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Last active December 15, 2020 16:13
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Graph-topological iterators
using LightGraphs
using LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs: fadj
using BenchmarkTools
using Test
macro twice(body)
quote $(esc(body));$(esc(body)) end
struct Done
struct First
# iteration protocol for SimpleDiGraphs
next(g::SimpleDiGraph, ::First) = one(eltype(g)), 1
function next(g::SimpleDiGraph, u)
u >= nv(g) && return nothing
u + 1, u + 1
next(g::SimpleDiGraph, u, ::First) = next(g::SimpleDiGraph, u, 1)
function next(g::SimpleDiGraph, u, i)
i > length(fadj(g)[u]) && return Done()
u => fadj(g)[u][i], u, i + 1
start(g::SimpleDiGraph, u) = u, 1
# Iteration protocol for array-like things seen as line graphs
const FastLinear = Union{Vector{T}, UnitRange{T}} where {T}
@inline function next(iter::FastLinear, ::First)
isempty(iter) && return nothing
@inbounds iter[1], 1
@inline next(iter::FastLinear, i) = @inbounds iter[i], i
@inline next(iter::FastLinear, i, ::First) = next(iter, i, false)
@inline function next(iter::FastLinear, i, done)
done && return Done()
i >= length(iter) && return nothing
#@inbounds (A[i], A[i + 1]), i + 1, Done()
@inbounds (iter[i], iter[i + 1]), i + 1, true
@inline function next(::FastLinear, _, ::Done)
return Done()
@inline start(iter::FastLinear, i) = i, false
# any iterator can be seen as a line graph
@inline function next(iter, ::First)
ϕ = iterate(iter)
ϕ === nothing && return nothing
ϕ[1], ϕ
@inline next(iter, ϕ) = ϕ[1], ϕ
@inline start(iter, state) = state, false
@inline next(iter, vstate, ::First) = next(iter, vstate, false)
@inline function next(iter, vstate, done)
#done && return Done()
v, state = vstate
ϕ = iterate(iter, state)
ϕ === nothing && return nothing
vnew, state = ϕ
return (v, vnew), ϕ, Done()
#return (v, vnew), ϕ, true
@inline function next(iter, vstate, ::Done)
return Done()
function dosomething(g)
ϕ = next(g, First())
ϕ === nothing && return default
v, u = ϕ
# do something with the root v
ϕ = next(g, u, First()) # next edge
while ϕ !== nothing # while not finished
if ϕ === Done() # done iterating through all outgoing edges of v
ψ = next(g, u) # next vertex
ψ === nothing && break
v, u = ψ
# do something with vertex v
ϕ = next(g, u, First())
e, u, i = ϕ
# do something with edge e
ϕ = next(g, u, i) # next edge
return result
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