// equality constraints
int* eq_type; // constraint type (mjtEq) (neq x 1)
int* eq_obj1id; // id of object 1 (neq x 1)
int* eq_obj2id; // id of object 2 (neq x 1)
mjtByte* eq_active; // enable/disable constraint (neq x 1)
mjtNum* eq_solref; // constraint solver reference (neq x mjNREF)
mjtNum* eq_solimp; // constraint solver impedance (neq x mjNIMP)
mjtNum* eq_data; // numeric data for constraint (neq x mjNEQDATA)
// tendons
int* tendon_adr; // address of first object in tendon's path (ntendon x 1)
int* tendon_num; // number of objects in tendon's path (ntendon x 1)
int* tendon_matid; // material id for rendering (ntendon x 1)
int* tendon_group; // group for visibility (ntendon x 1)
mjtByte* tendon_limited; // does tendon have length limits (ntendon x 1)
mjtNum* tendon_width; // width for rendering (ntendon x 1)
mjtNum* tendon_solref_lim; // constraint solver reference: limit (ntendon x mjNREF)
mjtNum* tendon_solimp_lim; // constraint solver impedance: limit (ntendon x mjNIMP)
mjtNum* tendon_solref_fri; // constraint solver reference: friction (ntendon x mjNREF)
mjtNum* tendon_solimp_fri; // constraint solver impedance: friction (ntendon x mjNIMP)
mjtNum* tendon_range; // tendon length limits (ntendon x 2)
mjtNum* tendon_margin; // min distance for limit detection (ntendon x 1)
mjtNum* tendon_stiffness; // stiffness coefficient (ntendon x 1)
mjtNum* tendon_damping; // damping coefficient (ntendon x 1)
mjtNum* tendon_frictionloss; // loss due to friction (ntendon x 1)
mjtNum* tendon_lengthspring; // tendon length in qpos_spring (ntendon x 1)
mjtNum* tendon_length0; // tendon length in qpos0 (ntendon x 1)
mjtNum* tendon_invweight0; // inv. weight in qpos0 (ntendon x 1)
mjtNum* tendon_user; // user data (ntendon x nuser_tendon)
float* tendon_rgba; // rgba when material is omitted (ntendon x 4)
// list of all wrap objects in tendon paths
int* wrap_type; // wrap object type (mjtWrap) (nwrap x 1)
int* wrap_objid; // object id: geom, site, joint (nwrap x 1)
mjtNum* wrap_prm; // divisor, joint coef, or site id (nwrap x 1)
// actuators
int* actuator_trntype; // transmission type (mjtTrn) (nu x 1)
int* actuator_dyntype; // dynamics type (mjtDyn) (nu x 1)
int* actuator_gaintype; // gain type (mjtGain) (nu x 1)
int* actuator_biastype; // bias type (mjtBias) (nu x 1)
int* actuator_trnid; // transmission id: joint, tendon, site (nu x 2)
int* actuator_group; // group for visibility (nu x 1)
mjtByte* actuator_ctrllimited; // is control limited (nu x 1)
mjtByte* actuator_forcelimited;// is force limited (nu x 1)
mjtNum* actuator_dynprm; // dynamics parameters (nu x mjNDYN)
mjtNum* actuator_gainprm; // gain parameters (nu x mjNGAIN)
mjtNum* actuator_biasprm; // bias parameters (nu x mjNBIAS)
mjtNum* actuator_ctrlrange; // range of controls (nu x 2)
mjtNum* actuator_forcerange; // range of forces (nu x 2)
mjtNum* actuator_gear; // scale length and transmitted force (nu x 6)
mjtNum* actuator_cranklength; // crank length for slider-crank (nu x 1)
mjtNum* actuator_acc0; // acceleration from unit force in qpos0 (nu x 1)
mjtNum* actuator_length0; // actuator length in qpos0 (nu x 1)
mjtNum* actuator_lengthrange; // feasible actuator length range (nu x 2)
mjtNum* actuator_user; // user data (nu x nuser_actuator)
// sensors
int* sensor_type; // sensor type (mjtSensor) (nsensor x 1)
int* sensor_datatype; // numeric data type (mjtDataType) (nsensor x 1)
int* sensor_needstage; // required compute stage (mjtStage) (nsensor x 1)
int* sensor_objtype; // type of sensorized object (mjtObj) (nsensor x 1)
int* sensor_objid; // id of sensorized object (nsensor x 1)
int* sensor_dim; // number of scalar outputs (nsensor x 1)
int* sensor_adr; // address in sensor array (nsensor x 1)
mjtNum* sensor_cutoff; // cutoff for real and positive; 0: ignore (nsensor x 1)
mjtNum* sensor_noise; // noise standard deviation (nsensor x 1)
mjtNum* sensor_user; // user data (nsensor x nuser_sensor)
// custom numeric fields
int* numeric_adr; // address of field in numeric_data (nnumeric x 1)
int* numeric_size; // size of numeric field (nnumeric x 1)
mjtNum* numeric_data; // array of all numeric fields (nnumericdata x 1)
// custom text fields
int* text_adr; // address of text in text_data (ntext x 1)
int* text_size; // size of text field (strlen+1) (ntext x 1)
char* text_data; // array of all text fields (0-terminated) (ntextdata x 1)
// custom tuple fields
int* tuple_adr; // address of text in text_data (ntuple x 1)
int* tuple_size; // number of objects in tuple (ntuple x 1)
int* tuple_objtype; // array of object types in all tuples (ntupledata x 1)
int* tuple_objid; // array of object ids in all tuples (ntupledata x 1)
mjtNum* tuple_objprm; // array of object params in all tuples (ntupledata x 1)
// keyframes
mjtNum* key_time; // key time (nkey x 1)
mjtNum* key_qpos; // key position (nkey x nq)
mjtNum* key_qvel; // key velocity (nkey x nv)
mjtNum* key_act; // key activation (nkey x na)
// names
int* name_bodyadr; // body name pointers (nbody x 1)
int* name_jntadr; // joint name pointers (njnt x 1)
int* name_geomadr; // geom name pointers (ngeom x 1)
int* name_siteadr; // site name pointers (nsite x 1)
int* name_camadr; // camera name pointers (ncam x 1)
int* name_lightadr; // light name pointers (nlight x 1)
int* name_meshadr; // mesh name pointers (nmesh x 1)
int* name_skinadr; // skin name pointers (nskin x 1)
int* name_hfieldadr; // hfield name pointers (nhfield x 1)
int* name_texadr; // texture name pointers (ntex x 1)
int* name_matadr; // material name pointers (nmat x 1)
int* name_pairadr; // geom pair name pointers (npair x 1)
int* name_excludeadr; // exclude name pointers (nexclude x 1)
int* name_eqadr; // equality constraint name pointers (neq x 1)
int* name_tendonadr; // tendon name pointers (ntendon x 1)
int* name_actuatoradr; // actuator name pointers (nu x 1)
int* name_sensoradr; // sensor name pointers (nsensor x 1)
int* name_numericadr; // numeric name pointers (nnumeric x 1)
int* name_textadr; // text name pointers (ntext x 1)
int* name_tupleadr; // tuple name pointers (ntuple x 1)
int* name_keyadr; // keyframe name pointers (nkey x 1)
char* names; // names of all objects, 0-terminated (nnames x 1)
typedef struct _mjModel mjModel;
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