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Last active June 3, 2017 20:44
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Strengths and Storytelling Reflection

Strengths and Storytelling Reflection

Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes stayed the same? How have they changed?

After looking over my initial StrengthsFinder reflection from week 1, I believe that the way I define each of my five themes has not really changed over the course of these weeks, but I think the way in which each of the five strengths resonate with me has changed.

How are you different today than when you first started at Turing? How are you stronger now than on day 1? How have you struggled?

After five weeks at Turing, I feel now that I can definitely espouse more of a growth mindset in times of difficulty (which occur daily) here at Turing. This leads me to believe that I have become a much stronger person now in the face of adversity. I think I have always had this capability, but it is definitely more apparent now after these few weeks. I also think I have played on my 'relator' strength to a great degree in cultivating and developing meaningful relationships with my fellow classmates, and students from other mods here at Turing. I think my openness to creating connections is improving with time here at Turing. However, I think what I have struggled with most is balancing my normal everyday personal activities (such as exercise and meditation or taking the time to feed myself properly) with completing all the Turing deliverables in a timely manner and to the best of my ability.

Considering how you describe these themes, how do you want others to see you as you continue to progress through Turing?

I hope that as I continue to progress at Turing, my fellow classmates and instructors will see me as an open and supportive person, who is flexible and malleable and empathetic to each individual's situation. I would hope also that people see me as confident and strong-minded, but not in an intimidating way, because that is how I see myself.

Even though your Turing story isn't finished yet, what do you envision for your development in future mods? How will this story end?

I believe that this first mod has strongly signalled that I have what it takes to continue to develop in future modules, and I believe that my Turing story will be a successful one in the end. I understand that everyone learns at different paces, and nothing worth having is easy, but the environment here is such a supportive one that I am both excited and expectant of a great finish to my Turing story in the future. I am benefitting from exposure to an environment of intellectual stimulation here at Turing, and it is helping me to perceive the sheer possibilities of what you can achieve or work towards in life, and how much can be accomplished.

Finally, write a draft of your story here. This is a short paragraph, 4-6 sentences, describing who you are, why you came to Turing, and what you hope to accomplish while you're here:

I am very much a goal-oriented person. In my previous career as a university instructor, I constantly set new goals for myself and created new challenges to be overcome. Not just for my career, but also for myself personally - be it excercise goals, or goals involving giving back to the community. I am also one who thrives on spontaneity and change, and living for the present. I had become interested in Turing, interviewed here, and enrolled here, all in the space of just a few short weeks. And once I made the decision to come to Turing, I have thrown myself into it heart and soul, and have not looked back once. Turing is a new and different challenge for me, and that is part of what makes it so fascinating, what allows me to imagine new possibilities for the future, and also to be distinctly aware of the present.

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