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Last active February 11, 2020 17:45
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// table resize test for tty-table
const Table = require("tty-table")
const Chalk = require("chalk")
let failures = []
function test (width, truncate, marginLeft) {
let output = new Table([
{minWidth: 6, shrink: 0},
{minWidth: 12, shrink: 1},
{minWidth: 24, shrink: 1000}
], [[
"aaa bbb ccc",
"aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh",
"aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq rrr sss ttt"
]], {
truncate: truncate || true,
paddingLeft: 0,
paddingRight: 0,
marginTop: 0,
marginLeft: typeof marginLeft === "number" ? marginLeft : 2
let widest = Math.max(...output.split("\n").map(s => s.length))
if (widest > width) {
failures.unshift(`Table Too Wide: target=${width} widest-line=${widest}`)
for (let w = 25; w < 120; w++) {
console.log(`\n${`=== width=${w} ${new Array(w).fill("=").join("")}`.substr(0, w - 1) }|`)
process.stdout.columns = w // fake width
let leftMargin = /^\d+$/.test(process.argv[3]) ? parseInt(process.argv[3]) : 2
test(w, process.argv[2], leftMargin)
if (failures.length) {
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