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Created July 29, 2017 04:22
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Feedback III Reflection

Feedback III Reflection

  • What are you doing well as a pair programmer and collaborator? How do you use your strengths as a team member?

    • As a pair programmer and collaborator, both my teammates and I feel that my strengths lie in my open and honest communication with others. I collaborate well in that I am responsible and dependable, hold myself accountable both to myself and my team members, and am also flexible enough to facilitate a smooth and fluid relationship with others. I feel I am an assertive person by nature, which I definitely espouse in my pairings, but my adaptability helps to allow for accepting others' opinions and strategies over my own if for the most positive outcome and benefit of the team.
  • How would you like to continue to develop your strengths?

    • I would definitely like to continue to capitalise on my learner mentality in that I think my desire and need to understand processes behind the way in which things operate (essentially the "why" question) can only serve to reinforce skills learned here at Turing, and will also help to reinforce the learning skills and strategies of others in my team.
  • What would you like to improve on as a teammate?

    • I think at times I can become a little impatient on projects, especially if I feel my learning curve could be sped up and I want to keep moving forward. During times like these, I need to take a step back and accept that slowing down the learning speed for others on my team will still benefit me in that I have the chance to reinforce any knowledge and/or skills newly acquired.
  • How would you like your teammates to see you?

    • According to the Johari window activity we completed in class, I believe my teammates already see me in the way I would like others to view me. I believe my assertiveness, confidence, pride in my abilities, and skills in motivating others clearly show through, and such qualities that I would like to improve upon, such as my impatience and occasional lack of focus, I have worked hard to change and minimise. It is still a continual challenge, however, to slow down my work speed to match my partner's so that is something I continue to work on.
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