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Created July 23, 2017 17:01
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Pulse Check Feedback III

Pulse Check of Feedback

I love feedback - 4

I recognize when I have feedback triggers - 3

I separate how I'm feeling from the feedback - 4

I view tough situations as learning opportunities - 4

I reward myself when I get somthing helpful from feedback because of the way I handled it - 2

I had a great time working with you. I feel like our working styles were very similar and it allowed us to mesh right from the get go. Allowing each other's specific skills to flourish, even while working together for the majority of the project, worked very well. For instance, you immediately saw that I was fast typer (...maybe too fast), and because we both are vocal with our thoughts, let me drive a lot of the time. This cut down the time it took us to write what we were talking about or pseudo-coding out-loud much faster, especially because we paired the whole time and became a little pressed for time relative to our confident goals. Being open to finding a method and running with it is something that's a little scary, but works out sometimes. I also appreciate the openness of anything you were thinking, immediately saying something if you felt we needed to rethink it, slow down, or forget about it for a while. In terms of going forward, we both have to be careful about the whole steam-rolling thing. We definitely checked each other every so often, but I'm sure we both felt it at times.

Right and Wrong Spotting


  1. The implication that my typing skills are not up to speed?
  2. The last sentence is unclear in whether I steamrolled the project at all?
  3. I did not feel as if we were pressed for time; rather, I thought we kept to a very good schedule


  1. In future, more pseudo-coding first so we flesh out our plan before we start coding
  2. In future, be more consistent with driver-navigator style of pairing
  3. In future, re-assess goals for project consistently throughout project time
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