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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Monkey patches Express's res.render() to support a layout
Set a global/default layout with:
app.set('view layout', 'foo');
Set a layout per-render (overrides global layout) with:
res.render('foo', { layout: 'bar' });
Or disable a layout if a global layout is set with:
res.render('foo', { layout: false });
If no layout is provided using either of the above methods,
then the view will be rendered as-is like normal.
Inside your layout, the variable `body` holds the rendered partial/child view.
Call `mpResponse();` before doing `require('express');` in your application.
function mpResponse() {
var expressResponse = require('express/lib/response'),
expressResRender = expressResponse.render;
expressResponse.render = function(view, options, fn) {
options = options || {};
var self = this,
req = this.req,
app =,
// support callback function as second arg
if (typeof options === 'function')
fn = options, options = {};
// merge res.locals
options._locals = self.locals;
// default callback to respond
fn = fn || function(err, str) {
if (err) return;
if (typeof options.layout === 'string')
layout = options.layout;
else if (options.layout !== false
&& typeof app.get('view layout') === 'string')
layout = app.get('view layout');
if (layout) {
cb = function(err, str) {
if (err) return;
options.body = str;, layout, options, fn);
} else
cb = fn;
// render
app.render(view, options, cb);
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