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Created August 20, 2017 18:49
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Microaggressions gear-up


  1. How have you experienced microagressions in your time at Turing or in your life?

I have not really experienced microaggressions in my time at Turing, other than one instance, when a fellow student in another module was explaining some code to a group of us (two females and one male), and was clearly directing his speech at the one male of the group, with his back generally turned towards us. In life, I am often asked where I come from, have been told I look 'exotic', 'different', asked if I speak Spanish, and by my general vocal volume level, been assumed to be a loud American.

  1. What ways have you been able to address microagressions that you have seen happen?

Sometimes, I simply ignore them. Others, I reply with a statement directly addressing whatever was said, to make sure the other person is aware of the offense.

  1. What role could you play in interrupting microagressions for others?

As one of the articles states, showing empathy and awareness of the fact that these microaggressions have occurred and will most likely continue to occur is paramount, even over apologising for others' lack of awareness, and being kind.

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