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Created June 3, 2017 18:02
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DTR Memo for Project IdeaBox

DTR Memo

Project IdeaBox

Group Members: Margo Schaedel, David Becker

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?

Margo hopes to become a better paired-project partner, as well as improve her awareness of visual/verbal cues from her partner to ensure that both people in the project are satisfied and comprehending of all phases of the project conceptually. David hopes to also become a better paired-project partner, in addition to solidifying his knowledge of CSS.

Goals and expectations:

The team would like to finish all phases of the project and also complete the extensions phase of the project, at least in part. They would also like to improve their pairing relationship, make sure they are aware of each other's needs. Avoid steamrolling as much as possible (something both partners need to work on).

Team strengths:

The team has strong time management and scheduling skills, are able to time-box effectively, and remain focused on the task at hand. David also has a very strong knowledge of jQuery.

How to overcome obstacles:

With each partner having differing skill levels in various subject areas, it is a possibility that there will be a discrepancy in speed of comprehension/typing/etc. So it is really important to have daily re-caps of what was accomplished and what still needs work, and also to explain to each other the concepts behind tasks worked on (whether separate or together).

Schedule Expectations:

At the moment, the team plans to start the project on Sunday of this weekend, due to scheduling conflicts for both partners on Saturday. The team will work both together and separately, as time allows, or as is needed. Mornings before instruction can be allocated to check-ins and re-cap of work done from previous night.

Communication Expectations:

Communication between partners is expected to be honest and open. Both partners prefer open and direct communication, so neither partner predicts any issue with communication to arise. Both partners also expect to give consistent feedback to each other is something is not working, or if one partner is feeling uncertain or unclear in any part of the project.

Abilities Expectations:

David has a strong grasp of jQuery and javascript, and wants to improve CSS positioning and conceptual understanding. Margo has a strong grasp of semantic HTML and CSS design, but wants to improve conceptual understanding of jQuery and javascript and hone her flexbox skills.

Workload Expectations:

The team plans to work on larger features and/or issues together, and if needed, the smaller tasks (functionality) can be tackled separately. Both project partners prefer to work together as much as possible though.

Workflow Expectations:

The team has set goals to update github frequently, work on feature branches (rather than the master branch) and use pull requests to submit code to be reviewed, and then merged into the master branch. The team also plans to make use of in order to set up issues that need to be tackled, display which issues are currently in progress (and who is working on them), in addition to which issues are finished and ready to be merged to the master.

Expectations for giving and receiving feedback:

Both partners prefer consistent feedback throughout the project (rather than delaying to the end), and also work best in an open and honest communicative environment. Of course, both partners will strive to be diplomatic in the giving and receiving of feedback, and make an effort to really listen and implement and feedback advice throughout the project, and afterwards, in future projects.

Agenda to discuss project launch:

The team has already discussed the schedule for project launch, before sitting down to discuss this DTR memo. As stated earlier, tackling the project will begin on Sunday and continue through next week until its due date on Thursday afternoon. Scheduling will be updated according to each partner's needs throughout the week.


Create a issues board. Assign specific tasks to each team member as needed. Engage in pseudo-coding/whiteboard practices before actually writing code, particularly with respect to javascript functionality.


Atom, Google Chrome, Dev Tools, GitHub,, Whiteboard/Notebook, Large Display TVs

Additional Notes:

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