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Last active June 3, 2017 18:21
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Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request

Read Through Your Theme Definitions

What words or phrases stick out to you? How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?

The learner and adaptability themes definitely resonated with me. If I'm not consistently learning new things and engaging in new challenges, I feel I tend to get bored and thus am unsatisfied on some level. To define the five themes in my own words, I define the first - input - in that I am naturally a curious person and I do like to amass things (knowledge, items, books, etc.) in preparation for later on when it may prove useful (or it may not). For the second - adaptability - I think of this in terms of flexibility, but only to a certain point. I am a strong supporter of change, and I don't mind when things do change, but I don't think I am so flexible that I won't put myself and my wellbeing first. For the third theme - relator - I do tend to gravitate towards people I already know, and socially, I prefer to have a small circle of intimate friends, rather than a large group of acquaintances. For the fourth theme - learner - I think this ties in with input, in that I am always trying to gain more knowledge (or skill) and I am more interested in the process than the end result. As for the last - deliberative - I thought this strength was a little at odds with adaptability, but I guess I do understand that with decision-making comes risk, and I automatically take measures to minimize my risk if possible.

Do these top 5 talent themes resonate with you? Why or why not?

The first four do; the last one - deliberative - I think I engage in this type of characteristic with regard to specific occasions, in terms of putting serious effort and deliberation into my decision-making for major changes.

How have you seen yourself using each of these talents? How often do you see yourself using these talents?

I think I use these talents quite often; I read a lot and am constantly learning (learner and input), I like to travel and with travel, I need to be able to adapt to change quickly (adaptability and input), and I tend to have a small close group of friends whom I place great trust in (relator).

When has it been difficult for me to be aware of this talent?

I have been aware of these characteristics since I was quite young (before this, I referred to them as characteristics rather than talents).

What talents could you develop further that would help you in your growth at Turing and in your new career as a software developer?

I think my learner and input talents definitely help with the technical side of growth at Turing, and as the general industry requires constant learning, my talents in these fields would really come into play. Also with software development there is consistent change, so my adaptability could really help out there as well.

How would you like to build more awareness around these themes?

I would like to build more awareness of these themes when it comes to them becoming a possible hindrance to my personal growth, or team cooperation.

In which situations would developing these themes be beneficial?

In Turing I think we will have to be pretty adaptable and learner-friendly, since we will be amassing a ton of information very quickly.

When might you overuse any of these themes? How might you benefit from dialing it down in a certain situation?

I think the relator talent could be dialed down a bit, to try to enclose a larger group of people (see the bigger picture so to speak) especially when trying to adjust to a new career or with regards to networking.

How could you use these themes to help you manage an area in which you might struggle?

How can you do more of what you do best every day?

Look at the Suggested Action Items

What options sound doable?

What are some new ways to use these themes that you haven't utilized before?

What obstacles are there to trying out any of these options?

Shortterm: What is an action step you'd like to commit to help you develop your themes further today? Next week?

Longterm: What do you want to learn this module to turn your talents into greater strengths? How will this help you with your professional or personal goals?

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